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OT: Post nasal drip. Solutions?

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I woke up this morning with the worst sore throat... Must have been swallowing sputum all night, woke up, felt like I couldn't breath.. weird panic attacky sensation... throat *hurt*. Feels ok now, but I'm afraid I'll just get a repeat of it tomorrow morning. The pollen around here is the worst it's been *ever*, and while I've never had "allergies" per se before, it would appear I do now. So, I think "expectorant? No, that only makes you lungs cough something out, it's in my throat"... Cough suppresant? I'm not really coughing (which I suppose *could* be the problem, but the *real* problem is this inccessant drainage down the back of my throat. No runny nose, no sneezing. Itchy eyes. Mild headache. Shower helped a bit; but I can't live in the shower. Vicks cough drops helps a bit, but I can't just eat those forever. I want this to STOP, it's making me feel bad, made me get up after being in bed for 2 hours this morning, scared the crap out of me in slow motion... I tried Zyrtec yesterday, but now I'm wondering if that didn't have something to do with the panicky sensation. I'm standing there, thinking "I'm breathing fine, I can breath find" - but my throat is sore, and swallowing requires effort... then the sensation that I HAVE to swallow... ahhg... This started night before last, left my window open thinking "ahhhh, night air, nice breeze, relaxing" but NOOOOOOO we can't have relaxation, can we? No, we now must have this insane garbage running down my throat.... I can't deal with this, I tried being productive this morning but the whole time I'm thinking "swallow... swallow... any different? No.. swallow.. swallow..." .. There's something about being sore internally that is more frightening than say, grinding the flesh off your leg on the mountain bike or some such... Suggestions? I don't want to take something to "dry me up", because then I know it'll just mean massive sinus headaches, right? Not that my nose is runny anyhow... Expectorant? What else? I'm thinking about trying to concoct some sort of steam inhalation arrangement to clear out whatever is in my sinuses, but... geez, this SUCKS, the war SUCKS I've got this weird headachy feeling and my throat hurts and I can't concentrate on anything else and I'm sick of this crap. So now, I'm thinking "it was the sushi I ate last night; too much protein, I had an acid reflux situation I just didn't realize it", so I've decided that the little bit of honeydew melon I just ate for... well, breakfast/lunch/dinner is all I'm going to eat. Which isn't good, I'm mildly hypoglycemic not to mention only about 140 lbs. at this point (should be about 145-150). Can't work on music, headachy. Can't just sit around and do NOTHING (note the early time I'm on here). Wanted to go by Lowes and get some material to build baffles to go in my windows in my tracking room... also known as a "dining room" to normal people... sense I've decided I've GOT to have real drums I'm losing my mind futzing about with drum machines/programs... but I CAN'T because I feel crummy and my head hurts, and I'm afraid I'm going to wake up tomorrow feeling like I'm suffocating or have throat cancer, or a gigantoid tonsolith perched on my vocal chords waiting to be inhaled into my lungs. Pretty funny, eh? Ok, that's my Chipout for the night. Thank you, drive safely, don't forget to tip your waitress, I'll be here all week.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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LOL Chip. The thing about Zirtec, Claratin et al is they don't provide immediate relief - they're more of a long term preventative thing. And yeah, some people get side effects from them like nervousness/heart palpitations. I'd suggest getting a humidifier to put in your bedroom at night, and taking some kind of short term decongestant like Sudafed for a couple of days. Another thing that really works well for me is to get some raw unprocessed honey that is locally made, and take several tablespoons per day in some form or other (I've been having it on toast with almond butter). This helps you develop an immunity to the local pollens. They are really terrible here this year but I've really minimized my problems with them by taking the honey and also using a nasal spray called NasalCrom, which is a long term stuff, no side effects. I haven't had to take any decongestants as a result of this combination, and usually I get pretty bad pollen allergies in spring.
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But, seriously, if you're sure this is due to heavy pollen then an allergent is in order. Regular sinus stuff may either be too heavy handed, or not strong enough(depending on which used), and the side effects you mentioned are an added minus. Either check out the ingredients, or talk to the pharmacist and voice your concerns. He/she may be able to recommend the proper over-the-counter dope. Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Chip, I've had the exact same thing off and on, since September. It can drip down the back of your throat and into your lungs and cause breathing problems. I had to take asthma inhalers for that. If you're having breathing problems you really should go to a doctor and see if he'll prescribe albuterol inhalers, or some other bronchial dilator. The thing that worked best for me to stop the drainage was Claritin D. That's an antihistamine and a decongestent(pseudophedrine) combined. Antihistamines thicken your secretions, that's probably why you felt like you were having problems breathing after taking the zyrtex. All that stuff that drips from your nose, down your throat, to your lungs can just sit there. That's why you need the albuterol inhalers, to help clear that out, if your lungs get congested. The timing of the Claritin D dosage is important too. I had 12 hour ones, so I would take one right before I went to sleep and then another one 12 hours from that. Man, I know what you're going through and it's really bad, so my expert recommendation is Claritin D 12 hr, twice a day, and bronchial dilators as needed if your breathing is affected. Good luck. I really think you should see a doctor. Don't wait for three weeks going through hell like I did.
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Post nasal drip problems? Stop posting so much...(ba-dumm!) :D The honey is an interesting idea - I might have to give that a try, Lee. I've been getting it bad, too - I never had allergies before I came here, and it seems that they get worse as the years go by. :( Chip - maybe you could try a surgical mask? Not exactly a fashion statement, but maybe using it at night might cut down on what you're breathing. Maybe we should all do a rain dance...
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Chip, what you have is sinusitis, and may not be caused by pollen. It could be caused by mold or some other contaminant in the air, or it could be a sinus infection. That's another reason you may need to see a doctor. The only way to stop a sinus infection is with antibiotics and possibly steroids, and as much as you might not like them you really need antihistamines AND a decongestant to stop the drainage, and because the antihistamines can cause the secretions and drainage in your lungs to thicken you need bronchial dilators to counter act that. Lee mentioned the steroidal inhalors like Nasolcrom, those may be effective too, but didn't do anything for me. So I think we've mentioned everything doctors have in their arsenal to fight sinusitis.
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My wife has been dealing with a pollen allergy lately and she got releif with some medications prescribed by our family doctor. I would recommend that you have a visit with yours, it's the best way to be sure that you are doing the right thing. If it is a pollen allergy an air purifier can really help. We got one and my wife sleeps mych better. My father-in-law has also felt much better at night since he got one too. I had a series of sinusitis attacks years ago and they usually produce severe headaches follwed by heavy drainage of the sinus cavities. You'd probably know right away if you had that in most cases. You feel like your head is going to explode. Good luck!

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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Thanks all... I actually have an albuterol inhaler from my bronchitis episode. Just tried it, made me feel weird, didn't seem to do anything. I don't like the idea of steroids, anyhow. I did try snorting some salt water earlier, and that seemed to help the drainage, but now it seems like my throat is really... I dunno. Hard to swallow, tried some isntant mashed potatos and it seems like everything isn't going down. I dunno. I teach a doctor but I don't want to hit him up for a freebie. There's another doctor I used to teach, but I made use of that during the bronchitis episode (actually the secretaries are friends and they "looked the other way" and forgot to bill me...). Can't afford to go and be told to take some OTC stuff. I'm not certain I have sinusitis - what's coming out of my nose isn't exactly yellow, and the headachy feeling... I dunno, if I have an infection I would think it's a mild one. HOWEVER, I do have a z-pack in the pantry, but it's old - I think dated expiring DEC 02? Does anyone know the shelf life of zithromax? (checking) uhg.. it's actually only 4 days of a 5 day cycle (dumbo roomate left it behind, probably took the first one, felt better, didn't bother with the rest...) I also have some Avelox dated 1999... but that's nasty stuff, I think that was when I had the bronchitis, and I think it does "something" to you muscles, makes them easier to tear... among other things. ? Right now I physically feel *fine*. It's just that my throat is really sore, but I know once I lay down the drip will build up and I'll suffocate.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Boy that claritin really reacted bad with me; it really put me in a bad temper. I actually felt in rage! I'm kind of not happy about them selling it over the counter now, because I really think it has some bad side effects. Lee's suggestion of getting some local wildflower honey is a great one. Another thing you can do that works immediately is to cut open a spicy yellow opnion, and just huff it. It is painful for a little bit, but it can really clear your sinuses and lungs out effectively, and in a way that doesn't dry you out weirdly.

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The soon-to-be home of the "12 Bar-Blues Project"

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Chip, albuterol is not a steroid, it's a non-steroidal bronchial dilator. It sounds to me like you have a sinus infection. Headachy, run down feeling, constant drainage. I had an infection and the drainage wasn't really yellow. Did you take your temperature? If you went to a doctor he would give you antibiotics and prednisone(steroid), and an antihistamine and decongestant, and a possibly a steroidal nose spray like Flonase. Probably wouldn't prescribe albuterol unless you complained of breathing difficulties. If you take those meds, remember to drink plenty of water, this is good for your condition anyway, it will keep those secretions in your lungs from getting too thick and building up. You could also take an expectorant like Guaifenesin for this but you need to drink extra water anyway if your taking anything like Zyrtex or Claritin or pseudophedrine. That's very important because being dehydrated can make you feel REALLY bad, and of course is a dangerous condition in itself. Since you already have Zyrtex you could add a low dosage of pseudophedrine to that(30 mg to start) for the same effect as a Claritin D. You'd have to take the pseudophedrine every 4 hrs though, in Claritin D it's time released, they also make Zyrtex D. Well, anyway I hope something works for you.
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You know what is really really good too? There is a company that makes this zinc nasal gel, that you squeeze in our nose. It's not like what you're thinking. This stuff actually only goes on the inside of your nostrils. But that zinc gets absorbed immediately and just knocks out your cold.

Want mix/tracking feedback? Checkout "The Fade"-



The soon-to-be home of the "12 Bar-Blues Project"

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I dunno about the drugs but a really hot curry will clear out your sinuses. Also drink a whiskey, hot water and honey mixture before you go to sleep.
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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[quote]Originally posted by GT3: [b]Boy that claritin really reacted bad with me; it really put me in a bad temper. I actually felt in rage! I'm kind of not happy about them selling it over the counter now, because I really think it has some bad side effects.[/b][/quote]Hilarious... I just walked in from the grocery, just popped a Claritin. I suppose my students should be on guard today...? I think I'm just having a generalized anxiety attack in conjunction with a typical allergy situation... I went and bought some ice cream, that's calmed my throat down a lot. Haven't been able to sleep yet (only 2 days, no biggie for me), but I suppose I will tomorrow. Sleep: I feel fine. I'm actually quite lucid right now, I can't imagine this will continue through the day - must be an anxiety side effect. Curious. [b]Lee's suggestion of getting some local wildflower honey is a great one. Another thing [/b] I tried that yesterday, I'm not sure if it helped or hindered, I'll have to wait until I'm over this to check it. [b]a spicy yellow opnion, and just huff it. It is painful for a little bit, but it can really clear your sinuses and lungs out effectively, and in a way that doesn't dry you out weirdly.[/b] I did the poor man's neta thing, tried snorting some salt water - helped the drainage situation significantly, I just wish I'd thought of ice cream last night instead of 20 minutes ago. Oh well.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Yeah, Rog...I was thinking something along those lines, too...like an extra hot plate of Kung Pao chicken, or somesuch. "If your scalps' a cryin', infection is bye-byin'. " Wewus beat me to it...all the signs of a sinus infection. I also wanted to ask: Chip, what kind of heat/cool system do you have in your place? If it's forced air, you might want to check out your furnace filter, possibly replace it. If it's hot water/radiator, you might want to get around to a serious cleaning of the radiators and the surrounding wall. (Lee: "Honey Dealer". I smell a song title, here. Run with it.)
I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]Chip, albuterol is not a steroid, it's a non-steroidal bronchial dilator. [/b][/quote]yeah, I remember looking at Primatene at the store last night and saw Lee's reference to the chrom variant and "dur"... [b]It sounds to me like you have a sinus infection. Headachy, run down feeling, constant [/b] Yeah. Well.. I only felt run down really yesterday for a few hours, so I don't think it's that bad. [b]Zyrtex D. Well, anyway I hope something works for you.[/b] Thanks for all of the advice... I think I'm ok for now, my only problem now is that it seems like sleep may want to catch up to me at any moment and I've got a mild intermittant cough... Like I said, I think a generalized anxiety thing was going on, I've got 9 gazillion things I need to get done I'm obsessing about and that combined with this new experience of "allergies" kicked my butt I suppose.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I swear Chip, I had the exact same symptons you have. Constant drainage down the back of the throat. It's the sickest I've ever been. At times I would have to swallow every ten seconds for two or three hours in a row because of the drainage down the back of my throat. Then it would get into my lungs and cause severe asthma like symptons. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. A runny nose and cold like symptoms are nothing compared to not being able to breathe. I really felt like I was dying a couple of times. Sorry if I'm over advising you, but like I said that's the sickest I've ever been. It's hard to believe that one little thing like sinus drainage can cause so many problems, but it can. So, it sounds like you might be doing better. I hope so, sinus problems SUCK!!!!!! I'm thinking the ultimate prevention for problems like this might be sticking to a good workout program. I've really neglected that the last year or so, and maybe as a result my immune system is weakened. How about you? Are you exercising any?
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Just to throw another medical opinion in there (as a third year med student) Zithromax - the first dose of a Z-pack is equal to two of the pills that are left, so you don't have enough for a complete course. Nasalcrom is not a steroid, it is a Mast-cell stabilizer, which controls the release of histamine. Albuterol is also not a steriod (as was previously mentioned) and will not help you unless you have asthma-like symptoms. It does sound like you have a sinus infection which is unlikely to get better without antibiotic treatment. If you aren't allergic to sulfa-drugs then you can get a 10 day course of bactrim for about 5 bucks, you just have to ask the doc for it. That said, it is almost as likely that you just have allergies and I agree that the steroid nasal sprays work the best for people who have mostly nasal symptoms, if you have itchy eyes too then the pills are better. Nasalcrom can be used long term without side-effects and works very well (my allergy drug of choice) and can be had over the counter, claritin has not been shown to be effective at the OTC dose but judge for yourself, it's your money. That's my opinion FWIW. Casey
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I just wanted to add that NasalCrom has been really effective for my allergies as well. Claritin doesn't seem to help that much by itself. For shor-term relief, I've actually had good luck with Benadryl. Good luck, Chip!
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Med school is going well, I'm having a great time. I decided that when I'm done here (Penn State) I will do a residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. If only I could do a residency in "Hammond Organ" Casey
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[quote]Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows: [b]I guess I'm too hyper. Benadryl doesn't make me drowsy at all!![/b][/quote]Are you kidding me, that stuff will knock down a horse. I've never known anyone that could stay awake after taking benadryl.
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Actually I often prescribe benadryl for kids who are sleeping poorly due to coughing - it doesn't do much for the cough but it knocks them out so they sleep. Side note - don't waste your money on cough medicines, none of them work. I've asked every patient who's used them and no one has ever said they helped. Most of them were invented in the 50's and would never get past the FDA today. I should point out that Nasalcrom (active ingredient - cromolyn sodium) and the steroid nasal sprays don't work well for acute attacks, they work best when used daily acording to the directions during your allergy season. Casey
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[quote]Originally posted by cg1155: [b]Med school is going well, I'm having a great time. I decided that when I'm done here (Penn State) I will do a residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. If only I could do a residency in "Hammond Organ" Casey[/b][/quote]That's great Casey. I'd love to hear some of your med student stories sometime. I've got a lot of friends in the medical field. Doctors, nurses, cath techs, what a you call the people that put you to sleep? I know a lot of them. Good people. It's funny, but there's a lot of musicians on this forum who are also involved in medicine.
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Steroids and antihistimes may be effective, but using them is like painting over a rust spot instead of fixing it. Ideally, you should avoid the allergens. In the case of seasonal pollen allergies, that's difficult to do, so taking an antihistime for a few weeks might be a viable option. However, if you have long term sinus problems, your system is alleric to something that you encouter regularly. You have to find what it is and elimitate it. If it's dust mites, clean your house regularly, change carpets, buy a hypoallergenic vaccum, etc. If it's pets, make the appropriate adjustments. In many cases it might be a food allergy. I've been feeling much better overall since I eliminated dairy from my diet. I used to live on Nasacort; by eliminating the offending substance, I'm now free of both the prescription and its side effects (bleeding, mostly).

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