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bought a weird guitar yesterday


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just want to show you this strange guitar picked it up yesterday in his original case , payed too much i think but hell it's just a looker IMO.

it's in full working order ,plywood body that's a shame.

but i wonder what these chinese (taiwan)were thinking in the 60's to copy a teisco?

i had to refinish it because the paintjob had become realy yellow and crakly ,and it was a bad refinish anyway.

today i had a day off ,so all the time to work on it and this is the result.

by the way the brand name is "hsin mi" ever heard of it?





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tried it yesterday with the old strings on it , it's quite mellow jazzy in sound not very punchy.

the pu's are low output , because it's not that loud either.

if the paint is completely hardend than i'm going to play on it again.

finished it only a few hours ago so the paint is still soft ,if i push hard i make vinger prints in it at the moment.

so heve to wait a few days (at least until tomorrow :) )

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Originally posted by bty3056:

man that is too cool! :thu:

shame its plywood though. How did you paint it? I've been thinking of re painting my pacifica.

Thanks for sharing.

Ta ta

i painted it using a spraycan the paint you use for cars , gets quite hard this paint over the time.

but you can not use the guitar for a few days because the paint is still soft for some days.


Originally posted by Gato:

It looks like a $100 Eko

hmm i pay'd more for it , 100 $ is about 85 euro i paid 120 euro for it (160$) .

but this one is in his original guitar case wich is always a bonus and usable for more guitars than this one.

but for me the guitar is worth it , it's unusual enough to keep it in my collection.

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The more I play, the more I think switches for each pickup is the best way to switch pups on and off. Forget this 3- and 5-way switching that's become so prominent. I want mini toggle switches for each pickup. It's now a requirement in any guitar I plan to mess with!


She's a beaut by the way, and the rest of the collection is awesome, too. The 60s and 70s produced some wacky, but cool looking guits, worldwide. They at least had more personality than the generified pieces we tend to see today.

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Originally posted by phaeton:

Tedster should be in here any minute now to identify the guitar, tell you the history of it, and then lust after it himself :eek:

Mmmmm...Cheesocaster... :thu:


Actually, about the closest I could come is an old Teisco. Hsin Mi? Interesting, as most Asian manufacturers exported with western sounding names.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Is it just me, or did anyone else notice the similarity between this and the B.C. Rick Mockingbird? Flip it around, round of an edge or two, add some switches, and the Mockingbird becomes a relic of the 60s!


Think about it: http://www.bcrich.com/images/hi_res/Bronze_Mockingbird.jpg

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i discovered there is a band the bitchboys who's lead guitarist uses one as his main axe.

the band is from slovenia and plays surf music.



looks like he put a fender logo on the headstock.




wich is not there on this picture.


but because that country was behind the iron curtain in the 60's,it's possible this guitar is made in the USSR or china wich is more likely regarding the name.


here are some soundclips of this awesome

surfband ,i was pleasantly surprized and i'm not a surf music lover.

this cheapo sure sounds fine in the hands of this guy.



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