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i will ask this question yet an other time....


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What exactly do i look for when buying an electric guitar? i played like a billion of them at the guitar stores around my city and i really dont notice much of a difference in sound from the ones i tried...(Les Paul 100, Fender mex strat, Ibanze Steve Vai model)


what should i do when testing out a guitar? i know that you should play it hooked up to an amp and acoustically by itself but what else should you do?



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The best advice I can think of is to bring along someone who is more experienced than you. If you don't know what you are looking for, it's hard to find it.


What type of music do you like?


Who are your favorite guitarists?

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Get something that appeals to you sonically and play-wise and/or even asthetically. It's that simple.

Psalm 33:3

The best instrument you have, is your heart.

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If you`re going around to various stores, you may want to make a quick note of what you played, what amp you played it through, and what your impression was. After you visit half a dozen stores, take a look at what you have and see if anything stands out. Put a check next to it and go for half a dozen more. Take all the single check items and put them on one list. Go back to those places, with the same setup, and put another check next to the ones that still stand out. Continue the process until it`s down to two or three choices. Then go with your intuition. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Once you have decided on a guitar, you should have a period of time to decide whether you really like it or not. Use that time to play it through various amps that may be at other places.

Also, people have this bad habit of talking to you while you`re looking over a guitar. Take it home and inspect it more carefully. If anything looks goofy take it right back.

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Originally posted by D-Prime:

What exactly do i look for when buying an electric guitar? i played like a billion of them at the guitar stores around my city and i really dont notice much of a difference in sound from the ones i tried...(Les Paul 100, Fender mex strat, Ibanze Steve Vai model)

Erm, with all due respect, if this is your first electric you're probably looking too high up the range. You won't yet be able to appreciate the differences, so it may not be a good idea to spend that much cash on a guitar - those Jems aren't cheap.


Take along someone who knows what they're up to, and just go for something that's comfortable to play and preferably (at this stage) has both humbucker and single coil pickups.

Squeeze the day!


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I posted this on another post... read it if you want:


I cannot stress this point enough, mate:




If you buy something that you cant play, or even something that you think doesnt LOOK good, you are NOT going to be inspired. My mate bought a Samick. Its a cheap cheap CHEAP guitar, made in korea. plywood body. ugly headstock, high action - too high. He likes it, but he prefers his acoustic. He got the samick 3 months before me for $299 aussie WITH amp...


he prefers his acoustic... and he is a metalhead. He doesnt like the guitar much and in turn it reflects on his playing.


On the other hand, waited longer, saved the cash, and bought a 600 dollar ibanez SA60 - a much better guitar for the price. On special down to 500. And a 250 dollar peavey rage 158 - down to 180. I was exstatic... and still cant believe my deal. The difference between me and him is - he pulls his guitar out and plays it. I pull my guitar out, look around to see the impressed faces, feel proud of my baby, then play it, feeling confident, loving and feeling the guitar.


There is a HUGE difference when you like the guitar. if it feels right, GO for it!


As far as reccomendations - turbodog or tedster said to me when I bought it, that lower end Deans, Ibanez SA60, and RX40, are some of the best guitars for the price, and by GOD, theyre right. Do your research.


This is what I did - and what I reccomend you do.




Go to sites like ibanez, fender, and epiphone. If you like the look of fenders, look for a strat clone. If you like the more metalled look, go for something like ibanez or epiphone. Really it doesnt mattrer... the feel is different, but get to that later. Right now - for your first guitar, try not to worry too much about sound (Though fenders, ibanez, dean and epiphone are all good quality sounds anyway - Id stick with those brands). Try the guitar out. Learn the Em chord, and maybe the C, and the Am chord... theyre EASY to do (goto www.cyberfret.com and go to FIRST FRET).


Then go to a shop, and find those guitars you scoped on the net. Plug them into an amp, maybe something small like what you're looking at buying... Then play those chords. Dont worry if you suck, aand dont worry if people look at you funny. play each of the strings. fiddle. It doesnt matter shit all if you cant play.


When I got to the store, I picked up the SA60 first, because I saw the special sign, and fell in love with the guitar's look. I plugged it in and fiddled and fiddled. I couldnt play! I could plat Em and C. That was it. I fiddled right around, distortion and no distortion, and I twanged, and I strummed crappy chords. I then tried the same thing with others, and kept going back to the SA60. I was faced with the decision: What do I want to get? I was torn between the RX40 by ibanez, a pacifica yamaha, and the SA60.


I didnt like the look of the yammie, though it felt good. I felt bad, at the fact that I didnt like it - tried to tell myself that the looks didnt matter. but they did, and I decided that it was better not to get it. I realise now that was a wise decision.. I wouldnt have been as proud.


I asked the shopkeeper what was the difference between the RX40 and the SA60. He said not a hell of a lot. I concurred from what I had played. it seemed only the body was different, and I much preferred the look of the SA60.


so guess what I bought.


I was overjoyed. didnt feel any regret (apart from one bastard shop assistant who got on my nerves)... and I havent regretted it since.


Do your research then pick the one you fall in love with. From personal esperience, I reccomend Yamahas and Ibanezes. Go for yammies if you like the fender strat look. and ibanez for the other look. Go yer hardest, and dont look back!




PS: If you feel the slightests uneasiness, dont buy. its a big investment. go home, think about it, then decide to buy it.

Guitars that are in the high ranges dont nesscarily sound THE SAME... but theyre much more similar than say - a low end ibanez and a samick / ashton low end... theres a big difference there.


You also dont want to JUST look at the guitars sound - but also its feel. The shape, etc.


A lot of the sound comes from your amp quality. Humbucklers and pickups make a biiiiiiiiiiig difference too...eg a JEM with good (replaced) pickups sounds a lot better than a JEM straight off the market.. you know?


Id just go for a sound you like.. dont research TOO much man, I almost did that - Id get a decent, yet modest guitar... not a cheap shitty one, and not an all out guitar like a jem or les paul... I'd head in midranges... THAT way you have something to look forward too.


Read my post there in the quotes too... that might help...?



"Money, Bitchez and Cheese!"




"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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All the previous advice is sound to me. The only thing I can add is to ignore the salesman! I say this time and time again. If a better guitar can be found at a lower price, he'll never tell you!

Bear in mind the playability. And the corporate and store warranties. Find out about set-ups.

And, as stated previously, take your time!

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I've been playing for years (although I'm still not all that great) but my search for a new/better guitar went much like Nollykin suggested. I located which stores had the same amp on the floor as I have at home (Fender DeVille), then I methodically played all the guitars in my price range thru the amp with the same settings.


I was going for a good heavy blues/rock rhythm sound. So, just to keep all things equal, I played the same 3 or 4 AC/DC riffs over and over all afternoon on different guitars (sometimes different guitars of the same make) until I found the combination of tone, playability, color, shape, brand name, and affordability that I was looking for.


Yeah...at first I felt a little self-conscious playing dopey simple power chords repeatedly at volume, especially with shredder-boys half my age trying to drown me out just to show their nuts. BUT...by the time I made my choice, I felt I had enough information to make an informed decision. I had also had impromptu jams with several friendly, seasoned lead guitar players who appreciated having a rhythm player to solo over while trying out the gear they were interested in.


My rambling point...don't be self-conscious. Try out everything you can afford. Take mental notes. Then at the end of the process, buy the guitar that "fits" you best....you will have enough information at that point to make a good decision.



- flashy features might not be for you. you don't need a floating tremolo on your first guitar, imho. Locking tuners are a good idea, though. Decide what's worth the $ and what's not based on how you want to play.

- When the salesman tells you to turn down because you've been playing the same riff for 2 hours, remind him that you're about to drop a couple hundred bucks and that he can shove off if he wants your commission.

- Listen to educated/experienced opinions, but consider the source. Metalhead salesman might not be able to help you pick the right mandolin, if you get my drift.


In the end, make an informed decision, trust your instincts, buy the guitar that *moves* you, and you'll have a lot less second-guessing when you get home.

One of these days I'm gonna change my evil ways...

one of these days...


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Originally posted by D-Prime:

[QB]what should i do when testing out a guitar? i know that you should play it hooked up to an amp and acoustically by itself but what else should you do?[QB]

Can you get a more knowledgeable friend to go with you? If not, you're in Calgary right? If you want, I could hit a store or two with you and show you what to look for when buying.
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I remember starting out and I couldn't tell the sound apart from the different guitars or amps, either. I think your ear eventually gets more in tune to these things. I'm no expert, but I can tell the differences better than when I started out.


To answer your question, buy the guitar that inspires you. When you're trying out a guitar and it seems you don't run out of songs to play on it and may even inspire you to create your own licks right there on the spot, then it's a good guitar for you. This is what I go by. I mean, there are a lot of technical stuff you can check, but this is a good guideline if the tech stuff is over your head right now.

aka riffing


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