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Passing Along the Tradition


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Okay this may be a lost cause but my little cousin is visiting at my aunts up the road from me for the summer... I've been working so much i haven't been able to spend much time with him he's leaving to go back to Philly in a week. Hes really into music but unfortunately I can't seem to convince him that anything but NEW heavy metal is cool. I like heavy metal as much as the next guy but theres more to life and music. I'm trying to introduce him to the influences of his favorite kind of music... hoping that might be the key to broadening his horizons. He likes Zeppelin but views Hendrix as being some kind of silly hippy stuff :mad: His mom used to be a rocker back in the day and i could smack her for letting this happen. Don't get me wrong everyone is entitled to their opinion... but with him I think it has more to do with what someone along the way told him was "cool". I want to make a compilation cd and hope he gives it a fair chance. I tried to explain to him the other night how neat it is to go back and listen to bands like the yardbirds... where you can clearly hear on some songs that transformation that occurred in the sixties... where a new generation blended blues and rockabilly, mixing with the introduction of psychedelia... and all these new sounds came out of it... including hard rock... and eventually heavy metal. He seemed interested but skeptical. I want to give him something that shows him what i'm talking about.... I'm thinking some heavy 60's and 70's stuff Yardbirds, Cream, Deep Purple, Sabbath, Stones, The Who, Doors, and I'm gonna throw in some Hendrix because i simply have to.


Anyway I'm looking for suggestions.... pref particular songs you think might be good reference material and hopefully inspiring.


Thanks :cool:

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Sooner or later..hopefully he'll be able to think for himself. Well, could be he already is...or at least he thinks he is. There's a lot of stuff I missed out on when I was a kid...and only got into later. I don't think there's necessarily any shame in that...better to dig it later than never.


I'll come up with some suggestions...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Don't label the CD with artist names. Let him come back to you and ask who they all are. I'll bet he's never heard Hendrix, and has no idea how cool his music really is. Also, what about including Funk #49 and Walk Away by The James Gang? Some Eagles might be good too, something off Hotel California. I'd suggest either the title track or Life in the Fast Lane. :bor:


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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It's tough to convert someone, especially if they like Nu Metal. I tried somewhat successfully with my nephew, but I found the trick is to spend time with them while they listen to it (which can be tough). Reason being, so you can explain why the songs are relevant without seeming like your preaching or trying to convert them.


What you have to show him (which will require some work on your part), is interviews and such from members of his favorite bands saying that their biggest influences are KISS, Black Sabbath, Rainbow or the Captain & Tennille. (ooops!) ;) Which I'm sure is the case and then from there introduce him to some classic Black Sabbath etc. It also still might be cool to watch the Osbournes, although I have no idea if it is or if it's still on. But if it is, you can then say Ozzy is cool and therefore Black Sabbath is cool. Also check the line-up on Ozzfest for "cool" bands and then sell his royal Ozness.


Plus there are a lot of people that I'm sure listen to the "cool" stuff with their friends, but then go home and listen to less than cool stuff like Duran Duran and Flock of Seagulls (sorry for outing you, Lava) http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_2_11.gif Therefore tell him he doesn't have to listen to the good stuff (or admit it) with his friends.


BTW, I'd recommend just about any classic Sabbath, Rainbow or Deep Purple to start since it's a bit heavier. Then I'd introduce Cream etc. Actually the Yardbirds might be an easy sell, if you tell him Jimmy Page played with them.


I have no idea if that helps or not, but I tried. ;)


Good luck!

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Originally posted by cosmo115:

Plus there are a lot of people that I'm sure listen to the "cool" stuff with their friends, but then go home and listen to less than cool stuff like Duran Duran and Flock of Seagulls...

You mean Duran Duran isn't cool?! :eek:;) I had Notorious on tape. ;)


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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I don't have that problem with my 17 year-old niece. She wanted to learn to play guitar, so I let her use a Tele and an Ampeg J12R.

She's pretty wide ranging. She goes for metal, (old and "nu"), newer pop, rap, older rock, blues, and one of her favorites is Bob Marley. She loved watching some of my DVD's (Floyd, Clapton, B.B., even the old blues stuff).

When a kid can converse intelligently about that many different ranges of music, and shows an interest in trying an instrument.....I figured it was worth it to help her out.

This was last fall, and she's already got her open chords down, and can do some barre chords, in addition to some rudimentary single note leads.

(She's a good kid...I'm proud of her).


Anyway, definitely don't make fun of their narrow choice of music. Like was said, anytime something about how this relates to that can be brought up, just slip it in. When they start expanding their circle of musical acquaintances, they'll begin to see that many influences drive originality, rather than just copying one genre.


Tele Kinesis

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I agree, with blue. Don't tell him who is on the CD. He may not like them all, but he will come back and ask "who does this song", and then you can have a long conversation about that. I also agree with the Deep Purple and Sabbath suggestions. Another thing that might help, but you don't have much time, is that anytime your in the car with him play some of these bands music without saying anything to him. He'll be in the car he can't just jump out. My son is starting to get into classic rock, It's pretty cool. He says he likes the Scorpions better than most new metal.
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I'm just not familiar enough with nu metal to know exactly where the lines connect, but I can draw a straight line from Black Sabbath to "Badmotorfinger" by Soundgarden.


Hit him with the Mahavishnu Orchestra "Inner Mounting Flame" (particularly the track Vital Transformation), and after he picks his head up off the floor, maybe he'll see some new avenues for heavy music.

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Originally posted by billster:

Hit him with the Mahavishnu Orchestra "Inner Mounting Flame" (particularly the track Vital Transformation), and after he picks his head up off the floor, maybe he'll see some new avenues for heavy music.

JaySus! I haven't heard of that album for years. That was some really progressive stuff, even at the time.


I think I used it as a trap shooting "clay pigeon" one time, shit faced and needing to shoot something. :evil:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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here's a few songs i noticed people seem to like right off the bat:

NIB - Black Sabbath

Kashmir - Led Zeppelin

Voodoo Chile - Hendrix

Crossroads, sunshine of your love, White Room - Cream

Layla? - Clapton


Just off the top of my head, of course

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