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Another GAS attack--long winded post


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Howdy all,


I know this is going to come off like some AA style confession, and maybe it is, but you folks are the only ones who can really understand what I'm talking about.


My collection peaked a few months back at four amplifiers, five acoustics, seven electrics, and 37 pedals/multi-effects units. Now most of this was low to medium grade gear since I could rarely make myself save up for the nice stuff. That coupled with the fact that I literally had no room left meant it was time for something to go.


I kept the best amplifier, the best acoustic, and the top two electrics and decided to hang on to the pedals (since many are from the mid-seventies through eighties they might be my only real investment in the long run; besides, they are real easy to store out of the way). With that, I swore off gear buying forever. Or at least until I am somehow discovered in my little bedroom studio and become mega rich and famous.


Then my brother had to drag me along to a pawn shop.


He had seen a rifle he wanted and I was just tagging along with nothing better to do. Then I saw a whole wall was dedicated to guitars. A lot of overpriced junk was there that I just snickered at the thought of someone really paying those prices for that gear. Then I saw "it".


Back it my teen band days, when I was a drummer, my best friend and the guitarist had a Peavey T-60 guitar as his first instrument. He thought of it like most of us probably think of our first guitar: it was cheap, horrible to play, ugly, but that is what mommy was willing to buy. But I thought it was the neatest guitar on the planet. That, and I knew most folks would kill to be able to have started on an instrument half that nice.


She was a natural blonde. She was showing some age; not beat all to hell, but a guitar that was actually played and not just stuck in a closet for 20 years. She still had the original funky Peavey cases that came with the things. She was only $150!!! Are they nuts! For this gem of a musical instrument!


I just couldn't allow that injustice to stand. I brought her home, cleaned her up, and plugged her in. She plays just like the dream I remembered.


Now this wouldn't be a bad little story. And it seems to be a happy ending all the way around (my brother loves his gun too). But now, some of those other elderly instruments are calling out for me to rescue them and I don't know how long I can resist.


Thanks for allowing me to share,



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Glenn, I too was one of:

"THE FEW, THE PROUD??? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif , THE T-60 OWNERS http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif"


On the plus side it had a unique sound. It's the only guitar I've played where the pickups were coil tapped and all sounds were usable. I always thought it was cool looking too. The neck was very good.


The only negative for me was that IT WEIGHED A TONNNNNN!!!!!!

.....and it wasn't a Strat http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Thanks for the trip down memory lane,





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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I'm finally rebuilding the electronics from my Peavey T-60. It fell apart almost 10 years ago! It was my brother's first electric, bought with Peavey Pacer amp in 1978. Also a natural blonde! I can't wait to refurbish it, but I fully intend to replace that garbage, aluminum nut with bone, and replace the cheap saddles which took no time to eat strings as the strings ate narrow grooves in them! I can't wait!


We need to start a T-60 owners club. Kinda like a corvair car club!


Incidentally, I bought a matching Peavey T-40 about a dozen years ago. Boy does the E string SUCK! But they're beautiful together! LOL





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

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Originally posted by gsmith:

So I should start hoping I've accidentally stumbled upon a +4 Wand of Hendrix???


Sorry, couldn't help myself.





10 pts.



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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by DC:

The thing I dislike about a lot of the older Peaveys is that they were made out of oak. Oak is great for magic staffs and such, but it's a horrible sounding wood for guitars IMO.


I believe Brian May's homebuilt guitar is made from oak. I don't know what Guild uses (used?) for the lookalikes...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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