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Seymore or DiMarzio


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Hey Folks!

I need some expert advice (ahem...). I just put a set of Duncan Design pu's on a strat but I don't like the way the bridge pu sounds. Since this is one of my main guitars this will not do!

I want something that rocks hard on lead and will cut through anything, get good harmonics...etc. I've been thinking about either a S.D. Hot Rails or a DiMarzio Fast Track 2. I would like to know what you guys think or if you have another suggestion I would like to hear that too.Thanks.


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I've played a Strat with a Hot Rails at the bridge. Ya can't go wrong. On the other hand, my experience with DiMarzios tells me ya can't go wrong there, either.


Got a pal who dropped a Carvin TBH60 in the bridge position of his Peavey Raptor backup beater. All I can say is, ya might wanna check it out -- 37 bucks direct from Carvin.


There. I didn't help ya choose between the 2 ya had, & I suggested a 3rd. I hope yer good 'n confused, now. :confused:

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I'm having a Hot Rail installed on my Strat as we speak (along with a few other electrical upgrades)-- I'll let you know how it sounds in a few days-- but from the ones I've already heard, I am very confident that I will love the sound--and I'm sure you would too

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I've got a Duncan JB jr. on my strat, bridge position. It can get heavy but it sounds good at lower gain settings too. I've tried a SD Scorcher (cheaper version of the Hot Rails) in the bridge of my el-cheapo Rogue ST-3 (plywood body :rolleyes: ) and it had a good over-all tone, but was a bit muddy at times. It doesn't have the treble that the JB jr. has.


Musician's Friend sells the Scorcher, or you can also get it at Guitar Center (same company). This is the only place to get the Scorcher, but you should be able to get the JB jr. anywhere that sells Seymour Duncan.


The Fender Iron Maiden Strat comes with the JB jr. in the bridge, so if you can find one, try it out! ;)


To my knowledge, I've never tried any DiMarzio pickups, unless one of the Ibanez axes I've tried had them in it...


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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I dont' really have a suggestion but I'd say: if you're happy with the neck and middle, and you've tried all kinds of adjusting the bridge pickup height and everything, then when considering the various pick ups mentioned you should consider their outputs, especially if you're going to use it with the in-between settings (I guess the relevant one is "2" in this case).


A great soundig pickup that us so much hotter than the other pickups might not really do you any favors if you using all the pickups. Hotter is probably the norm, but "way hotter" might be a bit of a problem in and of itself.


Just something complicate the matter for you :D


There are other threads here dealing with this same problem. I'm still considering the "Twangbanger" for my strat's bridge position. I like single coils, the other to pickups are single (stock) on my strat, I use the "2" position, but not as much as the "4" which is my main position n the strat, and using a single single coil doesn't bother me at all either for thinness or noise or anything like that.

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My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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I had a DiMarzio Fasttrack 2 in the bridge. I like DiMarzios generally (I've mentioned this several times on here), but wasn't too crazy about that one.


With an output of over 18K it was 'way too middle for me. It has to be screwed up very close to the strings to get any tone qualities at all. For me, it sounded better when split.


Currently I have DiMarzio SDS-1s (8.6K) on middle & bridge on my Frankenstrat, and a TDS-1 (6.8K) on neck, so, as you see, I like DiMarzios.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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don't forget the actual tonal properties of the axe in question has alot to do with making a good choice for pickup replacement.

i am a big fan of the SD 59 because of its balance and clarity. i don't hate JBs but they do have a peak that may or may not work on every guitar.

i don't like trying to remove gain so i favor clean pickups with balance from high to low.

a lil 59 is a nice pickup as well as the full sized model if you choose to go that route.

i find i hear a certain sizzle that i don't really warm up to in ceramic magnet pickups. but that is me.

the last comment is just a random thought that i felt like adding. try to find a pickup with alnico 2 or 5 magnets. sweeter tone IMHO.

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I LOVE it!!!I LOVE it!!!I LOVE it!!!I LOVE it!!!



The HotRail is the bestest EVAR!!!!! :D


Seriously-- it sounds incredible-- the luthier that installed it told me that he couldn't stop playing it (I know it to be true, as when I walked into his shop, I heard this AWESOME guitar tone, just heavenly--- and was stunned to see it was MY gee-tar he was playing!!! :D )-- he was astonished that it sounded that good in the middle position-- especially after he performed some minor electrical upgrades to compliment the setup.


Get this PU and you'll be more than satisfied-- I won't trash the Dimarzio's, but I'm singing the praises of this HotRail!

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


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i gave my hotrail from my Pac 311m to my buddy and he has it in the same position of his rgx421. i had it in the bridge but i didn't get to appreciate it because the metal tele style brigeplate was causing super squeals for me.

i have only heard his Rgx through his GT6 and Bandit transtube which are usually dimed so high in gain stage after gain stage that i can't say i have had chance to hear it clearly.

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