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Is it me, or?


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Or are things r-e-a-l-l-y S L O W I N G D O W N around here?


I mean, surf over to the other forums and the joints are jumping...but here, there were hardly any posts yesterday at all. We're not losing interest, are we? WE'RE NOT ABOUT TO BE SHOWN UP BY A BUNCH OF...BUNCH OF......(ACH) KEYBOARD PLAYERS, ARE WE?????? WELL, ARE WE??????!?!?!?!?!?


I mean, there are tons of topics we could cover. And a lot of the other forums are nice and loose about staying on topic, realizing of course, that although we're musicians first...we all have other interests as well.


So, how about it?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ted....life gets in the way of alot of things. School is starting back up, summer dwindling down, end of summer vacations, etc. In my own case I only mess around here at work, while I download schematics for my company...takes forever so I mess around the web and suck up a little more bandwidth! hahahaha. I rehearse with two, sometimes three bands/groups during the week, mega yard work, I cook almost every meal my family eats at home, and sometimes I come home and want some Zenlike quiet time....no electronics...no nothing. You can tell when you are here too much.....posts start getting like long Chinese proverbs interlaced with Allen Ginsberg rants and electronic engineering terms.....not counting me...I'm way too simple for that! But I do get bored....and write crazy stuff like anyone else.

I come here to find kindred spirits, not to show everyone how good or smart I am....and that's probably the majority here. Oh Ted......I can draw a horsie too! Ha Ha....man I still laugh at that one.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Oh sure, Strat, I have the same thing. Oldest boy started college, youngest boy giving me grief about not wanting to play soccer this year (junior in high school) because his loser buds aren't...daughter playing tennis...yep, I understand the life bit.


I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone in particular, just noting that this particular forum seems slower than some of the others.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Oh sure, Strat, I have the same thing. Oldest boy started college, youngest boy giving me grief about not wanting to play soccer this year (junior in high school) because his loser buds aren't...daughter playing tennis...yep, I understand the life bit.


I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone in particular, just noting that this particular forum seems slower than some of the others.


I TOTALLY know where you're coming from. My son is 17 and daughter 15, and it is a FARKING challenge to say the least. Yeah I didn't mean to imply you were pointing fingers (did I?), but yeah I agree. Some of the posts I think are really cool, noone responds to. But then you'll get a post that is, to me, quite silly, and get fifty replies. I dunno. Maybe I'm just getting old. : )

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by strat0124:

and daughter 15



Here's what's going on lately at Strat's house:


"Knock, knock."


"Who is it?"


"Horny teenage boys! Can we come in?!"


Ha, ha! Sorry strat. My daughter is only 8, but I'm already dreading those days!


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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I was looking for a .gif of Homer with a lampshade on his head...but I couldn't find one...


LOL at Scott...boy...it's too bad you can't "temporarily" neuter teenage boys...give 'em their gonads back when they're ready to walk down the aisle...I've got two teenage sons and a teenage daughter myself.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

Here's what's going on lately at Strat's house:


"Knock, knock."


"Who is it?"


"Horny teenage boys! Can we come in?!"


Ha, ha! Sorry strat. My daughter is only 8, but I'm already dreading those days!


Hey man...stand by. My daughter is blonde blue eyed tan, surfer, on the swim team...and the phone rings off the hook with "is Erin there?". But she is intelligent and already a stong young woman, so I don't sweat it too much. I just tell the guys who do come over that I have a shovel and a pistol. In jest of course.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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The guitar Forum really has slowed down. I rarely start topics on this forum so I am partly to blame. I hear things are jumpin' over at Guitar.com. I learned that Tool still sucks...or do they rock ? I forget http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


I heard a fairly new Eric Clapton song in a restaurant last night and it made me think of the Clapton thread that went on here. It was such a simple, beautiful pop song and it even had a nice acoustic guitar solo. The guy may or may not be a guitar great...but damn he is MUSICAL.

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I go to the "other forum" all the time. While it might seem like there's alot going on there, there's a lot of "spam" postings going on there. Many of the threads are not even worth reading since they mostly flame people, instruments and bands.


IMHO, many of those threads have lost sight of the real reason we come to these forums. That's to help each other out and talk about music related things.

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Originally posted by Tedster:

BTW...I wasn't talking about slow posts here relative to guitar.com. I was talking about slower posts here relative to other musicplayer.com forums.




I guess what I was trying to say is it's probably no worse than anywhere else, once you sort through all the crap.

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Originally posted by Tedster:

BTW...I wasn't talking about slow posts here relative to guitar.com. I was talking about slower posts here relative to other musicplayer.com forums.


Jeez, Ted...You had me worried there for a second. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif I mean, really...


I've never gone on any other forums other than MP's. For me , it IS just like the old 'tree falling in the forest' thing.


If I don't go there...it doesn't exist!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



(Btw, welcome back!! Glad you enjoyed yourself in 'Nawlins)

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Originally posted by Tedster:

Or are things r-e-a-l-l-y S L O W I N G D O W N around here?


My life continues to get more compressed leaving even less slack time for things such as this....





New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Auto industry at a standstill, new business going nutz, Paul managing the

jv football team,Rose being a senior,katie being katie.

The finger looses the stitches soon,so I'll be jammin' again(I hope!)


3 coonass's all died at the same time...

Pop,Pop,Pop!!! Standin' in front o St.Peter....

He say to da first coonass,"shy, how you die?

An the first coonass say, "St. Peter, it like dis. Me an momma ben fightin' like poodles and gators all da time lately, so dis mornin' I decide on the way to da fields to stop by the flower shop and get her some

posies. So I'm sneakin' back in my compartment(I lives on da 3rd floor of a high-rise compartment buildin')Babeeee, I'mm ho-ooome. Right away I hears da shufflin' sounds from da bourdua. I storms in. She's neked and covering up ju know, like ders some monkey shine goin'on here! So, I storms

thru da compartment, lokk unner da bed, an I see's da curtain on da slider to da balcony flutterin. I runs out an der... der on da balcony below me... on da 2nd floor of da high rise compartment buildin' I lives in..der is dis guy ...pretending to take da sun bath on a cot!...Neked!!!

Well sir, I rushes back into da bourdua, grabs da heaviest tind I can...Da old steamer trunk da ole lady keeps her private stuff in. I picks it up...

I walks to da rail. Just as I get it over my head, I gets dis sharp pain in my chest... and next ting I know...I'm lookin' at you!

St.Pete say"okay Shy, come on in."Den to da 2nd coonass he say,"Shy Shy, how you die?"

Da 2nd coonass say. "Well St Pete, I was takin a sun bath dis mornin. I look up just in time to see dis steamer trunk comin' down from da 3rd floor of da compartment buidin' where I lives! Da next ting I knows..I'm lookin' at you!"

"Hmmmm," say St. Pete. "Come on in."

Den to da 3rd coonass he say, "Shy, Shy, Shy, how did you die?"

An da 3rd coonass say.

"Well St.Pete, it's like dis. Der I was. Sittin in dis steamer trunk,minin'

my own damn business...."

nite-all! R

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Originally posted by ricknbokker:

Btw... leave it to a guy with damn near three thousand posts to notice

such a thing! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



(w/damn near three hundred and fifty...)


Funny stuff man.......DOH....

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Welcome back Ted. Yes this forum run pretty slow without

you. I don't get too worried when any of the forums slow down.

I figure maybe it's because we're all actually maybe working on

a project. When I got a project going such as now, I manage to

read at least once a day but often have trouble slowing down

long enough to jump in on anything.


When you see me posting alot it's usually a time when I should be

getting that next project started http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif





William F. Turner



William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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only get to post once in a while....be working the rest of the time//

but always check this forum for the bright and witty things that

musicians can think of...

I believe that this forum has more dignity than the others....we

already own our equipment and mostly it's the gear most of the

other forums are talking about....we've paid our dues....and so

spend more time doing what we do than talking about it....



life is toooo short to play crappy guitars !!

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