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Last night I had this dream.....

Trash Monkey

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I was taking a stroll in down town and all of a sudden I come up on this new guitar shop, look in the window and it's just crammed full of vintage stuff. So I walk in and look around when low and behold in between a Burns Bison and a Mosrite Ventures model there it is, a White Penguine, I eye it over, see the $300 price tag, and the guy in the shop ask's "Would you like to plug it in?" I say "Yeah". A true wonder of the world, I start looking it over, a little belt buckle rash on the back but nothing bad, hardware intact nicely, then I look at the headstock and somebody has cut it in half and reglued it back together all on one side and it looks like a Kramer bananna headstock, needless to say at that point I woke up screaming with my wife asking what the hell happened.
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Aaaaahhhhh what it is to dream........ mmmmmmnnn but dreams mean sleep and sleep is a precious and rare commodity, some guys have all the luck http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Years ago, I had a dream where I was walking in the woods and I came across a bunch of basses (don't ask me why they were basses and not guitars) just lying there in the dirt. It was raining, and I was franticly trying to pick them all up and get them back to my house before they got too wet. I woke up in a panic because I couldn't get them out of the rain in time.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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I was just commenting to a room mate tonight that just about every night I've been having wonderfully visualized doomsday scenario dreams.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I had a weird dream the other night too. In the dream my band was having a rehearsal. At first we were down in the studio as usual, which is in my basement, but then for some reason we came upstairs and were playing "unplugged" in the living room. The living room is right above the studio and we had left the PA and everything on downstairs, and all of a sudden this voice started coming up through the floor over the PA. I can't remember what it said now but of course there wasn't supposed to be anybody else down there and it was creepy as hell. I remember feeling that I wasn't entirely sure it was someone bad, but nonetheless it scared the crap out of me enough to wake up before I could find out!



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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

I had a weird dream the other night too. In the dream my band was having a rehearsal. At first we were down in the studio as usual, which is in my basement, but then for some reason we came upstairs and were playing "unplugged" in the living room. The living room is right above the studio and we had left the PA and everything on downstairs, and all of a sudden this voice started coming up through the floor over the PA. I can't remember what it said now but of course there wasn't supposed to be anybody else down there and it was creepy as hell. I remember feeling that I wasn't entirely sure it was someone bad, but nonetheless it scared the crap out of me enough to wake up before I could find out!




Hmm. Assuming most dreams are metaphorical:


Downstairs/upstairs represents stages in your life perhaps. Going upstairs and playing acoustic, relative to downstairs where you play loud and "rocked out", could be perceived as an aspect in your life where you've chosen to take a more relaxed position rather than a more aggressive one. However, you haven't forgotten about that aspect of your life, and because you cite that you "left the p.a. on" could be akin to "leaving the door open" to that more aggressive/rambunctious/rebelious side of your life.


The disembodied voice represents a part of you that wishes to remain in that aspect (aggressive) part of your life, that is calling your from afar. This is why the perception is mixed: you don't expect it to happen, but it's not entirely "scary" *because* that part of you wants to perhaps return "downstairs" to that aspect of your life.


Or, it could just mean a certain rather large wolfish dog could be playing with a squeeze toy downstairs while the p.a. is on.


Or maybe not...



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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"do I...dig that girl...." snort! huh! Wha! mmmph...zzzzz

"she whispered in my ear.... something c razzzzzzzzy.........


world peace

homes for the homeless

love for the lonely

and uh... JT askin' me to sit in!!!


If ya ain't dreamin, yer heart ain't hungry!


and speaking of dreamin' I'm out. Spent the night at Metro last night

too weird.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........

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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

Wow, Chip... pretty good dream analysis. In my dreams, I'm always barefoot and walking on ice... what do you think that means?




That's easy. You feel the way your life, or an important aspect of it, is going is presently perilous (hence the nature of walking on ice: slippery, cold), and perhaps at any moment it could fail (crack). Because you're dreaming this it means you're also likely not facing a truth completely.


I also have a lot of dreams where I'm watching people die.


You're probably not watching *people* die, but either ideas the people represent or relations with those people. If they're not people you know - generic people - then it's probably a suppressed perception of a generalized social disorder, manifesting itself as non-specific violence occuring to others as an inverse of how it makes you feel.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Damn Chip, you're good! I would say you were pretty dead on with your assessment! I am normally pretty good at interpreting other people's dreams but not my own - too close to the situation I guess. The only thing you misread a little bit was that I'm actually making the reverse transition - I HAVE been taking on a more "relaxed" attitude ever since I moved to Atlanta but the last few years it really kinda fucked me up and I felt like I was losing my creativity and spark for life. I was kinda suppressing a lot of myself that was actually good. So as of about a year and a half ago I've slowly started to "rock out" again and welcomed back that part of myself and it has indeed been both great and scary at the same time.


OK, try THIS one, this is too weird (and all you guitar players ought to get a kick out of this!). I had this dream just the other night that I went to see one of my favorite local bands at some theatre in this little town that obviously doesn't really exist. The street it was on looked like Main St. at Disneyland, kind of pseudo-old-time town square, and everybody drove around in these little cars that looked like bumper cars. It was very colorful.


So in this alternate universe, you not only put tubes in your amps but you put them in your guitars too. And depending what kind of tubes you put in them they would sound different, so guitars were designed so that you could swap tubes in and out easily and guitarists would routinely swap them for different tones. Only the tubes weren't regular vacuum tubes as we know them. They were made out of white PVC and were about a foot and a half long, and looked like something you would buy in a plumbing supply store. At the club where the band were playing they had a bunch of boxes full of these tubes and my friend Kenny, the front man, was searching around for this particular tube he wanted to put in his Rickenbacker for that night. Some of the "tubes" were just solid PVC pipe and others were the flexible kind with the flanges around them. He wanted a flanged one. I started looking through all the boxes and finally I said, "I don't think there are any more of them."


"Damn!" Kenny said, "Somebody else must have snagged all of them."


"Well, I'll go to the hardware store and get you another one," I said. So I took off down the street in one of the little bumper cars. But on the way there Kenny appeared on the street. He had already apparently walked to the store and gotten a tube and was walking back. Not sure how he did it that fast, but I gave him a ride back to the theatre and he took off the back of his fireglo Rick 330 (which came off very easily) and put this PVC tube in it. The whole inside of the guitar was full of them, it looked like one of those Dr. Seuss machines where there are curving pipes going everywhere!


Don't know what to make of all that, but I had a good laugh over it when I woke up!





This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 09-28-2001 at 10:48 AM

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