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Guitarists are the majority but don't post much


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I was replying to the favorite poster thread but decided to start another one. I had said "I couldn't vote for just one; there are many favorite posters. All have been very helpful to me. I don't understand why this forum isn't more active than it is (although it's pretty active). I don't go to others (I don't know the links... hint) but I wish this one were more active. Great stuff here."


And it struck me... I would think that guitarists outnumber keyboard players and recording engineers, etc. by a huge margin yet this guitar forum is less active than those. Why do you think that is? Do lots of guitarists have an attitude?




> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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I spend a lot of time at The Keyboard Corner and Craigs Forum. There's always plenty of discussion on recording and keyboard forums because they are gear-intensive arts and things change rapidly because of technological advances. While they are busy pondering dither rates and physical modeling we are asking "whats your favorite pick ?".


At most guitar forums people like to talk about famous guitarists. This one is great....no that one sucks...kind of mindless banter that can get on your nerves. You post some some of the more interesting questions Duke, so don't be discouraged and just keep 'um coming.


If we had streaming video conferencing can you imagine how amazing this forum would be. We could share techniques and chord progressions, we could get together for nightly jam sessions. I want the future NOW.

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Originally posted by SteveRB:

While they are busy pondering dither rates and physical modeling we are asking "whats your favorite pick?


Heehee... good one. Actually, I got something out of that one!


I used to go to another site... I have totally forgotten what it was. But it was visited by a lot of teens. Man, what a waste of bandwidth. I would sometimes get something useful there but I had to wade through gobs of senseless b.s.


This forum is among the best I've ever seen on any subject. For an amateur like me who isn't afraid to ask any question, it's a godsend. You guys probably roll your eyes at some of my questions. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Hey, you get a chance to show off with your brilliance!


Actually, it's evidence of the power of the internet. That streaming video thing you mentioned, that is likely coming someday. That will be just too cool. Sites like these, if you are willing to ask questions, can save you a LOT of work wondering and searching for an answer to something. It's having a herd of professional guitarists from all over the globe on retainer.




> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

I would think that guitarists outnumber keyboard players and recording engineers, etc. by a huge margin yet this guitar forum is less active than those. Why do you think that is?


mY geSs is tHat MennY gitaresTs kant reed Or rIte So gOodLy?




CoN(AllWazE HoPfUll: yEt inContenEnT)




This message has been edited by KHAN on 09-23-2001 at 12:39 AM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Originally posted by SteveRB:

I spend a lot of time at The Keyboard Corner and Craigs Forum. There's always plenty of discussion on recording and keyboard forums because they are gear-intensive arts and things change rapidly because of technological advances. While they are busy pondering dither rates and physical modeling we are asking "whats your favorite pick ?".



Good point,

Maybe however we could broaden our discussions somewhat? There is more than enough know how here to get into guitar related topics on recording, live playing, song writing and production to name a few.

Just my 0.2pence worth


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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