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Female guitarists who PLAY LIKE A GIRL!

Tedly Nightshade

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OK, we established over in that other thread that there are some top flight female guitarists, but how about those who PLAY LIKE A GIRL?!

Obviously some of this could apply as well to the other gender...


I see this a lot with singer/songwriter types. Somehow, it just doesn't matter what the guitar sounds like, or whether the audience hears it at all, or what it sounds like to the audience if they happen to overhear it. Like it's being played for the benefit of the singer alone... often real strong singers, and writers, and really weak guitar players... partial to easy to play way too low action guitars with whatever cheap pickup, like sound reinforcement is some necessary masculine evil that's guaranteed to sound bad so why bother...


how's that for a chauvanistic rant? :):wave::love:


Even when these gals get a taste of what it's like to wield some serious guitar, in terms of tone and projection, they seem to find slippery rationales for reverting to inaudibility...


OK folks, lemme have it!



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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*runs in panting*


Oh sh*t dude... Lee's coming.. and she's hell pissed! Quick! out the secret door! *opens the secret door and motions you toward it*


She's coming... She's coming... :D


(seriously though, I'd run if I were you. :P )



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"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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Heh... i could put down a chauvinistic rant over something i've seen a number of times in real life, but i'm CERTAIN to get killed for it.




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LOL! This is too funny, just the other night at a gig, I was talking to a couple of other guitar player friends (male) and they started ragging on this one guy in another local band who's got all this killer gear and wonders why he sounds crappy. "Just HIT the damn thing! He plays all rinkety-tinkety like he's afraid of it and will barely touch the strings!"


"Yeah," I said, "He plays like a GIRL!" LOL...


But anyway... yeah, Atlanta and Athens are just FULL of all-girl bands and female singer/songwriters who can't play the guitar for shit. And the girl-band types are always all dolled up in miniskirts and glam makeup and such, thinking that will make up for the fact that they can't play (and sometimes it DOES, to some people, which is of course annoying). They can play 3 barre chords and they strum them really wimpily. Blahhh... Then there's the folksinger types who tentatively strum open G and E chords while they sing about their navel lint. Oh, and they'll throw in the occasional B chord with the B string left open - better known around here as "The Indigo Girls Chord". Not that I particularly have anything against the Indigo Girls, they're pretty cool but their legions of imitators.... gag me! :D


Oh yeah, and we had a discussion here about Madonna picking up a guitar on her last tour and getting some kind of award from Gibson - oh yeah, because Madonna picks up a Les Paul she deserves an award. How'd that Les Paul feel if I bashed her upside the head with it? :D

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Hey Lee... Let's not dredge up that ol' "Madonna with a guitar" discussion. I hate it when we fight... but you ARE cute when you're angry. hahah.


So have you heard Jucifer? They're from Athens, and they are a two-piece band -- drums and guitar. The guitarist plays a really fucked-looking guitar/bass thing through one of the loudest rigs I've ever heard. It's part PA, part bass rig and part guitar rig. Yikes. She plays like she's got major PMS and no access to Midol at all. Maybe that should be the proper definition of "playing like a girl?"



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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