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Wall hangers good or bad?


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Hey everyone, what do ou all think of hanging guitars by the headstock with those wall hanger type holders?? I've heard some bad things about them ruining the finish where they touch and possible neck problems. Is there any truth to this?? It would open up a lot of space in my little spare bedroom studio if I could hang my axes from the wall instead of taking up valuable floor space on regular stands.


Any good or bad experiences out there to share?

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Contrary to what people will tell you, you WILL NOT damage the neck by using wall hangers. The neck has over one hundred pounds of force on it from the strings, and is capable of sustaining two or three times that much... the extra 8 or 10 pounds of force from hanging isn't going to "put it over the top!"


People who say that wall hangers warp necks are the same ones who say you shouldn't leave the guitar in a stand, or remove all the strings at the same time. What kind of weak, flimsy guitars do these people have?!


As far as damage to the finish... this COULD happen, but not just with the wall hanger. I grabbed one of my guitars off the stand a few days ago, just after a VERY hot and humid day, and the foam-rubber from the stand had MELTED to the guitar!!!! Never had this happen before, and probably never will again, but it just shows that it CAN happen.





(just another cantankerous bastard)


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Never had a problem with hanging any of my guitars, from a jumbo classical, to steel string acoustics, to electric guitars and basses.


Most large guitar retailers use some kind of wall hanger for their inventory as well. Saves precious floor space and protects the instruments. In fact, I worked at Mars - Nashville for over 2 1/2 years and the only guitars on floor stands were bargain basement instruments. They want the valuable stuff away from danger, ie. salespeople with carts knocking guitars, customers running into guitars, etc. The good stuff is either hanging on the wall or behind glass, where no one can mess with it.


I would highly recommend the Off The Wall hanger for it's heavy duty construction and mounting hardware. It also has higher quality foam on the hanger itself, than most others. I HAVE SEEN the results of a hanger breaking, at Opryland Theme Park, 6 years ago. The banjo on the bluegrass stage fell 4 feet on it's resonater ring. Had Gibson not wanted to examine this vintage instrument for research, to reissue the model, it would have been a VERY expensive repair. If you can mount the hanger(s) to wall studs, that would be best. But I've had no problem with my main axe and it is mounted on drywall screw mounts, only.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Cool, good news. Thanks for the replys, I'll be gettin a few of them REAL SOON!!


BTW, I felt compelled to ask because I have picked up a couple of axes at the local stores that did have finish flaws from being on wall hangers. I thought if that was true maybe their was some truth to the neck damage thing, although it did seem unlikely to me.


Thanks again.


This message has been edited by Stratman on 08-05-2001 at 03:32 PM

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Nitro-cellulose (sp?) finished necks (old fenders, custom shop, some re-issues) will definitely be blemished by the rubber or plastic they come in contact with. If your guitar is finished like this, wrap a piece of cloth aroune the hanger so the neck doesn't come into direct contact with it and you should be okay.



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Good tip Jason, My axes don't have this type of finish but I'll probably put some cloth on them anyway. Can't hurt right. I've often thought of putting some felt on my regular stands, seems that would be safest on the finish. Nice and soft.
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Just, whatever you do...




Ted, you have WAY too much time on your hands! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


You can also check with Kaman, St. Louis Music, or a local MI retailer and find out if buying a track system is affordable and makes sense, based on the number of guitars you wish to hang. The biggest advantage is that most are designed to hold hangers that angle the instruments in the same direction. Very cool to walk in your studio and be greeted by a wall of guitars, instead of them looking like pictures, flat on the wall.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.


This message has been edited by fantasticsound on 08-06-2001 at 08:21 AM

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Thanks for the tip Fantastic, I'll have to look into that as I have 6 guits that I would hang if I had the ability. And I'm sure I'll get more, still haven't got that Tele I've been wanting plus I'm thinkin about takin up a little Bass. A couple have been locked in their cases for far too long, partially due to the fact that I'm learning classical fingerstyle at the moment so that's where most of my practice time goes. But a large part of it is they just aren't very accessible so I grab one that is. I tell ya, I thought I was gettin to be a pretty good guitar player till I started learning that PIMA stuff, what a bitch!! BTW, I love your signature, fits me to a tee http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Tedster- Over 2600 posts, MY GOD MAN, WHEN WILL THE INSANITY END!!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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