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Thanks, Bill and Myles!


Myles, I kinda wanted to make this a DIY project as the amp can't be worth more than $50 - $100 in excellent condition. This one isn't disgusting but it isn't worth putting much money into. That said, I'll call Todd and find out how ridiculous just checking it out will be.


I've been meaning to learn more about electronics.... Looks like I might just finally dive in the deep end. ;)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Thanks, Bill and Myles!


Myles, I kinda wanted to make this a DIY project as the amp can't be worth more than $50 - $100 in excellent condition. This one isn't disgusting but it isn't worth putting much money into. That said, I'll call Todd and find out how ridiculous just checking it out will be.


I've been meaning to learn more about electronics.... Looks like I might just finally dive in the deep end. ;)


This might be a great entry into electronics where the value in the end would be the great aspect of learning a lot.


Grab a copy of Dave Hunter's book ... it is on the front page of my website somewhere with links to places to get it and I also might mentioned it on my myspace page and on my myspace page in my top friends is two stoke amp kits ... and that is Dave Hunter so maybe going there you will find more info and can talk directly to Dave Hunter.


Great book for all levels and he is a great guy.





Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles, I need some help here.


My brother (who has no idea what he's doing) plugged something that isn't a guitar into my 65 Deluxe Reverb (I have no idea what, he is not available, I will have to ask him later, although, it could be a radio transmitter).


The problem is, he plugged into the Normal channel, which doesn't have a 12AX7 in V1 and turned the volume up to 10.


Then he plugged it in to the Vibrato channel, which does have tubes.


I have also retubed Channel 1 and I tried both of them out and they seem fine.


So my question is, has he done any real damage to either channel? I will also find out what he plugged in, so I'll reply back soon.

Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.





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Hey Myles, I need some help here.


My brother (who has no idea what he's doing) plugged something that isn't a guitar into my 65 Deluxe Reverb (I have no idea what, he is not available, I will have to ask him later, although, it could be a radio transmitter).


The problem is, he plugged into the Normal channel, which doesn't have a 12AX7 in V1 and turned the volume up to 10.


Then he plugged it in to the Vibrato channel, which does have tubes.


I have also retubed Channel 1 and I tried both of them out and they seem fine.


So my question is, has he done any real damage to either channel? I will also find out what he plugged in, so I'll reply back soon.


There is no problem.


One of the cool aspects of tubes is if one was there and it was overdriven or the input was some wacky impedance the tube would just have little output or compress over high input. Since you channel two works fine all is fine and dandy and it is very probably that NO damage, short term or long term resulted.


Happy playing.



Myles S. Rose






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Im having a problem with my Cornford Carrera which I hope you can help me with. The amp is 2 years old, and after only light use it has gotten very noisy, with a pronounced buzzing sound that is Master knob dependent. The buzzing becomes noticeable at all Gain settings as the Master knob is turned up to 5, becomes louder as the knob is turned to 7, then diminishes somewhat when the Master knob is at the maximum setting. The buzzing occurs without any instrument plugged in, and it doesnt matter which electrical outlet I use (I play the amp exclusively at home). Ive changed out all the tubes, but the problem remains. Any advice? Also, I live in Orange County can you suggest a good amp tech in the area?






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Im having a problem with my Cornford Carrera which I hope you can help me with. The amp is 2 years old, and after only light use it has gotten very noisy, with a pronounced buzzing sound that is Master knob dependent. The buzzing becomes noticeable at all Gain settings as the Master knob is turned up to 5, becomes louder as the knob is turned to 7, then diminishes somewhat when the Master knob is at the maximum setting. The buzzing occurs without any instrument plugged in, and it doesnt matter which electrical outlet I use (I play the amp exclusively at home). Ive changed out all the tubes, but the problem remains. Any advice? Also, I live in Orange County can you suggest a good amp tech in the area?








This could be a LOT of things. Get the amp to a good tech ... and here is a great one!


http://www.roccaforteamps.com/ and ask for Doug and give him a hello from me. He is a great amp builder but also a great tech and super guy.



Myles S. Rose






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hey i am an idiot and want to view some of the old big 8 artists from previous months to look them up. how might i go about finding them


I have no idea what you are talking about.



Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles this is the guy a few posts ago who asked about a clean sound for my Fender Twin Reverb (65 reissue). Well I have a problem now.


I havent done any work to the amp at all since you posted about it. Tonite, at band practice, I was playing for 2 or 3 hours when all of sudden, the signal just completely dropped out. No noise from my guitar whatsoever. I had my guitar plugged into input 1 on the reverb/vibrato channel. I plugged into input 2, still no guitar sound. When I turned the volume up to 10, you can hear the speakers getting louder, and if I tapped on the reverb tank, the sound came thru.


So then I plugged into the dry channel and both inputs work fine.


Any idea what the heck is wrong? HELLLLP please. Thanks Myles.

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hey im a new guitarist. im working on buying an amp and guitar and was wondering what your opinion of the line 6 spider valve 112 is? i messed around with it at guitar center and it seemed pretty cool, but like i said im new to this stuff so i want a more educated opinion on it. any help would be appreciated. thanx.
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Hey Myles this is the guy a few posts ago who asked about a clean sound for my Fender Twin Reverb (65 reissue). Well I have a problem now.


I havent done any work to the amp at all since you posted about it. Tonite, at band practice, I was playing for 2 or 3 hours when all of sudden, the signal just completely dropped out. No noise from my guitar whatsoever. I had my guitar plugged into input 1 on the reverb/vibrato channel. I plugged into input 2, still no guitar sound. When I turned the volume up to 10, you can hear the speakers getting louder, and if I tapped on the reverb tank, the sound came thru.


So then I plugged into the dry channel and both inputs work fine.


Any idea what the heck is wrong? HELLLLP please. Thanks Myles.


Replace V2 for a start and then V4 and V5 as those are the most likely sources.



Myles S. Rose






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hey im a new guitarist. im working on buying an amp and guitar and was wondering what your opinion of the line 6 spider valve 112 is? i messed around with it at guitar center and it seemed pretty cool, but like i said im new to this stuff so i want a more educated opinion on it. any help would be appreciated. thanx.


I think Line 6 makes cool stuff and you get a lot of value for the buck from them. If you like the amp and it's features then it is your ears that will decide in the end.



Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles!


I have a Peavey Backstage 110 that I got from Reif. Every once and a while, the reverb stops working and is replaced with a really loud buzz. I can still hear the clean guitar, but the buzz is quite loud. If I turn the reverb down, the buzz goes away. There is no reverb effect at all when it's buzzing. Oh, and also, when I turn the reverb dial, you can hear the buzz sort of, warping. Any ideas?

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Hey Myles!


I have a Peavey Backstage 110 that I got from Reif. Every once and a while, the reverb stops working and is replaced with a really loud buzz. I can still hear the clean guitar, but the buzz is quite loud. If I turn the reverb down, the buzz goes away. There is no reverb effect at all when it's buzzing. Oh, and also, when I turn the reverb dial, you can hear the buzz sort of, warping. Any ideas?



These are solid state amps and it can be many things. The amp will need to be seen by a tech who is used to working on these sorts of things.


Sorry I could not help here but these are almost like trying to figure out what is wrong with a digital telephone or camera.



Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles, what do you think are the best new prodction tubes for KT66's and EL34's?


Keep in mind this is totally my personal preference but for the KT66 it is the Sovtek Gold Lion sort of loose reissue of their KT66. They have not been out all that long but they sound great and have held up really well from a reliability point of view.


On EL34 tubes it depends on whether you want the smoother vintage tone or the agressive hard rock tone. For the classic tone either the GT EL34M xf2 Mullard design dual getter or the Svetlana (winged C, real ones) EL34. Mesa used to have their STR450 which was an NOS Siemens tube that was a great deal at $70 a duet but I do not know if they are still available.


For the hard rockers ... Slash, Billy Fibbons, Joe Perry, Joe Walsh and more agressive tones I go with the E34LS GT which is an exclusive tube for them and the only 30 watt EL34. Even the JJ E34L is a 25 watter.


But ... in the end it all boils down to your own personal taste and preference.





Myles S. Rose






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Hi Myles. I have been trying some of these combo amps that have a lead/high gain channel. What I would like and what I can afford are two different things, so I've been looking at a few SS combos. I've tried the Carvin SX300 100w, Crate Series FW120 120W, and a couple of others and can get a pretty decent Billy Gibbons, AC/DC, high gain tone out of them, but when I turn up the volume it just wants to howl if I go over 1/4 volume. I'm new to these kind of amplifiers, so my question is, how do I get that sound at higher or gig volumes? I tried a Carvin at rehersal in a pretty good size room so I could stand about 15' away and was still having feedback problems with the volume @ 4 and the gain @ 6-7. Help. Teach a old dog new tricks.



Les Paul Studio Deluxe, '74 Guild S100, '64 Strat, JCM 900 Combo, Peavey Classic 30 1x12, Peavey Classic 30 Head, CBG
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Hi Myles. I have been trying some of these combo amps that have a lead/high gain channel. What I would like and what I can afford are two different things, so I've been looking at a few SS combos. I've tried the Carvin SX300 100w, Crate Series FW120 120W, and a couple of others and can get a pretty decent Billy Gibbons, AC/DC, high gain tone out of them, but when I turn up the volume it just wants to howl if I go over 1/4 volume. I'm new to these kind of amplifiers, so my question is, how do I get that sound at higher or gig volumes? I tried a Carvin at rehersal in a pretty good size room so I could stand about 15' away and was still having feedback problems with the volume @ 4 and the gain @ 6-7. Help. Teach a old dog new tricks.





Higher levels with these amps? Mic them .... that is what is done every day in every large venue on the planet.



Myles S. Rose






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hello, can you tell me what is the difference between a balanced triode and a matched triode? and does it really matter to have any other tubes besides the phase inverter to be matched or balanced?


Same thing ... different terms.


Generally only the phase inverter benefits from being matched on the two sides but in many amps where only a single side of the tube is used... tweed champ, tweed deluxe, tweed super, tweed bandmaster, Princeton etc., it has no advantage.



Myles S. Rose






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Hey Myles, what do you think are the best new prodction tubes for KT66's and EL34's?


Keep in mind this is totally my personal preference but for the KT66 it is the Sovtek Gold Lion sort of loose reissue of their KT66. They have not been out all that long but they sound great and have held up really well from a reliability point of view.


On EL34 tubes it depends on whether you want the smoother vintage tone or the agressive hard rock tone. For the classic tone either the GT EL34M xf2 Mullard design dual getter or the Svetlana (winged C, real ones) EL34. Mesa used to have their STR450 which was an NOS Siemens tube that was a great deal at $70 a duet but I do not know if they are still available.


For the hard rockers ... Slash, Billy Fibbons, Joe Perry, Joe Walsh and more agressive tones I go with the E34LS GT which is an exclusive tube for them and the only 30 watt EL34. Even the JJ E34L is a 25 watter.


But ... in the end it all boils down to your own personal taste and preference.





I've also heard good things about the Valve Arts 66, how do you feel about them?

Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.





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Hi Myles. I have been trying some of these combo amps that have a lead/high gain channel. What I would like and what I can afford are two different things, so I've been looking at a few SS combos. I've tried the Carvin SX300 100w, Crate Series FW120 120W, and a couple of others and can get a pretty decent Billy Gibbons, AC/DC, high gain tone out of them, but when I turn up the volume it just wants to howl if I go over 1/4 volume. I'm new to these kind of amplifiers, so my question is, how do I get that sound at higher or gig volumes? I tried a Carvin at rehersal in a pretty good size room so I could stand about 15' away and was still having feedback problems with the volume @ 4 and the gain @ 6-7. Help. Teach a old dog new tricks.





Higher levels with these amps? Mic them .... that is what is done every day in every large venue on the planet.



Thank you Sir. :)

Les Paul Studio Deluxe, '74 Guild S100, '64 Strat, JCM 900 Combo, Peavey Classic 30 1x12, Peavey Classic 30 Head, CBG
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Hey Myles, what do you think are the best new prodction tubes for KT66's and EL34's?


Keep in mind this is totally my personal preference but for the KT66 it is the Sovtek Gold Lion sort of loose reissue of their KT66. They have not been out all that long but they sound great and have held up really well from a reliability point of view.


On EL34 tubes it depends on whether you want the smoother vintage tone or the agressive hard rock tone. For the classic tone either the GT EL34M xf2 Mullard design dual getter or the Svetlana (winged C, real ones) EL34. Mesa used to have their STR450 which was an NOS Siemens tube that was a great deal at $70 a duet but I do not know if they are still available.


For the hard rockers ... Slash, Billy Fibbons, Joe Perry, Joe Walsh and more agressive tones I go with the E34LS GT which is an exclusive tube for them and the only 30 watt EL34. Even the JJ E34L is a 25 watter.


But ... in the end it all boils down to your own personal taste and preference.





I've also heard good things about the Valve Arts 66, how do you feel about them?


These are decent tubes but nothing more than the standard KT66C ... China. The ones made by Shuguang are better than those of the Sino co-op.



Myles S. Rose






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Hi Myles. I have been trying some of these combo amps that have a lead/high gain channel. What I would like and what I can afford are two different things, so I've been looking at a few SS combos. I've tried the Carvin SX300 100w, Crate Series FW120 120W, and a couple of others and can get a pretty decent Billy Gibbons, AC/DC, high gain tone out of them, but when I turn up the volume it just wants to howl if I go over 1/4 volume. I'm new to these kind of amplifiers, so my question is, how do I get that sound at higher or gig volumes? I tried a Carvin at rehersal in a pretty good size room so I could stand about 15' away and was still having feedback problems with the volume @ 4 and the gain @ 6-7. Help. Teach a old dog new tricks.





Higher levels with these amps? Mic them .... that is what is done every day in every large venue on the planet.



Thank you Sir. :)


You are welcome.



Myles S. Rose






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I should have asked you the other if you had any suggestions on a combo amp in the $400-$500 price range. I known you talk about the Line 6 on your website as being versatile. I'm mainly just looking for something I can do an occasional gig with without having to lug around tons of equipment. I tried a Carvin SX300, but it wasn't for me. Do you have any opinions on the Vox Valvetronics series. I know this is mainly a tube amp site, but if anyone would know, you would. We do mainly classic rock type stuff.


Thanks again

Les Paul Studio Deluxe, '74 Guild S100, '64 Strat, JCM 900 Combo, Peavey Classic 30 1x12, Peavey Classic 30 Head, CBG
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I should have asked you the other if you had any suggestions on a combo amp in the $400-$500 price range. I known you talk about the Line 6 on your website as being versatile. I'm mainly just looking for something I can do an occasional gig with without having to lug around tons of equipment. I tried a Carvin SX300, but it wasn't for me. Do you have any opinions on the Vox Valvetronics series. I know this is mainly a tube amp site, but if anyone would know, you would. We do mainly classic rock type stuff.


Thanks again


There are a lot of really nice things in your price range. It really boils down to personal preference and taste in tone and feature set.


I will say that the offerings from Vox are really great. Lots of bang for the $$$, versitile, and they have a proven track record of reliability which compares favorably to amps using their type of construction in the price range.


Fender and Marshall also have great offerings in this range.


All these amps are easier to move around as a solid state output section has no heavy output transformer and there are no output tubes to replace and bias. They are lighter in weight by quite a bit.


Hit someplace like Guitar Center where they generally have lots of these types of amps from most of the main makers all in the same place at the same time and check them out and compare. In the end it is your call.



Myles S. Rose






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