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Ibanez SA


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I just tried out an Ibanez SA160 at a local store, and it's the best playing guitar I've ever used! I grew up playing an Ibanez EX and it feels very similar, thin neck with a bridge close to the body and small frets. The only problem is it sounds like shit! Probably the pickups..... So the question is, is there a higher end model of the same thing that plays the same but sounds better? I've seen the SA420 advertised, but it says the neck is a little different and the frets are bigger, both of which don't sound appealing to me. Anyone played one? Any other similar guitars out there? Also, no floyd roses! I'm sick of them, and I love the sat bridge on the SAs.
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I own an SA60 - I dont have any problem with the sound.


I'd say if you do - replace the pickups yourself - the guys on this board know all about doing that. Replacing pickups is apparently a relatively simple job.


but its up to you - I'd take the 160 anyday :) I love my 60. Its an amazing machine.



"Money, Bitchez and Cheese!"




"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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You could try replacing your pickups. It'd be a lot cheaper than a new guitar and could make your guitar WORLDS better. $300 for the body, neck and trem you like, $70 for a Seymour Duncan JB or '59 or something and $40-$60 each for a couple good single coils. (Fender Noiseless or DiMarzios or whatever you prefer)
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