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Posts posted by Dannyalcatraz

  1. 3 hours ago, hurricane hugo said:

    I was going to reanimate the Feedback Appreciation thread for this, but I'll just leave it here instead:



    It’s funny the dude talking about not realizing about the coolness of the drums in “TNK”.  The drums were probably the 2nd most important part (to me), right behind the psychedelic guitar.


    Together, they made this my favorite Beatles song.  It’s kind of a peek into a possible future we’ll never witness.

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  2. 5 hours ago, surfergirl said:

    This was harder than I thought. 2 knobs should be easier to find the sweet spot than with 3 or 4. With just volume and drive you have to fine tune, no room for error. With a treble and bass or tone knob it's easier to get what your looking for. At least that's the way it feels to me.

    It’s the paradox of complexity.


    In a lot of different things in life, simple controls, processes, etc. can be devilishly difficult to get the results you want.  There may only be one way to get something to do what you want.


    More complex systems can (but don’t have to) offer more control, often resulting in several paths to the same destination.


    Taking it back to guitar gear, I have a Reverend guitar that has a continuous blend knob instead of a pickup selector switch.  Very simple.  But if I spin the knob to get a different sound, it’s very difficult if not impossible to go back to the same sound I just had.  I can get close, but I might never nail it.



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    Time to put some METAL to your pedalboard!


    A side note: too often, demos feature players using gear that is not going to be in the budget of the average audience member.  But while this guy’s rig isn’t exactly white bread & butter, the pickups in that guitar are a SD 59 and a Jazz- relatively common stock pickups in guitars aimed at hard rock & metal guitarists.

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  4. LL’s albums just seem…timeless.  When I listen to them, they don’t seem to have lost anything.  I still feel about “Kiko & the Lavender Moon” the way I felt about it when it came out.

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  5. FWIW, pickup price is not directly correlated to performance.  I have some relatively inexpensive pickups in some fairly pricey guitars, and have no interest in changing them in the near future.


    That said, I have also paid for upgraded pickups in certain situations, and have no regrets whatsoever.


    The trick, IMHO, is not doing a lateral swap.  IOW, you don’t want to spend money to get roughly the same results you were getting before the change.


    CEB asks good questions.  I’ll ask what- if anything- is actually disappointing you about your current sound?  Depending on what the issue is, it might not actually be the pickups.

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  6. Sumos in Sunflowers


    Ruined Cougar


    Seppuku Speedrun


    Atomic Johnny & The Xenophobes


    Sleaze The Day 


    The Unrelenting Horny


    Tommi Gunn & the 45s




    60,000 Nude Hoosiers

  7. I was ever so slightly too young to watch that show in the original run, but TBH, I never watched the reruns either.  🤷🏾‍♂️


    It was a good theme song, though.

    • Like 2
  8. I liked some of that.  My favorite was this one.  To my ears, it sounds like something Josh Homme would do with Alarmist…perhaps Alarmist would do with some guest guitar by Homme.


    • Like 2
  9. 53 minutes ago, CEB said:

    Everyone must get one.  B’s Music has a YouTube demo vid but the guy talks too much.  



    We’ll, NOW we as a community need to start a GoFundMe to get one* to send to Winston, because he already has a Korg Miku stomp.  



    (Also, that’s a…funky keyboard.)




    * and maybe a signal splitter 

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  10. I’ll add a caveat: fuzz CAN be used for softer tones than the Fall of Western Civilization.  A good fuzz with well-designed controls- when used in skilled moderation- can be tamed from grizzly bear to teddy bear.

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  11. I always find it amazing to look back at 80s synth & new wave music and see how many bands actually had guitarists as part of the standard lineup or as frequent studio musicians. 

    As for the Oxblood, I can’t say for sure. And one of the hazards of posting one of Andy’s demos is that he WILL make it sound good if not great. 😁

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  12. Pretty much all of the ones foremost in my mind that could suit your purposes have already been mentioned.  I’ll add these two, though:




    The Peacekeeper is probably the most flexible low/medium gain OD I own, but it IS an UK import.  So it may not be readily available where you are.  But if you see one, try it out.

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  13. It sounds like you’re looking for enough OD/Distortion to do Motley Crue or Iron Maiden without necessarily getting into Meshuggah.  Off the top of my head, if I were reaching into my Tub o’ Pedals to get those kinds of results, I’d probably opt for a:


    ThorpyFX Gunshot 





    Empress Heavy





    Emma PisdiYOUwat



    VisualSound Jekyll & Hyde V2/TrueTone Jekyll & Hyde V3




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  14. 20 or so years ago, I saw a Hungarian movie called Kontroll.  It centers on the daily grind of a group of ticket takers on the Hungarian commuter rails…and a possible serial killer.  It had a really good soundtrack (that I’ve never been able to get) primarily done by electronica group Neo.  I tried finding the music on YouTube, but all I could find were movie trailers and some behind the scenes stuff.  I gave up looking.


    Yesterday, on a whim ex nihilo, I decided to go looking again.  Not only did I find the stuff I’d seen before, but also movie clips of my favorite scenes, the whole movie (surprise, surprise), and some of Neo’s videos from the soundtrack and live performances.  Here’s Neo’s performance of “Kontroll” with the full vocals as opposed to the more instrumental movie version.





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