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McInturff Guitar Give-Away from MusicPlayer.com

Joe McDonough

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I wanted to let everyone here know that MusicPlayer.com launched a Terry C. McInturff guitar give-away this morning. We're giving away a TCM Taurus Sportster worth $2695 and you can enter at:




It really is a very nice guitar. Enter today!!


Joe McDonough


Joe McDonough

Music Player Network

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(Homer Simpson voice): "mmmmmmm... contest!"


Thanks Lisa / MusicPlayer.com... That guitar represents one of the "gaps" in my collection, the solid mahogany "P90 type" guitar...


Here's hoping whoever wins it will love it as much as I would! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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I'm surprised that I've waited so long to join in on the fun here at this forum. Thanks to Joe for being so easy to work with as we set up the TCM Taurus Sportster giveaway! Also, many thanks to the wonderful Lisa Sharken for hosting this forum.


I'm sure that it's no news to anyone here that having Lisa Sharken on board, as moderator, is a tremendous coup. Lisa's length and breadth of experience... in virtually every facet of the world of guitars... is impressive,very impressive, and rare in any one individual. You all certainly already know that she has extensive first-hand knowledge of all of the following; musician/ performer, gtr related retail, gtr related manufacturing, as well as her...rightfully...famous reputation as one of the top-of-the-heap writers/interviewers about all things guitar...and even more. Obviously a great asset to have here at this forum. Bravo, Lisa!


I have devoted my entire career to the gtr, as well as to other stringed instruments. Ive worked steady 60 hour weeks for the past 24 years servicing, modifying,gigging/recording with, and building stringed instruments. Ive worked on over 33,000 guitars; Ive installed more than 180,000 guitar strings. I've worked on and/or built gtrs for etc, etc, etc.Remarkably, by all accounts I am still reasonably sane! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif After all, it is a job just like your's...all of the hi's and lo's.


I still have so VERY much to learn about guitars. And, of the folks that use them.The people and their music interest me the most these days! The instruments really do follow along, I think. People play guitars. Guitars do not play people!!!


I think that I have just identified the reason why I am attracted to forums such as this...especially, QUALITY forums such as this one. You see, however experienced one is at, well, anything, there is always more to learn. I have learned more about gtrs from my clients than you would believe.


I have a good feeling about this forum. Yes, I will offer myself up as an "expert", and I will gladly share with one and all...time permitting....anything that I can. Likely, there will be weeks and weeks between my contributions. Especially since wife Tracy and I are expecting our first baby in November! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Be aware that "experts" are always known for a wealth of knowledge in a limited field; my field of expertise is that of electric gtrs (since it my personal instrument of choice) with a very strong "minor" in acoustic gtrs and mandolins,a "major" all types of repairs and mods to the above, and an overall good bit of 1st hand "street knowledge" regarding gigging and recording.


Whom am I to present myself, out of the blue, as some sort of expert on anything at all? Good question!!!


To learn more about me and my work...IF you want to, please log on to


There, you can find out all of the particulars concerning the 13 models of electric gtrs that I and my team make here in North Carolina.


After that, if you'd like to know even more about the TCM Sportster ( and of all of my other gtrs) featured in the current guitar giveaway here, log onto www.tcmforum.org


This is a discussion group setup by fans of my work. I am blessed (there is no other word to describe it)by having the very BEST customers that ANY manufacturer could ask for. The folks at www.tcmforum.org are very knowledgable about my gtrs from an owner's/user's point of view.For instance, you can get very detailed info concerning the Sportster that is featured in the current giveaway!


In future, I'll endeavor not to include any such spam in my posts. Thanks for putting up with it for now!


In closing, thanks again to musicplayer.com, Joe, and Lisa...and I look forward to making new friends here. Good luck to all of the folks that enter the TCM Sportster contest! See you all soon.


Your friend,

Terry McInturff

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Well, Terry, welcome aboard!


And, in reality, I personally don't consider it spam, because, 1) You're giving away a beautiful instrument to one of us lucky bottom feeders (speaking strictly for myself, mind you)...and 2) most spammers kinda hit and run, and 3) a lot of 'em can't back up their claims.


So, I truly hope one wins it who will do it justice.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Welcome Terry, and thank you for the introduction. I agree with Ted. Given your generorosity with the giveaway, I think we can cut you some slack on the sales pitch. I, personally, am happy you have given yourself a proper introduction here. I rarely have time to surf sites beyond the forums these days. Thanks.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

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I truly appreciate your very kind words! You really made me blush!


Thanks so much for this awesome guitar you've generously offered for our Musicplayer giveaway! Whoever is lucky enough to win will be getting a super prize. Terry's guitars are some of the very finest instruments available today. Amazing instruments from a very talented builder and a great guy! Check out the McInturff website at www.mcinturffguitars.com and you'll see what I mean. Better yet, log on and find out where you can play one of his guitars first hand and then you'll really see what I mean! Terry's guitars have received Editor's Pick awards from Guitar Player, as well as rave reviews from Vintage Guitar magazine and other gear-related music publications. Do check them out!



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Wow-what an entrance...

I must admit that I was unfamiliar with mcinturff guitars before I heard about this giveaway. Sure sounds like I`ve been missing out. What better way to get to know about them than from the man himself-nice to make your acquaintance.

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Hey Terry... welcome to the forum! It will be great to have you here.


I've had the pleasure of checking out one of your guitars... I think it was a Polaris (2 humbuckers and a T-O-M bridge). I'm not a big humbucker fan, but other than that, I was real impressed with the guitar. The neck was SMOOTH!!!! It sure was a great playing axe! (but you already know that http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif) I sure wouldn't mind taking that Taurus for a test-drive... P-90's, now that's my style!


Anyway, I look forward to your valuable input on this board.


Oh... and congrats to you and your wife!


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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I have to say, I'd never checked out Gibson single coil pickups before working for them. We have a '92 ES-135 in our office with dual P-90's. I've had a chance to plug it in to a low wattage, all tube amp and I was very impressed with the warmth and sparkle of the neck postion P-90.


All I can say is, "Wow!" I really would love to own this beautiful instrument.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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