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An Update from ze franche france

nrg music

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Bonjour everyone


I got back from France today. I have slept a lot and have had a great time with the family... You know doing those kinda things you do, laughing with the family at the family, eating good food and drinking good ( well cheap anyway) wine and cheese. The cottage was idylic, I cut the grass painted the house and turned my phone off. My dear spousage wouldn't even let me turn on my laptop so I have got a lot to catch up on.


I'm sorry to say that although I feel rested and human again I cannot say that my fingers feel or move any better. I'm off to the doc on Tuesday and I'll get him to point me in the direction of a specialist as soon as I've had the requisite tests.... Lets hope that I just need a little time off yet!!


Rick, I gotta tell ya that it was fantastic to play with my kids again, I suddenly realised how lucky I am... Thanks, oooh er, and of course the venerable spousage!! bless her!



How was the trip huh? and thanks for the message it means a lot!!


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Our trip was fine...did the usual New Orleans stuff...heard some blues bands, went to Preservation Hall (birthplace of jazz)...ate a lot of hot food...went on a haunted tour (nothing like the UK, probably, but a lot of weird goings on in New Orleans, too).


Hey...a lot of things can cause your symptoms, including stress. I've had a lot of weird stress related symptoms over the years (including numbness in the hands), and the symptoms feed on themselves. You stress...a symptom pops up, which gives you more anxiety, which increases the symptoms...etc. etc....


I would try in addition to what the doc says, some form of meditation, just something to focus your mind on something other than what's troubling you. The worst part about stress related symptoms is that sometimes you're not even aware of the stress you're under that's causing them.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Glad to hear you had a good time Simon. I just got back from Chicago myself, wish I could say it was that relaxing http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Damn broken down trains anyway.


I hope you find out some good news on your hands man. I would have to agree with Tedster on the stress thing, that's the bitch about it. You get stressed so something goes wrong, which causes more stress, which causes more problems. Damn, talk about a no win situation.


Get better Simon.

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Viva! Le Spousage!!!


Hehehehe... It's amazing to see what time has done eh? Kids, spouse, and

us too. The hair that was on my head, has migrated to my ears, nose, and

eye-brows... The grey matter that I pissed down the drain, is all of a sudden, at a premium.... The muscles are looking more like my grandpas' than mine...


God is wise. I wonder how proud I would have been, if he'd have given me this level of wisdom, at "that" level of age? Simon, we are old enough to

have accumulated a little wisdom, and still young enough to use it. How cool is that?


I know that the customers that I have burned all my time on... time, the one fixed item I have for sale, will forget my name the day I decide to quit. I'm pretty sure my wife and kids will remember me.... even though I sold my time to someone else....

Much Love man.....

Happy yer home....

yada,yada,yada (Translates:Things of God,Things of God, Things of God....)



Still no signature... I 'm changing too fast to trust me....

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Thanks guys,

You know I'm beginning to think that it may well be time to start to take things a bit easier. You know I realised that I haven't had a proper holliday for over 5 years!!!! Yes its nice to be busy and to know that people want you for what you can do for them, but hey, there are other things that are way more important.... Maybe these trials are sent to us to give us a final opportunity to study whats right and good in our lives and to stop taking those closest to us for granted. I don't feel like I have ms and I have been avoiding all that sweetener stuff and been eating good ol organic food and I feel one hell of a lot better for it sheesh its only been just over a week..... I'm damn sure Ted is right and that this is purely down to stress and overwork and if the good lord grants me the proper use of my fingers back I will never abuse them again.

New leaf time I think, work sure cos I love it, but regular quality time with the people that matter and regular time off and time to talk to you guys and share in the wisdom that prevails here, its good to know that there exists in such a world a place that can flame, advise, chat, be humorous and sensitive all at once ..... you guys ROCK!!


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

ps Rick have you ever thought of becoming a kinda forum mentor you have too much wisdom my friend.... my deepest thanks.

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Simon says:


>>>Maybe these trials are sent to us to give us a final opportunity to study whats right and good in our lives and to stop taking those closest to us for granted.


That's exactly it...bingo...AMEN!


That's why one should be thankful for some of their trials, as they serve to strip the spurious crap out of the equation, and help one focus on what is truly important!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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