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Everything posted by RABid

  1. I like taking night shots. Still very much a beginner, this is the first picture I took that I really liked, and wished I had done better. Fireworks at Disney's Magic Kingdom silhouetting the castle. http://ppcdn.500px.org/65946885/8ddb4b589aa65428485d976b57c8c96a11c2b6c9/4.jpg Christmas lights at Disney MGM. http://ppcdn.500px.org/65947133/1037e1ce17564d3ade3163e13e43c37906dc30b0/4.jpg
  2. Bunch of couch potato amateurs. At the very least you need an oversize recliner and one of those rolling, adjustable bedside tables. For optimum use, a recliner and a large A-frame keyboard stand that will straddle the chair.
  3. There are not many perfect situations on stage that allow you to play while totally focused only on what you are doing. Rowdy crowd, stupid singers, drunk bass players. I consider it an advantage to be able to play while distracted. Anyway, I sometimes use a Novation UltraNova while sitting on the porch. No built in speakers so I use headphones or a mini-amp. For playing in front of the TV I have a keyboard stand and stool in the corner of the living room. Various keyboards come and go in that spot. It is handy for going through sounds, practicing a lick, patch programming, etc...
  4. Moog, Oberheim, Sequential and Roland are already being produced on various formats. Not sure what is left. I cannot see them doing EML.
  5. Audiobook - You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney. About how the brain works.
  6. Some really nice shots in the thread. Photography is one of the main reasons I want to retire. Between the 8-5 daily, music and family there is not much time left for photography. Been doing a lot of studying on composition and trying to get the family involved. My sister and great nephew get my hand-me-downs as I step up through the Canon line. Sadly, most of my favorite shots have been taken with phones.
  7. Hammock - Raising Your Voice ... Trying to Stop an Echo [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4oSlLuE-wQ
  8. This morning while getting ready for work - Boz Scaggs Now that I am at work - The Crystal Method and Brad Paisley
  9. I found one of my old avatars for the occasion.
  10. I used the Roc-N-Soc at keyboards for quite a while but for me an office chair with good back support works better. There is more lower back support and when playing an "L" layout you can roll from one primary keyboard to the other.
  11. Hey, how 'bout that RD-64!
  12. I got to try one today and have to admit, I was blown away that a $1000 combo keyboard could sound so good. Yes, I wish the keys felt like the XK3c and I wish the piano sounded like the RD700NX and that the synth had the same amount of knobs that my T1 has. But seriouslly, it is $1000. You have to cut a lot of corners to come in at that price. I'd recommend it to anyone with a limited budget.
  13. Like I said... After 40 years of paid gigs... Not one keyboard or amp failure... Guess I was lucky... or purchased quality equipment. I agree. I've played paid gigs 27 yrs and also fortunately never had a keyboard die at any of them (but still always had simple backup plans for most all scenarios). And yes, the quality of the equipment was probably a factor. I've used "quality" equipment since I bought a brand new Model D and Arp Omni II. Over the years I've had keyboards go down a power amp go out. Maybe that is why I never consider playing a job with only a single keyboard. Call me obsessive. Some people are the opposite. I was on stage with a bass player whose battery gave out in his active bass. It never had a bypass and he did not have a spare battery. Luckily the guitarist was able to rob a battery from one of his effects. I never had to lug my equipment onto a subway. That made it easier to take more than one keyboard to jobs.
  14. Isn't that pretty standard, or is it just wrong when Roland does it?
  15. An A-800 Pro would make a lot of sense as a second manual, if they built in an auto-mapping for its 9 sliders to function as drawbars for the lower manual.
  16. I prefer keys where the root is a natural and the 3 is sharp or flat. Those fit my hand as middle fingers stick out further than my thumb. I don't like keys where 1 and 5 are black and 3 is white. I wish I had appreciated Bach more when I was taking lessons in school. There is a lot to learn with the fingering and the use of accidentals.
  17. I always thought Moore came after Connery.
  18. Goldfinger is my favorite. For me it is a bonus that part of it was filmed in Kentucky. The current string of Craig movies are ok but are missing something. He is always angry and serious. I miss the touches of humor and the sometimes light hearted approach taken in the Connery era. I dont know if this is a result of the writing, directing or acting. Everything that Craig is in reflects the same personality. Cold and serious. If these were not Bond movies I would like his role much better.
  19. Finally I found a diet that works for me. It is called the Invisalign Bracers diet. Expensive, but a great incentive to cut out between meal snacks. Only had them one week and have lost 2 pounds. After nine months Other than that, photography gets me out to hike. Kinect is a good way to exercise without realizing you are exercising.
  20. You need to slide those congas around next to the Moog so you can reach them. ... I hate to ask what is in that can next to the congas.
  21. Playing at a Moose Lodge where they did not allow the band to use lights on stage because that would light up the dance floor and allow people to see who was dancing together. Lots of pretty young ladies and rich older men. I was 18 and could pass for 15. The drummer and bassist thought it would be funny to spread the word that I was only 15. From a pretty blond in here early 20's. "Jeff and Gary said you are only 15. Is that true?" Me. "I'm 18." Her. "I don't believe you." I started to pull out my driver's license and then it hit me. Me. "If the management knows I am 15 they will not let me play here." I walked back to the stage where the drummer and bassist were laughing. "Did you see the blond?" I said. "We are going out after the show." That turned out to be the best joke anyone ever played on me.
  22. I'll move my signature into this thread so I can get a new signature. ................. Must read threads: Let's hear it!!! Post your music here! Post Your Cool Links Here!!! Trombone players rule! Dave Bryce: I need some advice! Stephen Fortner I need advice!
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