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internet good or bad?


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Hello! every one in the forum,I've enjoyed the various topics in this forum for a few months now,enjoyed the banter and genuinely useful information you all pass on.

My subject heading is pretty obvious,but,the reason I ask this is,I have an old acoustic,from new for nearly 20 years,which I played on and off during that time.I know I will never be a great guitarist (good would be nice!)But I only started to get back into it because of the internet,I have read topics about the standard tuition books(Mel Bay in the U.S)here in the U.K. it was Bert Weedon...I could not make head nor tail of it,hence it was consigned to the dustbin,and all hopes of guitar greatness were put on hold for a decade or two.I taught myself, any chords that were impossible for my little fingers,just were'nt used (the chords that is)

Until the internet and...Tablature,what a God send!

It meant that even MY basic music skills (or lack of) didn't matter, the tabs at least gave you a flavour of the song and with grim determination

and sore fingers,I enjoy playing again.

So the question is,it was good for me but, do members of the forum think the Internet will have a negative effect on bringing through trained guitarists?

Or,does it open up a new world for everyone?



Hope this looks OK...Thanking you guys...and gals in advance.

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The internet is useful in many ways, nobody of sound mind would deny that. It will never take the place of first hand experience, and that in cludes musical training. The personal attention of a good teacher is not to be missed, if one wishes to be educated.

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Skip and Gatorwing both said it, and as a guitar teacher I use the internet to find things for students that I haven't yet learned and I have lessons published at WholeNote.com as well that focus on my favorite thing, fingerstyle. If thats something you are interested in go here:




There are hundreds of lessons there covering many styles, but they won't replace a teacher if you really want to take it somewhere,


Jim in Canada

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Originally posted by skip:


The internet is useful in many ways, nobody of sound mind would deny that. It will never take the place of first hand experience, and that in cludes musical training. The personal attention of a good teacher is not to be missed, if one wishes to be educated.


Thanks for the reply,skip,hell,if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't be playing guitar again at all,your wise words have been taken on board and I shall make enquiries about lessons




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Originally posted by gatorwing@aol.com:

Sites like these will help beginners; but nothing beats having a teacher.



Thanks for the info,all your replies have made me think,maybe I can make a go of it yet,I'm not sure if, at my age though (wrong side of forty!)these fingers and brain will be up to the job,still,only one way to find out,I'll keep you guys posted

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I'm a firm believer the net is a WONDERFUL thing for musicians. I don't have a doubt in my mind that if I'd had access to forums like these 10-15 years ago I'd be making a living from music right now instead of working in a machine shop.


My biggest problem when I was younger was that I thought you had to come from a musical family or be trained in some way to play really good music. I know it sounds stupid but I never knew you could teach yourself to play really well, I finally started taking lessons at 26 but by then I was married, had a house and car payments etc. That makes it kind of difficult to go on the road and make a living at the music thing though I'd love to do it. If I had access to forums like these back then, and been told by a lot of the pro's that hang out here (making a living from music or not) that it can be done I'm positive I'd be touring right now.


I love music though, and this web site especially has tought me a lot plus allowed me to virtually hang out with some really cool people. My only problem with the internet is that it didn't come around soon enough!!!

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Originally posted by Stratman:

I'm a firm believer the net is a WONDERFUL thing for musicians. I don't have a doubt in my mind that if I'd had access to forums like these 10-15 years ago I'd be making a living from music right now instead of working in a machine shop.



I love music though, and this web site especially has tought me a lot plus allowed me to virtually hang out with some really cool people. My only problem with the internet is that it didn't come around soon enough!!!


Thanks for the comments,I can appreciate what you are saying,back when I first tried to come to grips with the guitar,it wasn't taught in school it was piano or violin or nothing!


To be brutally honest I was actively discouraged to take up an instrument,so learning myself the best way I could with no help from anyone,I agree, if the Net was around then,maybe things would have been different for me too.



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You got it Hugo, same here. I remember distinctly when I was in grade school we were asked if we wanted to learn an instrument. I very quickly responded YES GUITAR. Oh, sorry, we don't teach that. It's piano or flute or something like that. No Drums or Guitar to be found, what a bummer. I also come from a family that actively discouraged me from playing music, my mom was friends with a lady and her boyfriend that were in a band together and they were broke ALL the time. Not too mention into drugs and alcohol (could have something to do with why they were broke all the time). I guess it never crossed her mind that I would be different if given the chance.


I think she regrets her decision now though, seeing as how serious I am about music, and how much I've applied myself and progressed. And still not a druggie or alcoholic to boot http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Although I must admit that I do still take a nip or 2 every now and then http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif As a matter of fact, music had quite the opposite effect with me. I used to party a WHOLE lot more before I really got into music and found something that brought real meaning to my life and gave me something more important to do than party.


O.k. that's more than you really wanted to know about me anyways so I'll shut up now.

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