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Optimal band setup/members/number/etc.


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Sorry all - refer to my latest post :) "Sorry guys :( "



"Money, Bitchez and Cheese!"




"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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Our keyboard player (the 'old guy' in the band) has been out with a pancreas problem for the past few weeks. Consequently, we've been a power trio (although we did have a sax player sit in with us for most of a gig a couple of weeks ago). Well the old guy, now 15 pounds lighter, was back with us Saturday. Man what a difference! I really missed him! I know we're all guitar players here but as a trio, the sound was just too guitar-centric and while I was really stretching my soloing creativity, I was unable to do all those cool little rhythm parts that play so well off a keyboard. The sound is just so much more full. Of course he's still a bit weak so we had to haul his B3 for him but it was well worth it. Sorry, it's kinda off-topic but it re-affirms my Guitar-Bass-Drums-Keyboard band setup as my fave.



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The number of people in your band doesn't matter. There is no ideal amount. The most important thing is making the music you want to make. If that means you require three glockenspiel players, a tuba and a mellotron, then so be it. I'd actually kinda like to see that.


Personally, as a guitarist, I prefer to do the "power trio with a frontman" thing. Why? because I don't like playing with other guitarists. They always play when they should be quiet and wank when everything's supposed to be focused. Fuck em. That's why I gotta be left alone.


I like having a singer/frontman who can run around, work the crowd and provide a modicum of visual engagement. It's also nice if they can kinda sing and help write songs. We're lucky to have that combo. BTW, this band plays rock/metal/hardcore. We all do vocals, but the singer and the drummer are the only ones who can actually "sing." The bassist and I do all the "shouty" parts.


As a bassist, I like playing in a power trio. It means my playing is very important, so I have to choose my notes more wisely than if I had a keyboard or another guitarist taking up more room in the sonic mix. I like that -- it means my lines have to be the anchor (along with the drums) in a combination that can be very fragile. This band plays rootsy brit-pop. The guitarist is also the singer, and the drummer sings harmonies. I get to holler into the mic whenever there's an easy "sing-along" part.


Lee is kinda right about singers who do nothing but sing... to a certain degree. Unless they're really dedicated, these folks can be a real pain in the ass. As I said, we're VERY lucky that the singer in our band is focused and dedicated. He's also a good guy. However, he IS the first one to bitch when we have to go more than three days without a shower or drive more than 500 miles in a day. He's getting better about that stuff, though.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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This is why keys make a better backing for a guitarist than another guitar. As a lead player I usually disliked having the 2nd guitarist; only in two bands did it work. However I LOVED having a keyboardist, and I gladly gave up plenty of solo time when I had keys in the band. It eventually got to the point that, well... you'll now find me posting in the Keyboard Corner because I want keys in the band so much that I've become the keys player! If you'll excuse me, it's time for me to go practice on the Hammond :)


Originally posted by CMDN:

[QB]Personally, as a guitarist, I prefer to do the "power trio with a frontman" thing. Why? because I don't like playing with other guitarists. They always play when they should be quiet and wank when everything's supposed to be focused. Fuck em. That's why I gotta be left alone.QB]

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Originally posted by CMDN:

Lee is kinda right about singers who do nothing but sing... to a certain degree. Unless they're really dedicated, these folks can be a real pain in the ass. As I said, we're VERY lucky that the singer in our band is focused and dedicated. He's also a good guy. However, he IS the first one to bitch when we have to go more than three days without a shower or drive more than 500 miles in a day. He's getting better about that stuff, though.

You'd never have that problem with me. I barely get time for showers :P hehehe


Kidding. But yeah. From a singers POV though, a singer who does nothing but sing has real low creative input. He gets to do the words, SOMETIMES... otherwise he sits around and does shit all... and you know how boring / depressing thatd be? Itd be like one of you guys having to sit in a room with a really good band without a guitar. and you werent allowed to comment and make suggestions because then you're 'being a pain in the arse'. Trust me - it isnt much fun. The main reason why singers are a "pain" is because they DARE to suggest something that the guitarist doesnt want. Theres all sorts of problems: such as:


- You rock up and sit around. They tell you to help out. You try. They tell you to piss off because you're being a pain.


- You dont rock up because you know you wont be any help. you get flamed for not showing up.


- You suggest that the guitar fill theyre doing is a little too slow... because you may not play guitar, but you sure as hell arent stupid. You get flamed.


etc. HENCE why I am learning guitar. I want to be a PART of it. But still only sing on stage. I can see where your POV is - that theyre a pain, but I can also see the POV of a singer. Its not easy being green.


its all an ego war :P



"Money, Bitchez and Cheese!"




"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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Yo Nolly...

I understand what you're talking about. I think bands like that are kind of sad. We encourage input from everyone in the band about every element of the music -- our drummer gives me guitar riffs, I sing him drum fills, our singer throws out bass ideas and our bassist sometimes has cool vocal ideas. We all work on arrangements together. To us, that's the way stuff has to be done. There's really no point in being in a creative endeavor like a band unless everyone can have some creative input in it.


When I said non-instrument playing vocalists can be a pain in the ass, I'm talking about the people who spend 30 minutes fussing with their hair, always show up late, refuse to remain sober for any extended length of time, jump into amplifiers, pick fights with large violent people and generally are more concerned with themselves than anything else. Those people are a pain in the ass, and more often than not, they're the singer.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Yes! This is my longest started-topic EVER!!!


Okay, nevermind that. This has certainly been an interesting discussion so far. I think ideally you just want versatility in a band. I would love to have a four-person band that was basically a power trio plus frontman, but with the frontman having the ability to play guitar, and him or the guitarist having the ability to switch to keys.


Almost all these discussions degenerate, at some level, into "whatever works best for your music." But I still think this has been good feedback.


By the way, on the "who's the biggest pain" sidebar that some have gotten into...no one was a true "pain" in my band, but I can tell you that the rhythm section (including me, I was the bassist) was a lot more committed that the rest of the band most of the time, which can be nearly as big of a hassle as someone who's really self-absorbed or whatever.

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I'll drive off that bridge when I cross it.


Originally posted by Adamixoye:

I'll cross that bridge when i burn it.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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