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Electric Guitar Care and Feeding Questions.


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This is actually two questions, but they both go to the same category. My local music shops have been less than helpful with me on this- I must have a tattoo on my forehead that says "Please talk to me as though I am a brain-damaged child."


#1. I have an Ibanez RG 470- 2 doublecoil, 1 singlecoil, double locking pseudo-floyd, thin-necked-jumbo-fretted... well, you know what type it is. It has a warbling problem. You pick any string, at any fret and it warbles. Not as bad in open positions, but gets worse and worse coming up the neck, and the bigger strings are worse than the smaller ones. It does this with new or old strings, both plugged and unplugged, clean or dirty (worst with distortion, of course). I've lowered all the pickups as far as they'll go (1/2" (1.25cm) below the pickguard), i've wrapped each spring in the back of the trem block individually, and then together with ACE bandage thinking that they might vibrate and cause this. The guitar has been to about 6 different guitar techs in 3 different states, of which only 2 have actually said they can hear what i'm talking about. Both called it "Stratitis", both said all "Strats" do this, and both suggested i lower my pickups some more (one more turn of the screw and they will come apart). Also note that an Ibanez RG is not a "Strat", and that my "Strat" at home does not have "Stratitis".

I've played other RGs looking for this problem, and found only one other that does the same. The sales weasel's explanation: "buy the $1200 one instead of the $700 to fix that."


Am i just hearing things, or does anyone else know what i'm talking about? Is this just something that 1 in 1000 guitars does and there's no way to fix it? This is driving me nuts, and i'm about to smash the thing into a thousand pieces.




#2) Also, I'm noticing one of my guitars (the strat) is getting some sort of `funk' going on in the case. It smells of butt, and each time i pick it up the strings and frets feel kinda `crusty'. I'm guessing it is mold of some sort, and i'm wondering if anyone would know the best way to rid a guitar case of (Funkitis?) this. I've thought of just buying some guitar stands and leaving all my guitars out (more convenient that way) but i now live in (humid) SE Wisconsin, and don't know if having them in open air 24/7 is a good idea or not.

Any ideas? Suggestions? Am I just a brain-damaged, retarded child?


Also note any other strung-instrument care and maintenance tips would be appreciated. Thanks

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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No, you are not brain-damaged. You were able to get online, sign up, make a post, etc. :)

As for the 'warbling' sound, you need to give a better description. Is it the warble sound of a guitar that is in need of a set-up (calibration)?, or is it something like a sympathetic vibration possibly coming from the whammy? Have you tried to 'block down'(make it stationary) the whammy to see if that is the culprit? Are the pickups too far away or so close that their own magnetism is grabbing the strings? Are the pick-ups powered? is the battery dead? ...


The case sounds like it needs some Lysol spray, the ultimate anti-butt remedy.



In two days, it won't matter.
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Well I certainly don`t agree that `all strats do this` but you have to be sure what the `it` is that`s warbling-is it coming from a particular area or is it hard to tell?

Cedar chips are a good natural remedy for non-musical funk-wrap them in a piece of netting and keep it in the case.

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Originally posted by Hippie:

No, you are not brain-damaged. You were able to get online, sign up, make a post, etc. :)


Well, actually, Matt, that doesn't say much. I'm able to do that, too...DUHHHHHHHH....


I think I may know why your case smells of butt...I'd bet any money that you leave it open...have you a feline in the house? Cats will do in an open guitar case. All I have to do is leave one open for two minutes and my cat will find it and curl up in it. Of course, some cats aren't content to just lay in the case...they busy themselves there in other ways.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Maybe the truss rod is loose on the Ibanez. I had a Tele that did this and you could knock on the neck with your knuckle and hear the truss rod ringing. Tightening it a little helped.

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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I'm not sure what you mean by warbling but me thinks it's got to do with the trem. As already suggested, I'd get some wood blocks and shims and immobilize the trem block and see if that stops it. If it cures your problem, then what you've got is a cheap-o trem and the only cure is to replace it with one that's got a beefy sustain block that won't vibrate and 'worble.'


I'll also agree that most smells are caused by some pesky living thing, prolly mold or mildew related and yes, Lysol, along with airing the thing out should do the trick.

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As for the case: No cats. I'm allergic to cats, and don't like them anyways. And the doggie is too big to get into it. I was actually wondering if keeping the case shut all the time might do this.


A better description of the warbling: It sounds similar to when you are playing the same note on two strings (i.e. open A string + E string on 5th fret) but one is about 1/8 or 1/4 step out of tune. Tuning problems would make sense, but the guitar will do this even when playing just 1 string (any fret or open) and muting the other 5.


I had kinda suspected the bridge (hence the wrapping of its springs). I'll have to get a block of wood or something, borrow a trem spring from another guitar and `lock' the bridge down against the body and try it out (never did like floating bridges anyhow). I'll take a look at the truss rod too- hadn't thought of that.


I forgot to say "thanks" to all you folks for the tips. :^)


[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: phaeton ]

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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There are two products that I know of for odors - Febreeze and Odoban. Not sure how they work, but Odoban got rid of impregnated cigar smoke in the company truck I inheirited from another tech.


Does this warble happen unamplified? Is is worse turned up? If not, it's something physical with the guitar. If it only does it amplified, there may be some kind of phase problem or some wierd electromechanical sympathetic vibration going on. I remember one time in the seventies, we kept hearing something on certain notes but could not identify it. Come to find out it was an acoustic guitar sitting in its stand droning away in front of an amp.


Good Luck,



He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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Hey another Wisconsinite! I'm from WC Wisconny. Anywhooos, I had a similar problem with my Washburn a few months after I bought it. Wisconsin weather changes suck! I bought Dan Erlwines Guitar Repair Manual and did a full setup myself. It's not to tough if you like to tinker. That seems to have cleared up the problems.
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