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skipclone 1

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Everything posted by skipclone 1

  1. For baritone guitars, I like Dragonfly Guitars Japan
  2. Now that's interesting. One of my besties in N.Y. has a near-miss gem-a 70s Strat in Antigua. I played it for years when I went to visit him. Sadly, he bought it when his assessment skills weren't so great. The bridge is slightly offset from proper alignment with the neck. The high E string is off the ftretboard at the very highest frets. Aside from that. with some much-needed TLC it could be valuable.
  3. I haven't had ash many thinksh ash you drink I did...
  4. At least I resisted the temptation to call it 'Kiss your ash goodbye..."
  5. Well I don't know what you saw but, the article lays out the reasons for their decision. Sad situation, it doesn't look like much can be done in the short term.
  6. That's a really good call. I'll have a look, thank you.
  7. I had the same experience with Ovations. Aside from the slipperiness, most of the ones I tried, seemed like acoustics for people who don't usually play acoustics. The one exception was my bandmate's Legend. Awesome guitar.
  8. Hmm, that's sad to hear of your experience with LR Baggs. My acoustic has that system and the sound as I mentioned, is just fine. I don't see changing that anytime soon. I'm considering playing open mic with it on Sunday, if I decide to change strings first I'll have a look at the saddle.
  9. Ya, it's a lovely guitar. I considered several MIJ Strats before I found the one I have. I think the takeaway is, if you have an ash guitar, hang on to it.
  10. Hi Thanks so much for the replies. I have heard that bone nuts or saddles are better for clarity and sustain. Unfortunately the lack of climate control and brutal temp changes have had an effect. The guitar is a Seagull S6 flame maple. But It's some kind of premium model, I'm not sure about details. I got it as a partial tradedin for an S6 cedar.It was clearly a level above.
  11. Looks pretty clean!
  12. Hi My acoustic, as is, has gotten applause for the sound. I think a few of you have heard it before. The only thing I can think might improve it, is to switch out the nut and saddle. But that's it-it MIGHT improve it. Is it guaranteed to be better? is it worth the hassle and expense? will it lose what it already has? I guess I'm asking, did anyone make the change and did it help.
  13. Thanks for the comments. FWIW, I set out on a quest to get a guitar that would not make me look at other guitars and think, that's what I SHOULD have bought. I wrote down a short list of musts. The first one was, a one-piece body.
  14. This is mine. I have the maple fretboard version. https://www.killer.jp/guitar/kg-scary.html
  15. One of my main guitars has an ash body. It's a wonderful instrument. https://www.guitarworld.com/features/fender-will-no-longer-use-ash-bodies-for-production-line-guitars-we-found-out-why-and-what-woods-will-be-used-instead
  16. Great score Wraub! Did you say it was a glued neck? i wouldn't mind a pic of the neck joint, if you have time.
  17. UPDATE; Hey everyone Well that took a LOT of tweaking. But I think I have it where, if it's even close to pitch it sounds fine. I'm not willing to go any further, since it seems to be raising the overall action. It also has the side benefit of making me aware, that I haven't changed the internal battery since i bought the guitar. Can't wait to hear it plugged in now. BTW I've never seen Rainsongs on the shelves here but have heard good things about them. If and when things get better I might consider getting one and shipping the Seagull back to U.S.-maybe. Despite the headaches it's nice having it here. Anyway thanks for the assistance.
  18. Hi all, thanks for the feedback. For Kuru-this is my main acoustic. It is not cheap and probably not replaceable, not for one just like it. Japan is one of the best places on Earth to buy an instrument-and unfortunately, one of the worst places to have work done on them. The bench guys don't even get the idea of a basic setup, not if it includes checking tone and volume pots. My guess is, that mister guitar shop guy didn't want to take the chance of breaking something and owing me a guitar. I did ask him about a correctly sized wrench, which he pointed me to and considering that was my only charge for the visit, it could have been worse. I bought one of my main electrics at this shop, I've been going to them for quite a while. The guitar was in N.Y. for a long time. Every time I checked it, it was perfect. But i was in Japan, playing live and my acoustic was sitting in N.Y. I knew it was going to cause issues but eventually I decided to bring it here. Sure enough, that has happened. I have a nylon string from Philippines. It's nice the way it is now. It's in N.Y. and that's exactly where it's going to stay. II don't need to get hit by a car twice. Anyway the wrench is good. I tweaked the rod once and it was the wrong way, waiting for results from t he opposite direction now. I'll check back later.
  19. Well I bet that got your attention The neck on my acoustic has been creeping-I'm sure it's the brutal climate changes and lack of temp control in this country. Anyway it got to the point where the F and C notes on the first and second strings are buzzing. Today I took it to the shop.The truss rod has always been tough to adjust. it doesn't want to turn easily. Mr. guitar shop guy suggested a few drops of oil, I presume this is inside the cavity. I think something like lemon oil would have unwanted side effects, I'm trying grapeseed oil. Hope it works.
  20. Ya, except I get kicked out of the temple if I DON`T master the technique
  21. Thanks indeed, I did. In fact I'm back in a private apartment for the first time in 15 years. I'm loving the privacy, it's more expensive but worth it. The only problem is, the landlady is right under me. Between music and the odd kata review, it's about the last place I need to be. But I'm dealing with it, for now.
  22. Thanks indeed, I did. In fact I'm back in a private apartment for the first time in 15 years. I'm loving the privacy, it's more expensive but worth it. The only problem is, the landlady is right under me. Between music and the odd kata review, it's about the last place I need to be. But I'm dealing with it, for now.
  23. Welcome back G-zan Most of what`s been going on with me is about what stopped going on last year-even my living quarters. Everybody got kicked out of our building. We`re still doing live shows, limiting the audience numbers and streaming online. Everything else ground to a hamburger. I`m not around as much as before but I drop in from time to time. All the best, be safe and have fun.
  24. I was informed of how serious it was when I found out I would not be working for a month. Then another. Much of what happened after that was in my year-end wrapup. I won`t bore anyone with anything except to say, that now I have both a music video AND a film which have been delayed. The song is done, I did still photos in January. The song is supposed to be from my character`s younger days-but at the rate things are going, time is doing exactly the opposite. The studio where I recorded it, and where I was working on my song, has stopped operations, just when I was getting to the guitar parts. For once it has nothing to do with covid; Mr. studio guy is having personal issues. The other studio that I know has closed permanently. That leaves one other place in Tokyo where I`ve worked before. It`s not as expensive as the pace that closed but definitely more than where I was working. I really miss home. My mom is in assisted care. My brother tells me that he can`t visit due to the virus. Even if I was there I wouldn`t be able to see her. At least we can keep in touch by phone. A few days ago I wrote some lyrics for a new song. It`s clearly full of anger and rage but, in a way that comes off humourously. Better than imploding I guess. Anyway wishing everyone good health and safety. the vaccine rollout is really slow here. Japan is one of those countries with a bad experience with vaccinations. A lot of people are suspicious, which is likely to prolong the freeze on socializing. I find it hard to believe they are seriously planning on going ahead with the Olympics, that is completely nuts.
  25. Hey alll I don`t expect anyone to remember but, whenever the subject of recommended acoustic guitars comes up, I`m likely to mention Yamaha acoustics, and a friend of mine who used to have a beautiful sounding one back in my college days. Well a few days ago, that friend happened across my fb page. We haven`t seen each other in over 30 years. Not only does she still have that guitar but she has acquired several others. She got her M.A. in biology and was working in several medical facilities. Then she got back into music. She has won a couple of big songwriting contests, and has spoken with people in Nashville about a publishing deal. It gets better-she has been the artistic director of the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival for the past 27 years. it`s a really big outdoor event. There`s a youtube channel, I`m going to have a look later. One of the medical facilities where she was working is New York Blood Center. While she was there one of the patients was Gregg Allman. They struck up a friendship and she got to know him and several of his bandmates. We`re still catching up on news but, it`s nice to hear she`s still doing music.
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