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Teds cajun tour?


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So when's the Tedster due home anyway? Yunno what could happen if he bumps into Clarence and Boudrea whilst he's near the bayou?Maybe I worry too much , but I'm not sure those boys even know who Homer and Marge are!Doh!!!

Well I suppose he'll be able to fend off any good ole down home mischief with his charm and his fiddle.(Just hope he doesn't swill the local jug to heavy and try to calm any storms with Angus!)


Ted, be sure to see Simon's post A.S.A.P. I'm sure your good sense and logic(not to mention humor) would fill the bill right about now.


I'll bet ya had a ...er excuse me Le Grande time in Bayou La Bushe! Fill us in!




No signature, I'm changing to fast to trust me!

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Originally posted by rosespappy:

So when's the Tedster due home anyway?


Ummmm... He was going for a week, right? That means we can expect him back any time now.


The forum has sure been quiet this week... far TOO quiet! Ted, get back here and entertain me! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Bill Gates dies and is up at the pearly gates.

St Peter: Well, you've got a choice. Have a look around here. Pop down to Hell and see what Satan has to offer. Check us out, and then let me know your decision.

Bill has a look around heaven. Lots's of somber people singing hymns, praising the Lord .

He goes down to Hell. There are beautiful beaches, lots of sun, sand, attractive women . Long cool drinks that never get you drunk. He loves it. He goes back to St Peter.

Gates: Look, I know you're really doing good things here, but Hell seems more with it. More my kind of scene, you know what I mean? No hard feelings, but I pick Hell.

St Peter: No worries. You've got it.

Bill finds himself back in Hell, neck deep in fire and brimstone, suffering eternal torment. He can't figure it out.

Gates: Hey! St Peter! Where are the beautiful girls and long beaches and cool drinks?

St Peter: Sorry if you got confused, That was just the demo version



There are three engineers in a car; an electrical engineer, a chemical engineer and a Microsoft engineer. Suddenly the car just stops by the side of the road, and the three engineers look at each other wondering what could be wrong.


 The electrical engineer suggests stripping down the electronics of the car and trying to trace where a fault might have occurred. The chemical engineeer, not knowing much about cars, suggests that maybe the fuel is becoming emulsified and getting blocked somewhere.


 Then, the Microsoft engineer, not knowing much about anything, comes up with a suggestion, "Why don`t we close all the windows, get out, get back in, open the windows again, and maybe it`ll work !?"








KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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More entertainment at Microsoft's expense.


(Told by Guy Kawasaki, member of the original Mac development team. The first joke is how the rest of Apple felt about the Mac team.)


How many Mac development team members does it take to change a light bulb?


  • One to hold the lightbulb and the world revolves around him.



(Guy thought this was a better one. Of course, it was about the competition! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif )


How many Microsoft employees does it take to change a light bulb?


  • None. When the bulb breaks, Bill Gates just declares darkness the new standard.


Please Ted, come back... come back...





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Coversation between a Baptist Preacher and his 17 year old son...circa1972


Hey dad, can I use the car tonight?


Pleeeeze, I promised to take the kids from youth group swimming.

Tell ya what. Go get a haircut, and you can use the car

Aw come on! That's not fair! I mean, Jesus had long hair!

Yup.... And ya notice, he walked EVERYWHERE HE WENT!!!


Come on Ted!


no signature...I'm still changing too fast to trust me.......

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light fading.......blurred vision.........dizzyness...........vertigo.........can't go on...........



Ted, where are you..............come back..................soon.................help me god.......





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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A firefighter is at the station house working outside on the Fire truck


he notices a little girl next door.


The little girl is in a little Red wagon with little ladders hung off

the side. She is wearing a Firefighter's hat and has the wagon tied to




The firefighter says, "Hey, little girl, whatcha doing?"


The little girl says, "I'm a firefighter, and this is my Fire truck!"


The firefighter walks over to take a closer look. "Little girl, that

sure is a nice fire truck!" the firefighter says.


"Thanks, mister," says the little girl.


The firefighter looks a little closer and notices the little girl has

tied the wagon to the dog's testicles.


"Little girl," says the firefighter, "I don't want to tell you how to

run your fire truck, but if you were to tie that rope around the dog's

neck, I think you could go faster."


The little girl says, "You're probably right, mister, but then I


have a siren."



Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.





This message has been edited by Tedster on 08-20-2001 at 10:54 AM

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by rosespappy:

Coversation between a Baptist Preacher and his 17 year old son...circa1972


Hey dad, can I use the car tonight?


Pleeeeze, I promised to take the kids from youth group swimming.

Tell ya what. Go get a haircut, and you can use the car

Aw come on! That's not fair! I mean, Jesus had long hair!

Yup.... And ya notice, he walked EVERYWHERE HE WENT!!!


Come on Ted!


no signature...I'm still changing too fast to trust me.......


I smell a Jerry Clower fan! : ) We opened for him in 73 when I was a member of the Anthony Brothers out of Loranger, Louisiana. That's a good joke I still tell to this day.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.


Did you download the silence? It takes so damn long to do! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif








Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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