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Chip McDonald

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I'm in the middle of trying to mix something I'm sending guitplayer for the comp cd.


I need to redo some guitar bits.


Problem is - I've totally wasted time this past week. I've got a little premix of this thing, with a scratch solo, and .... I can't get motivated to redo anything. As soon as I start thinking "ok, I'm now seriously playing" part of my mind thinks about the WTC, and then I start thinking about how we're really *RIGHT THIS MOMENT* in the middle of maybe the start of WWII, or at least "A lot of weird crap", and









I don't feel so into playing.


Suppose to jam with a bass player yesterday, blew it off. The guy is a buddhist actually, so he wasn't too into it either... but.. uhg. Meanwhile, I've got what I suppose is a pinched nerve in my neck that isn't getting any better, because it seems like my shoulders are constantly tensed up, and it's like reality is on hold for the moment until the WTC thing becomes somewhat resolved.


I see other people getting back to "normal", BUT THING'S AREN'T NORMAL!!! The whole time at work today everyone is just going about business like nothing happened this week, like *nothing is happening now* - except for one kid who mentioned to me the deal about battle ships leaving Japan.. (I suppose I should do my duty and watch the news some).


Again, I have to say - Trent Reznor, Manson and crew - they're not really depressed. Depressed leaves you feeling like nothing is worth bothering with, totally unproductive. I started out last week being weeks behind because of my computer being screwed up - now I'm another week behind, and feeling discombobulated as well.


But it seems everyone else is functioning normally. I don't get it.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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that would be WWIII? I`m sorry, I shouldn`t nitpick. My brother worked in building #5, next to the towers, for six years. I spent 36 hours not having contact with the family and not knowing where they were.

Gimme the hardware, I`ll take care of these fruitcakes myself.

I`m not sure how close to this thing you were, but it`s going to take the time it takes. You won`t be doing youself any favors trying to ignore it.

This is a total first for America, nobody knows how they`re going to handle it.

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Chip - no one is functioning normally this week. Believe me on this one, big guy. What you are going through is natural, and we're all struggling with it. As far as music's concerned, I haven't done jack since Monday, and I was really cruising on my submission to the CD at that point. - Sorry, everyone, for holding up the process.


I'm gonna try tomorrow (Sun). I'm gonna really try, 'cause I think it's getting a little better.


Tips: Get some exercise, eat right, turn off the tube, and get some rest. That should help. (There's a thread on the Keyboard forum about how to pick yourself up from this - worth checking out.)


Good luck!!!!


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I've decided not to bother with submitting a song for the CD. What's the point?


I tried to play a little on Thursday, but I'm in NO mood for it. Too much bad shit going on... not just these attacks, but many personal problems too. I'm not dealing well.


I'm sad to say that the only "personal" contact I've had with others this week has been on these forums... and even then I respond to a few posts and call it quits for a while. I can't keep my mind focused. I'm still out of work, so I have no reason to even get up in the morning. I need to take a shower, get dressed, and get out of the house... but I just don't care. This has all got to end soon.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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I find that, just like studying in in college, you have to know when to walk away cause swimming against the tide really is counterproductive.


My daughter had a head injury that sent our family reeling for almost two years. During some of this time I just did not have any music in me. There was no way to force out of me what just wassn't there at the time. Making music really takes some energy/spirit and focus.


However, there really is a ying / yang to this . When the inspiration and energy and ability to focus returned I was so full of good material that some really intense stuff came out.


Time to let the ying happen - just keep in mind that the yang is on its way. i expect many folks will write and produce some very intense stuff as a result of the past weeks events.


Let it be

Check out some tunes here:


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I have definitely not been "normal" this week, but I've still played, had gigs this weekend and a rehearsal earlier in the week. It actually really helped me to cope, because this morning it all hit me really hard, now that we don't have anything going on for a few days. I slept really late but am still tired; I've been kind of dazed all day, because it took ALL my energy to be able to play and to set everything aside for that amount of time; the rest of the time I've accomplished virtually nothing, except checking up on friends and trying to help my sister who is stuck in Greece and unable to get home.


I think we should TRY to carry on as normally as possible and not get too obsessed with a situation that, let's face it, we can't do much about. Don't get me wrong, I've been glued to the news as much as anyone, but to me it seems really urgent and important right now to try to enjoy and appreciate life and count our blessings as much as possible. But it's not easy either, and no, things are not "normal", and nobody should beat themselves up over being a bit paralyzed right now. I know for myself, I've barely even begun to process what happened and what all the ramifications of it are.


Think I'll go back to bed now...



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I'm in slow motion. Things have gotten backed up over the past week, and it seems like gloom is the norm now. The weather has suddenly turned "cool" here, which I personally HATE - it means winter and COLD is coming... Combined with finding out today that the girl that was in the car that pulled out in front of a friend's truck a few months ago is now at home: but totally in a vegetative state. Which is quite ironic: I spent a month getting that imagery out of my head, now it's replaced with 50 different views of the WTC carnage. My mother almost assuredly has myesthenia gravis, I've got to figure out how to get an air conditioner for my parent's car, my own car has a mystery clunk in the front end I've got to figure out tomorrow, business is down, spent all of friday night trying to keep a friend's art exhibit from blowing away due to the weird weather at a local arts festival (along with about 40 other regional artists; quite a disaster),



I'll stop the list there, BUT the latest is that this evening I was walking down the street and a redneck from about 50 years behind me starts yelling "fucking Hindu's, I'm going to kick your ass" at this Indian couple getting into their car adjecent to where I was. The guy went on about what you'd expect.. I tell the guy to go away, he doesn't know what he's talking about, the guy..


anyhow, I didn't get into a fight but almost. They got in their car and drove off; the guy went up to their car and started kicking it...


.. and this was leaving the aforementioned arts festival, helping said friend tear down finally. Also missed getting any vindaloo chicken, since at this festival it's the only way of finding it in town, having arrived too late because of other junk I had to do. A good hystamine reaction to that would have been nice, but no... Instead, I get redneck idiots. Come home and I've got about 20 sircam messages in my inbox. My lousy Voicestream phone service has allowed an important voicemail message to go a day without notifying me it was there. I've got a pinched nerve i my neck. Literally every single thing in my life is *messed up*, EVERYTHING.


But the WTC funk is the most prevalently interfering.


I think this is probably true for most people: until we go through whatever plans King George - if he *has* plans - has in mind, we're in limbo. At least during Desert Storm we knew what was coming.


I've got the feeling we're going to just let it slide away, fade into the background noise. Which will leave a weird shadow of a strange ennui that will always be there. I hate that. The image I get in my mind now is of many American flags newly purchased getting dried out and rotting as they hang eventually unnoticed in front of homes and businesses. If we're going to do something he'd better explain it to us (in the U.S.), and he'd better explain the nature of the evidence. If he's going to do nothing - then we've got even more problems both with future terrorism AND *national psychology*.


As it is, I'm sending guitplayer a cd of a hodgepodge scratched together "thing", I'm too burned at the moment to get it together for something legit. I've got to get past where I'm at now, burn all of those bridges to prior plans/projects and wait in limbo, because it's interfering with my life too much. It's like building a mental bridge from where my mind was at before last week to a big question mark at an unknown point in time in the future. Got to start over down below that and start over I suppose.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Living in NYC and having witnessed this awful tragedy from when the first plane crashed into the WTC, as well as having experienced the effects of the dust and smoke first hand, I can tell you that I've definitely had an extremely difficult time this past week. Seeing all the flyers posted everywhere and constantly seeing people searching for their loved ones has been devastating. Never in my lifetime did I ever expect to see anything like this, let alone have it happen in my own city. For most people around the world, it isn't going to be easy to resume their normal daily routines without thinking about what has happened in our world. Like many of you, I've had a hard time trying to get anything done and have found myself glued to the tv most of the time. Thankfully, some of the stations have started to cut down on broadcasting footage of the events, which is emotionally crippling to keep watching over and over again. While we do need to be informed, there is a point where I think you can reach information overload. The best thing I've done was to turn off the tv, then get out of the house. Sometimes I think the best thing you can do is to do something that you wouldn't normally do, like take some time to call people you care about, but don't call as often as you'd like, or to spend some quality time with your family and friends. You can also help the cause by donating money to relief funds, like the American Red Cross. They are going to need every single cent they can raise and every little bit counts, no matter how insignificant you think your donation is.
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>>But the WTC funk is the most prevalently interfering.<<


Well hang in there Chip, while I guess it's something new

for us, other good people in the world ahve lived with

this kinda thing and I guess learned how to function afterwards.

Doesn't seem possible yet but I'm sure it'll happen.


I'm finding that being a writer, even if a simple song writer

seems almost a curse thru this. You teach yourselve to use you're

imagination and what little stimuli you can get your senses on

and build stories. Take that well trained imagination and the

over abundance of stimuli of this CNN age of endless video

and... well you get the picture.


Might help beings the government kind of got caught with their

pants down they kinda of fess up as to what they really know

as far as 2nd or even 3rd wave plans. Maybe there's nothing they

can definately fess up to.


Simple and normally agrivating area events these days can leave you

feeling much more than simply aggrivated.


Like last night. We have a host of military installations in

the area most that I don't know what the hell they do. We do

get out of Erie, these big noisy ass cargo planes (you hear them

3-4 minutes coming and 3-4 minutes going) usually late at night

going over at really low altitudes. We're use to them, ignore them.

Just as I was shutting the house down for bed, I hear one coming in..

not surprising they been going over a few times a night since this started

Tuesday. But it was quite evident this mother was really really low.

Windows we're vibrating and it wasn't near here yet. I went outside

looking... never did see it... even when it got it loudest... we do live

in foothills here... but still the thing was so low to not see it...


It passed and I came back in and was headed for bed when the fire whistle

went off twice about 3/4 mile away. So I sit and listen for the trucks

and their sirens just to get a sense where they're going then figure I'm

off to bed. No trucks... well probably a false alarm or something...


But take last week, that big ass plane that don't ever come thru that low...


I sit there thinking about it and I'm getting pissed about it... the way

I feel... I'm even rummaging thru phone books looking for anything military, anyway to call that base up near Erie and say "hey I been

putting up with those aggrivating SOB's you fly over here for years and

given what's happened this last week how about keeping those motherf**kers

up high enough so I can see them!" Hehehe gave it up and went to bed,

got woke up a half a dozen times by unusal traffic, mostly pickups with

bad exhaust systems, a couple of stupid cats that should have been sleeping

instead of raising hell out in the living room... my last thoughts were

I might not have been right there when it all happened but I sure act like

I was.


Simple things in the night that thru the years seem little because we

felt secure in our government.... might not seem so simple huh?


We'll get over it.





William F. Turner




This message has been edited by WFTurner on 09-17-2001 at 11:49 AM

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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There never is any "normal"; there's only "usual" and things are as usual as they ever are in the human (i.e.,jacked-up,bloodthirsty ape) realm. I know what you mean,though. I suggest you do these two things : (1) try just sitting with an instrument & letting your feelings out.Don't work on anything, just express your feelings...maybe play a spontaneous requiem. (2) Take the "pressure" off---walk in the park, play with some kids or a pet---basically clear yer head 'til you feel o.k....& remember, you're a musician AND a person--- be the person first, all else will follow.


This message has been edited by d on 09-17-2001 at 12:56 PM

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Take a breath.Now take another one. Okay.Now, regardless of your spiritual orientation,Thank Someone. In the 7 days since the WTC, 126,565 people around the globe,failed to recieve the gift you just did.

Brother of mine, your still here, it is for some astonishing purpose that-that is so. I am deeply scarred by this weeks events. My Dad called ,and in an almost apologetic tone was speaking of his generations failures. It was as though they felt that they had eradicated evil for our generation.


But, evil, like good, learns. 6000+ years of manipulating mankind has provided it with a big pool of tricks. The difference between radical Islam, and radical Christianity, is purely geographic,and cultural.

Hate is Hate.


Find someone to help. Find someone to Love. Find a reason to smile.

Find something to say thank you for.Trust me, you've got plenty. Rose wrote a piece Sunday...It's haunting,beautiful,and thick with emotion.

I'm sure Chip, if we could ask any of those thousands of people if they would be upset if we lived on, they would tell us that if we were not going to live on.... how about trading places.


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You are not alone. I have been mixing a new DVD for Tim McGraw. I should have a spring in my step and be very excited.


These events have taken the wind out of my sails. Everything I do just seems to trivial. I live in Hollywood. I look around and just shake my head at the excess. I was at a bar off of Santa Monica Saturday night. All of the Hollwood vampires were there posing. I had to leave. These people have no clue.


Our world has changed dramatically! The only thing I can say is that Music is healing. Hopefully, we can all bring ourselves to share our hope through music.


Best to all

God Bless America.



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Hey Chip,


I need to actually thank you for your post...Thank you.


You are not alone by any stretch. I have been in my own personal hell, not to even mention the thought of the victims. I am in just as depressed mood as you can be.

Being self-employed is not a good thing this week. I really NEED something positive to do for someone else. I would welcome the mundane rhythm of a 9 to 5 today.

The events of last week will simply not leave me be, and I feel selfish for even feeling like this. I am still here and still able to contribute and still able to communicate,...Yet, I still can't seem to get it together.

My thoughts are with you..

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Originally posted by Bonafide:

Being self-employed is not a good thing this week. I really NEED something positive to do for someone else. I would welcome the mundane rhythm of a 9 to 5 today.


If you find yourself unable to accomplish much work on your own anyway, I'd suggest calling a local organization and offering to volunteer - the Red Cross, a local hospital or homeless shelter, anyplace where there are people in need. I'm sure there are many homes for the elderly where people could use someone to talk to, as well. Being able to help others can make you feel just a little bit empowered amid feelings of helplessness in this situation, not to mention you'll be taking direction from other people which will give some structure to your life until you feel able to work agsin.



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Originally posted by d:

I suggest you do these two things : (1) try just sitting with an instrument & letting your feelings out.Don't work on anything, just express your feelings...maybe play a spontaneous requiem.


But that's what I don't want to do, it's too easy. I don't want to write or play any "really depressing" music anymore. Reznor has done that to the hilt. That's what I feel like doing right now, and I could do it real well. I don't see the point. I don't want to wallow in this. I also don't like to do music that springs from direct anger and remorse, without the intellectual aspect.


I suppose I also feel that playing anything admitedly sad right now is sort of disrespectful to the whole thing. I'm lucky, I've escaped this completely physically unscathed. I know people that knew people there; as far as I know so far, thankfully I didn't know anyone there (outside of Dan I suppose). So I don't think it's right to play from that angle when I have every reason *not* to be that way. I feel sad, but it's an indeterminant self-serving sad. The hard part is that the flipside to that is undirected anger, which is bad.


If I had a gig it would be a different thing. I'm supposed to play friday night, a little book store acoustic gig. I don't know what I'm going to play, but since there's going to be an audience.. I dunno. It would be very easy to play some really, really down music. In fact, I'm quite sure I could play stuff to a point where I'd be thrown out for it. I don't feel like doing my regular scthick, which has a fair amount of down parts to it... which


I dunno.




Lee: that's a consideration.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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NO, see, actually, part of me wants to treat friday as a typical experiment. I like to do things where I throw myself into it just to see what I come up with: I'm sure if I take that approach I'll come up with something friday.


BUT - it will be down. I'm sure people will like it. But it's like the wrong thing to do, but I can't bring myself to try to do some happy upbeat thing, because that makes light of things.


I'm thinking I'll just try to wing 2 hours of music improv and see where I go, follow my muse. But that's a guilty pleasure, almost. I shouldn't be trying to turn that into something "interesting" for my sake. I dunno. It's going to be weird, because there will be people there to hear what I normally do, and people there to hear me do the guitar hero thing, and I'm not in the mood for any of that. So I'll have to just follow my muse I think.




I dunno.


Nothing like thinking aloud in public, eh?



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I enjoyed a nice brunch yesterday in Manhattan, sitting out on the sidewalk on a beautiful afternoon. At the table was a middle-aged Lebanese couple who lived in Beirut during the civil war. The woman's recollection of the war was interesting.


"One day it would be beautiful, and everyone would go out to the markets and meet each other for lunch. The next day there would be bombs going off everywhere, and we would hide in our houses thinking that we might not make it. Then, another beautiful morning would come along, and the ladies would go out to have their hair done. I thought, 'What are they doing?' But it finally dawned on me that THIS is the instinct of SURVIVAL. You HAVE to get out and do things. You cannot hide in your apartment forever."


Get out and do things. Do normal things that you may have been neglecting in the past few days. Go to the supermarket. Go get and oil change. Develop that roll of film that's collecting dust in your dresser. Wash your car. Go to the post office and buy some stamps. Go to a card shop and look for a really nice birthday card, then buy it for someone.


Or, following Lisa and Lee's suggestions, do something different. Check the stores for winter supplies like gloves and hats. Visit a museum or go see a historical site in your area that you've been meaning to visit. Call someone that you've been meaning to have lunch with and make a date. Go to a music or bookstore and treat yourself to something new and interesting.


If, like Chip, you're in SLOW MOTION, start with things that are REALLY easy. Tune your guitar just for the heck of it, but tune the strings in reverse order from your normal method. Instead of practicing or writing a song, just sit there and practice strumming, just mindless, relaxed strumming, for as long or as little as you want. Order your favorite sandwich or pizza for lunch. Sit on a park bench, check out the people, and hum the melody to a tune that you've been working on. Play frisbee golf all by yourself (and don't cheat). Better yet, convince a friend to play with you (then you're allowed to cheat).


Get up. Get out. Get away from the TV. Breathe some fresh air. Then come back home and leave the TV off for at least an hour. Or two. Or the whole evening. Find something else to occupy your thoughts. You HAVE the instinct of life within you. Give it a chance to help pull you out of this. Grab the rope, and let someone pull you up. It's going to take a long time to put the sorrow of 9/11 behind us, but today is a great day to get started.

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I guess I have a somewhat different perspective but no different than the same feelings of rage, sadness, and helplessness. I even felt guilty for being alive when so many gave their final measure, if that makes any sense. The thing that scares me the most is not my own survival, its because I have a son that will be eighteen in Feb, and I worry about him possibly going to war. I can't imagine writing a song about this, as I've heard of some top acts already in process. But everyone greives differently. I just hope they don't do it for profit. We had a gig sched for the 15th, was gonna cancel, but were encouraged to go ahead and play.....all I can say it really really helped. In fact it was one of the best shows we've ever done. Really on that night. As difficult as it may be, its also very important to force yourself out the door and jump right back into the saddle. Having been through similar emotional trauma while in the military, its the only way I personally know how to deal. I have to admit it must be very difficult as Lisa stated to be in NYC and have that first hand reminder every day. I pray for some collective healing and continued unity. My guitar has been idle except for Saturday and Sunday, I have to admit. Just doesn't feel as comforting as it usually does. Don't do things alone.....companionship of any kind will help tremendously. We aren't alone. I do know that those songs I considered hokey once, (Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America) now fill my heart and soul and choke me up big time.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I started to write something...but...I couldn't possibly improve on everyone else's posts. But, I just thought I'd post anyway to let you all know that I read your posts...or something like that.


Lisa, good to hear from you. Glad you're okay. I guess we all knew you were somewhere in New York, but, I'm not sure I knew you were in the city.


There's sort of a weird feeling I get seeing the video of the dust come crashing down and filling the streets. When I was in Anchorage, Mt. Spurr erupted. I remember watching a broken altocumulus deck with blue sky behind it...turning brown, and black, in mid afternoon. I remember watching the ash rain from a pitch black night sky (mid afternoon). I remember the sort of panic, not knowing what would happen...like those figures you see in the ash of Pompeii. Worrying about my family while I was at work. And the day after...looked just like NYC with all the dust and people walking around with masks. But, fortunately, no one died that time. But it was a spooky feeling.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Until this last week I had pretty much gotten my TV viewing down to only a few hours a week. This whole last week, I've been drawn to the coverage like everyone else... and I think it's messing with my mind.


I feel like the constant re-living of the emotional upheaval, sadness, and so on has kind of fried my biochemistry.


Funk, Depression, Doldrums, the Blues... whatever you call it, I, (and many of you), have it bad...


And yet I seem to be drawn to it... I'm finding myself tuning my radio to NPR news in my car, finding myself checking for updates on TV whenever I'm home, re-hashing the events in the paper and on-line.


It's like it's stimulating my "fight or flight" impulses so much that it's burning me out...


And the news about the "one-two" punch strategy of the terrorists hasn't made it any easier to ignore. Not to mention the clock ticking on our first military response... and the terrorist response to that!


Now I hear that Michael Jackson wants to make a "We are the World" style song with Britney and "N-Sync and so on... isn't that only going to make it worse?


At least the ABC news chief has ordered that additional showing of the attack footage would not be re-aired... How many hundreds of times have we all seen this... with the emotions coming back each time...





I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by guitplayer:

Now I hear that Michael Jackson wants to make a "We are the World" style song with Britney and "N-Sync and so on... isn't that only going to make it worse?

With all the vocal masterbation from that group of "artists", wouldn't the video have to be rated XXX ?






KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hey Chip, I'm not going to re-hash everything already said. I think everyone else pretty much covered it. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone my friend. I'm pretty tore up about it too, today is the first day in a week I've even touched an instrument. I grabbed my nylon string and practiced a little classical, notice I said a little. Even though I still don't feel like it I'm going to start practicing every day again, even if it's just for 30 minutes.


You're human Chip, from what I gather you're a very caring human being, much like many of us here. I'd be more worried about you if you were able to go back to *buisness as usual* too quickly. I don't think I will ever be quite the same after this, it's just too monumental. Just do the best you can bud.


Speaking from a personal tragedy in which I lost my only sibling, my brother, to a drunk driver I can tell you that time will make it better.


As far as the asshole redneck goes, unfortunately ignorance seems to run rampant in the world, and the USA is no exception. Personally, I'd like to get ahold of people like him and put their teeth in the back of their heads for them.


Oops, guess I did re-hash some of the things said, oh well. Some things can't be said enough. Hang in there my guit playin friend.

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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

But that's what I don't want to do, it's too easy. I don't want to write or play any "really depressing" music anymore. Reznor has done that to the hilt. That's what I feel like doing right now, and I could do it real well. I don't see the point. I don't want to wallow in this.


I suppose I also feel that playing anything admitedly sad right now is sort of disrespectful to the whole thing. I'm lucky, I've escaped this completely physically unscathed. I know people that knew people there; as far as I know so far, thankfully I didn't know anyone there (outside of Dan I suppose). So I don't think it's right to play from that angle when I have every reason *not* to be that way.


I think you misunderstand me. First, please,let's drop Reznor,et al.,from the "train'. If anyone likes those guys,OK, but they're as commercial an concoction as can be & I don't think they express anything like what we're speaking of. More importantly, I don't suggest that you compose or even recall the music you might play (in fact, the opposite!)---I think you need to LET YOUR FEELINGS OUT (not your thoughts, your feelings) so that you DON'T wallow in them, let them go rather than holding them inside.The way the blues works.(This will sound trite to some, but "out with the bad air, in with the good"!)& I certainly don't mean to suggest that your mindset become "about yourself".As far as "too easy", we're talking about recovering your sense of hope & human-ness in the face of tragedy---if it were "easy", none of us would have a problem. In any case, hang in there,pal!

P.S., a requiem need not be depressing music---it's a rememberance of life.


This message has been edited by d on 09-20-2001 at 10:02 AM

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