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What's your favorite "backup" guitar?

michael saulnier

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When you play out, do you bring a "back-up" guitar. (I do). If so, do you bring a "similar" guitar to your "main" guitar, or do you bring a different beast?


Do you ever play your "backup" during a typical gig?


I tend to use my PRS McCarty as my #1, and my American Deluxe Fat strat as my #2, with my LP Standard as an alternate when I KNOW I'm not planning to have a "strat" sound available.


Sometimes I'll go with two strats... But one's maple necked, and one's rosewood... So I'll switch off once in a while...


If I know it's gonna be an OUT OF CONTROL party or something, I'll bring my Jimmy Vaughn, with my Yamaha strat clone as the backup. Don't care if they see a little action! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


How 'bout you?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Ahhhh... more from the "what's your favorite" series! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


My main guitar is a custom Tele. I don't really need a backup for the Tele, because it has proven to be virtually indestructable. However, I do usually bring my black Strat (which used to be my main guitar), and often my Hofner archtop because it sounds so good on the bluesy stuff.


I'm in the process of building another Tele, which will probably replace the Strat as my backup.


If I'm going to be playing at a place of "questionable security", I use my crappy white Strat, and maybe one of my other less valuable guitars as a backup.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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My main guitar is a modified '98 Am. Std Strat with EMG active pickups (DG-20). I usually bring along my Epi Les Paul Black Beauty (their name, not mine... see thread on naming guitars) as a backup. I don't often switch during a gig, its more for comfort knowing its there. I tend to get a little more anxious about the battery giving out during a gig as time goes on. If they weren't active pups, I probably wouldn't bring the Les Paul along. I still haven't run one battery totally dead to figure out how much life it will give me.



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Well, my main guitar these days tends to be my "Inca Silver" Am Std Strat (a lot of those here) with an unfinished maple fingerboard (I hated those lacquered maple ones), and stock pickups. So that assigns my Washburn A-20 to backup status, when I take it. Actually, the "Washboard" has a great sound...I sold an old Gibson Explorer II (the walnut body with the dirty fingers pickups) to get the Washboard...the Explorer was WAY too muddy. But, in my older years, when I like the Strat sound better for what I'm playing, I tend to use the Strat-ola...


The bad thing about the Strat is that it does go out of tune if I break a string. The other night that happened. I didn't have the Washboard on stage, so the band comped chords while I grabbed my Guild acoustic to finish the song.


This one's virtually identical to mine...




This message has been edited by Tedster on 08-28-2001 at 11:07 AM

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ahhhhh.... Backups...

Well, now that I bought new Fender (Floyd Rose classic Strat) my Strat No. 2 (Standard) is backup... Other than that my back-backups are: Custom made Sever guitar and Samick (I should take picture of those beauties and put 'em on the net...)

If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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Ahhh....Some jobs I carry two electrics...my main axe is a 77

tele custom with a PAF in the neck and stock bridge pu..

most jobs this is all I take ... It can handle all the styles I want

to play and if needed makes a good bat to bonk people over

the head with...my other guitar is not really a back up it's just

a second guitar for doing southern rock or so ..it's a les paul

custom 84 model which I rarely play for long cause it puts a

crease in your shoulder..then If doing an accoustic part of the

set carry my taylor..



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My main is a Hamer SATF. But I use an '80 Gibson LP Firebrand for backup and a couple of tunes. I use similar to main for backup, I guess.

Psalm 33:3

The best instrument you have, is your heart.

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I don't use "back ups' I bring the ones that I'm going to use, be that one or several.(I prefer the ease of just one. if possible) For years I used only my '69 Gibson SG Standard and never broke a string onstage (mostly hard rock, too). Just lucky I guess.
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