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Direct to tape tone machines


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Just curious what your experiences with the direct recording tools such as line 6 pod, yamaha dg stomp etc...


I NEVER thought I would like one of these but I finally found a music store that had a POD setup to play with and I actually found I liked the tone. Not quite the same as a good miked amp but very usable imo. I haven't been able to find any of the others in town to preview and after playing with the POD I'm kinda jonesen to get one, especially now that line 6 is offering a $100.00 rebate!! But I'd like your opinions on the other boxes as well, I play mainly funked up blues but I like many other styles such as country, raggae, latin etc.. Plus I'll be using the box with acoustic quite a bit as well so one that includes some acoustic stuff would be good, but not necessary.


For those that have played with some of the different boxes, which do you think has the best tube amp tone overall. The effects section is nice but mainly what I want is to get a really killer tone to tape, if the effects are great also that's a bonus but good tone is my #1 priority. And I'm also not much into spending hours trying to come up with new sounds, my main live rig consits of a Crate Vintage 5212 tube amp, a Boss Blues driver and a Vox Wah to give you an idea of the tone I prefer. As you can see, not much into effects but it would be nice to have some to experiment with.


So what do you think, the POD, Stomp, new Behringer and Digitech units look decent too.


Any and all help/opinions would be appreciated

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Some of us are holding out for the new VOX Valvetronix combos coming out in October. The reports back are that the tones are killer good. 2 things: You get a cool amp that can be played live with many tones to select and you can direct record as well using either headphone(1-12 model) or line outs (2-12 model). The street price on the 1-12 is about $700, which is just $100 more than POD Pro. Check 'er out



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Well, the Line6 Vetta is looking pretty good. But Line6 dropped the ball... AGAIN, with their foot controller and software. It's been at least 15 years since the first Roland guitar processors included the ability to assign multiple parameters to one of the foot pedals on their controller. Line6 has ignored this incredibly useful feature.


The new pod-like Behringer box sounds good through headphones. Haven't heard it into a board or DAW yet.





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I'm a POD user and I think it does a decent job for recording. I'm not a huge fan of the all the effects, but the compressor is ok, and I'm not one for tons of effects anyway.


The next generation of microprocessors is about to improve the quality of these devices considerably. This should have two nice results...


1) The "latest" new modeling amps like the Vetta will use the new chips and get "better" sound than ever before from a modeler.


2) The "older" technology will continue to decline in price making them ever more affordable. (It's happening already... the Johnson modeler has dropped to sub-$200 and the POD has the $100 rebate offer).


No one has talked about a rack Vetta or anything, but it doesn't take a marketing genius to see that one's gonna be done by Line6, HK, or someone else. It will probably be a big seller for studio use.


You mentioned that you were not much of a "twiddler" regarding new patches. One of the most powerful features of the POD is its MIDI software. It's very "tweekable" and if you don't use this function you're missing much of the power of this toy. In addition, even if you don't want to make your own models, there's a HUGE user community with lots of sound setups to download into your POD. I've found some great patches including some by the "artists themselves"... There's also all the settings in mag's like Guitar World that can even be entered and saved from the front panel.







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Originally posted by Stratman:

Just curious what your experiences with the direct recording tools such as line 6 pod, yamaha dg stomp etc...


So what do you think, the POD, Stomp, new Behringer and Digitech units look decent too.


Hi Stratman,


I have reveiwed most of these direct recording devices on the market for the swedish guitar magazine FUZZ. Some of them have been a source of inspiration and some has not. Since I got my own web site I have put up some mp3 demos of the inspirational units. I have even translated some of the reviews to english as most people on the net don't read swedish.

You can find the reviews on:



My personal preference for direct recording is the Yamaha DG-1000. This is the most natural feeling device and it's so easy to program due to the moving chicken head knobs. The fact that it has two midrange controls makes it so easy to tailor the sounds to my immediate needs. Together with a t.c. electronics G-Force and a few of my old stomp boxes in front makes me very happy. The DG-1000 has the best speaker simulator I have ever encountered. If you want to hear the DG-1000 go to the VSTi review and locate the mp3 demos.


Happy hunting!


Mats Nermark

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"I play mainly funked up blues but I like many other styles such as country, raggae, latin etc.. Plus I'll be using the box with acoustic quite a bit as well so one that includes some acoustic stuff would be good, but not necessary."


From your description of styles, I'd say you should really check out a Boss GT-3. It excells in clean and blusey tones to my ear. There's also a huge community of users at onelist.com who exchange settings and such. It pretty much contains most all of the Boss stomp boxes as well as a COSM pre amp. The 'Crunch pre is the best, Marshall is good, but the Boogie is too bubbly -why did they model the symul class one?! When recording, I use it a lot for clean and crunchy rhythm (altho I'll almost always hook up the Boog or Cream Machine for lead). I also use it live with a duo and it's basically the first device without tubes I can stand to plug my guitar into. From all I've read, I'd like to check that Yammy DG Stomp. Zzounds was blowing it out recently too.

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Hey, thanks for all the great, thought out replies. I really appreciate the info and will keep all suggestions/opinions in mind. I still haven't decided on one yet but I'll be gettin one real soon. I think for now I'm mainly going to look at the direct boxes, the amps with modelling look pretty cool but I'm pretty satisfied with my live rig right now and mainly just want something to do some recording in my little studio with. And did I mention my studio was LITTLE?? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif I just don't have room for another amp in here.


I've tried mic'ing my amp but that never seems to work, I just can't get the tone to tape that I want to. Not too big of a surprise I guess, it's not like I have a great room , great mic's, and a slew of amps to use. Not to mention a great Engineer to make it all sound great. Plus the neighbors might bitch if I fired my tube amp up at 2;00 am, which is around the time I generally have to do some recording (not to mention my wife http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif ). I love my Rode NT3's and Fostex VF-16 but you can only do so much with those, know what I mean.

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I use the POD 85% of the time. I rarely mike an amp now days. I key to the POD is using the Soundiver software to tweak the sounds then I download them to POD presets. Some of the things you can do is tweak AIR effect and the reverb and compression.


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The noise from a computer monitor is not a Pod issue. Almost any guitar/amp combo going to be noisy around a monitor. If you can afford it, get an LCD (they're half what I paid last year). The benefit is enormous as the gating on POD and the ilk is 90% of the unnatural artifacts in the sound. I like the POD but I also have gotten great results from H&K preamps and redboxes and I also have an ADA Ampulator that can be really cool.


That being said, everytime I get off my lazy butt and mic a real amp, I am so much happier.



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