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Joe Pass and New Beginnings...

Compact Diss

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Music has always been a huge part of my life. No matter what I am doing (especially when at work) I am much happier when music is playing. I tried for a long time unsuccessfully to learn how to play guitar. What was the problem? Well as a lot of you know I was heavy into boozing among other things. I'm 18 months sober on the 13th and the urge to get back to guitar has been overwhelming lately. I have my first lesson set up with my old instuctor for Tuesday night.


While I was learning over a couple of years I felt I could not play. I felt like I would never be able to get it, had no rhythm and couldn't keep time. Yesterday I listened to some old recordings and you know some were pretty damn good. The thing is I was always in a fog of booze, while boozing I never lived in reality. I always wanted everything yesterday and never put in the time and effort I should have. I couldn't even see the progress I made and how good some things I played actually were.


My entire life has changed since putting down the drink and I have made the decision to get back to playing. I know that I can do this today. I trust that if I practice everyday and spend the time on my weak areas that I will get to where I want to be in the future.


So as Joe Pass is my favorite Jazz guitar player he is also my motivation today. Most of you know his story and his success after quitting booze and drugs, I say why not me?

Just checking in here to some old friends. I'm going to keep recordings and logs of all my practice to see where I'm at in time. Give me a year and meet me at the Jazz jam...


Happy to be back guys-I've missed you!


Joe Harrington



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Hi JOE! and welcome back! I can tell you are very excited to be getting back to you playing and it's excellent! Yep Joe Pass and many many successful people that put the bottle down have proved time and again it can be done and went on to do fantastic things with their lives and I know you will do the same! Yes please do stick around here all the time and let us know how your studies are going and if we can help you know we sure will try!
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Welcome back CD! And congratulations on your resolution, that is awesome!


Don't sweat your progress on the guitar too much: have fun playing and with just a little dedication the progress will take care of itself. You are so into music that just enjoying the process will get you there.

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Great post Diss, and a most excellent return! Congrats, and welcome back!! :wave:


I an NOT a internet chat or forum fan...Well, I wasn't until I came here looking for information about an old Leslie speaker cab I have. I've found this place, by and large, to be a really cool collection of good, and talented individuals. Sure, we have a argument here and there. But, people here care, and are passionate. And, that is pretty cool. :cool:


So, welcome back. And, in advance, thanks for your future contributions to the "brotherhood" we share in this place. :thu:



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Welcome back, CD! I'm proud of your recovery as well...after drinking for about 11 years I quit 6 years ago. Life is so much better since.


I wish you success and progress in your musicianship. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to win...



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