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OT: Global Warming?!?


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Ok, tomorrow is December 1st. Christmas carols are playing in the background everywhere you go... Thanksgiving left-overs turning to mold in the fridge... people rushing out to buy each other things they don't need... It's time to deck the halls already! You know, everything sparkling with icicles... bundling up in front of the fireplace.... but wait a minute.... it's hot as hell outside! I'm sure a lot of you guys are cold right now... but personally, I'm waiting to see a caribou float by me on the street. Someone get the damn duct tape and fix that hole up there, it's gettin hot in here.


Just my little rant... so hey :wave: how are you guys doin?

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Silly Shannon. It's be-autiful, despite the gray and the rain in Middle Tennessee. I like not freezing my butt off. That's why I live here. And you are considerably further south than Nashville! ;)


You want to see snow? Do what we did for Thanksgiving. We drove to northern Illinois. (in our case to visit relatives) There was a nice dusting of snow already on the ground (but melted and gone on the roads) when we arrived in northern Indiana, Thursday afternoon. By the time we drove home on Sunday there was no snow in sight. Despite the temps in the 30's and 40's, it was rather nice and by the afternoon it may well have been in the 50's. :thu:


You live in the wrong place if you're interested in cold and snow for Christmas. :D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I'm tellin ya it should be colder here. It's been pretty chilly at night but the days have been hot... I've lived here most of my life, it should be cold by now. And we do usually get a few snowflakes around Christmas time, not much mind you... but there was the great blizzard of '91 when we had about 6 inches stick to the ground for a couple of days. I don't know what I'm complaining about really, I can't handle the cold at all... if I could I'd be speaking to you from London right now. Guess I'm just ticked that I got up this morning freezing my butt off and put on a big sweater and was sweating to death by lunch.... I just can't get a handle on it... the weather is messing with my head. Although that's not really strange for Alabama either, just seems worse this year.
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Ooh and.... GAS attack... I got my Christmas bonus last week and I am now watching ebay for a good deal on a vox wah. I'm excited... my very first pedal... I don't NEED one... but I'm getting one anyway, cause that's what Christmas is all about :P
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It's been in the low 20's here all day and it was 17 when I got up this morning. We haven't had much more than flurries so far but it's coming soon enough.


Neil, I was kinda wondering how you fared on your trip. There was some nasty weather around you. I'm glad you didn't have to deal with it.

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Originally posted by billster:

Page, our first snow melted already. November snow is a freak thing out here. Any word on those travel plans you mentioned once?

i'm still negotiating with the boss. he's had me on a bunch of projects lately that have tied up any "nice-to-have" trips. i'll let you know if things look up.
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Record cold in Southern California last night.


It was 34 degrees at about 9:30 PM last evening in Topanga Canyon, and it felt cooold!


Kids, let's remember that Global Warming does not mean that everything gets hot all the time - it means that the average temps are changing, possibly because of human choices, or not. Polar ice caps are melting, percipitation patterns are changing, and we just don't have a long-enough perspective on global temps to make a scientific determination whether there is anything we can do about it.

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yes doug it is defiately worrying, i's jus bein a little facetious with my bring it on comment


.. it does seem like we're always hearing the 'since records began' phrase these days, the biggest hurricanes, highest floods, the most snow, strongest winds, hottest summers and coldest winters. The weather is just more extreme every way. :mad:


human choice? who knows, but millenia have past with some pretty ridiculous conditions and equilibrium has always been achieved eventually. true us humans have never been around to disturb this equilibrium before, but i'm a believer in mother earth catching up on us. :thu:

its still sad than certain countries think they have a right to cause more pollution than others though.


"its our RIGHT to"


no, its your duty NOT to i say.


says me with a 23mpg car. :D hypocrit.

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Originally posted by Doug Osborne:

Kids, let's remember that Global Warming does not mean that everything gets hot all the time - it means that the average temps are changing, possibly because of human choices, or not. Polar ice caps are melting, percipitation patterns are changing, and we just don't have a long-enough perspective on global temps to make a scientific determination whether there is anything we can do about it.

While I personally believe that there is an agenda behind some of the global warming talk, and am quite skeptical of it myself, Doug has hit the nail on the head.


First off, think long-term, not short-term. A late start to winter does not mean global warming anymore than a cold week means the next ice age.


Secondly, as much as we like to think that humans have something to do with global warming, there are huge factors that could affect long-term change completely independent of us.


Thirdly, we don't have very long-term data, so it's hard to say much at this point.


Hopefully people on both sides of the issue can take this attitude. The enviro-nuts should try to better understand the nature of science and shouldn't take it for granted that global warming has been proven, while us evil capitalists shouldn't ignore things if there is actual legitimate data.

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Get the Vox Clyde McCoy Wah so you don't have to have it modded. True bypass, Fasel Inductor and a power plug make a difference. My V-847 has had all the mods and now it is virtually a McCoy. Actually I gutted mine and put vintage transistors and high quality capacitors and resistors too.


It's warm here in Osaka too but that's typical. this year had a record number of typhoons though and that's not good.

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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hmmm thanks for responding about the wah... I thought about that too... but it was hard enough to talk myself into throwing down the $60 or so I could get a V847 on ebay for. What shall I do?!?!?! :eek: I probably won't have time to shop around locally and try anything out... plus I doubt you'd find either around here anyway. Hrmph.... starting a new thread... must have answers.
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I sure hope for a white Christmas! :wave:


But, that'll take A LOT of "dreaming" in order for it to come to pass in England!


Watcha think, Base? Will we experience one? :D


Happy Christmas! :)

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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We got a dusting last night. It looks like less than an inch actually stuck but everything is very pretty and white. And of course with the first sticking snow come the Darwin driving lessons. It took me twice as long as usual to get to work this morning because of nuts who need to be retrained on how to drive on slick surfaces every year. The temp here is in the low 20s(F) again today.
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Originally posted by PBBPaul:

...Neil, I was kinda wondering how you fared on your trip. There was some nasty weather around you. I'm glad you didn't have to deal with it.

Thanks, Paul. Northern Illinois received a bit of snow the day before we left. It even affected flights at O'Hare. (Odd, as I'd seen snow, enough to be called a small blizzard, barely affect O'Hare in the past. ;) ) By the time we arrived it was definitely on the retreat.


Now if we could only do something about the traffic jams on I-94 between I-65 and the I-94/I-294 split south of Chicago then the drive would be perfect. Just reminded me why I like to drive through the night and arrive just before rush hour. No traffic anywhere. :D


BTW - I ended up visiting my two best friends on Friday. The second visit included re-recording the solo to a song our band wrote and recorded 15 years ago, before either of us were sound engineers. He recreated the entire rhythm track using Sample Tank, and I offered to provide the solo in a few passes. He's not going to give away to our old drummer that the solo is a "real" performance, just to see what he says about it. :D )


Sorry to hear Winter is catching up with you. :(

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

While I personally believe that there is an agenda behind some of the global warming talk, and am quite skeptical of it myself, Doug has hit the nail on the head.


First off, think long-term, not short-term. A late start to winter does not mean global warming anymore than a cold week means the next ice age.


Secondly, as much as we like to think that humans have something to do with global warming, there are huge factors that could affect long-term change completely independent of us.


Thirdly, we don't have very long-term data, so it's hard to say much at this point.


Hopefully people on both sides of the issue can take this attitude. The enviro-nuts should try to better understand the nature of science and shouldn't take it for granted that global warming has been proven, while us evil capitalists shouldn't ignore things if there is actual legitimate data.

:thu: Thanks Adam.


Climate change is measured in terms of tens of thousands of years, and reasonably accurate records have been kept for just over one hundred.


No doubt human activity impacts the environment, but let's compare human impact to what nature can accomplish on its own over time; for instance the Grand Canyon and the Himalayas.


Let's not forget that Mesopotamia is known to geology as part of "the fertile crescent", and is now 5-6000 years later known as the Iraqi desert.

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I recently watched a great show on the Science Channel, covering this topic (don't you just love the Discovery Channel programs!).


And actually...using various scientific techniques...they have looked millions of years into the past and seen what the temps were like.


Over the last few thousands of years...there were several icy dips and then back up to what we call "normal" these days.

We are possibly approaching another one of those icy dips in the next few hundred or thousand years.


But...if you go back further...MAN...the temps were WAY hotter. It was like a greenhouse during the dinosaur periods.


So...all this talk of "global warming" is very premature and smacks a bit of sensationalism.

I'm sure that we have contributed somewhat to climactic conditions...but not as much as some environmentalists are screaming about.


You know...this may all be really out of our hands anyway...and nature is just doing what it would do with or without or participation...give or take a few thousand years.


Yeahit feels like winter is a bit slower in coming this yearbut I personally dont care if its not much of a freezing/snowy winter.ANYWAY! :D

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Originally posted by miroslav:

So...all this talk of "global warming" is very premature and smacks a bit of sensationalism.

I'm sure that we have contributed somewhat to climactic conditions...but not as much as some environmentalists are screaming about.


You know...this may all be really out of our hands anyway...and nature is just doing what it would do with or without or participation...give or take a few thousand years.


I think you pretty much nailed it right there.


We seem to forget sometimes just how insignificant we are compared to nature. Yeah, we burn stuff and put a bunch of carbon and gases into the atmosphere but it's still miniscule compared to what the Earth itself generates.


Tedster should be participating in this.

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Here's one of the main causes of global warming:




Got to find a better way of dealing with this than disposable lighters too. Those landfills and arena floors are overflowing.

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