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Too odd,too true


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Heard this one in church this mo-nan.


A guy on his way into a Wal-mart, notices a woman sitting in her car parked close to his... her hands are clasped together on the back of her head and she's leaning forward towards her steering wheel.Hmmmm. Odd. I'm after Lima beans tho... so into the store he goes.

When he exits the store he sees her again, this time he notices a look of absolute terror on her face. He approaches cautiously.When he sees she is alone in the car, he asks her to open the window. She says she can't move her hands, she has been shot in the head and is busy holding her brains in.He runs for help, the police arrive. After gaining access to the locked and sweltering car they discover that,hehehehehe...

There was(operative word,was) a can of biscuits in a bag on her rear package tray. It heated up and exploded. A big ole glop of biscuits slapped her in the back of her head, and when her hands shot up instinctively, they felt the goo and yup figgered it must be brains...

I know... I couldn't help it... As morbid and scary as that all sounds I'm still gigglin'


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Well he probably didn't know he was "lying" - it's an old story that people have been telling for a long time and saying it's true. In fact it has even been printed in a few newspapers as being a true story - until readers have written in to tell them to check their facts again.


Here's an article from the Urban Legends Reference web site for more information - maybe you can print it for your pastor:





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Gee, Thanks guys.......

Here's another one, guy is staring down the barrel of his .357 and decides to give God one last chance.So he offers up the bargain. If God has a reason for him to go on living, tell him now. Well, just so happens it's Sun. morning and his wife has left her purse on a pew in a church a ways away. Someone calls his house at that very instant from the First Church of Almighty God to inform her that they have her purse. He reaches over, hits the mute button on the phone and notices the caller I.D. Almighty God?..... oops!


anyway... Thanks fer the scoop, I'm rather naive to thind urban!


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Yup, me too. We've got most all of the social ills here in smallsville...

except the type of violence that stems from an absolute lack of respect for life.When folks don't value their own lives, they have no difficulty with discounting someone elses'.


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