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Originally posted by Tedster

"Brings up another point. We're doing "Lakestock" next weekend (big pig roast and beer thing down at the Lake of the Ozarks)...and whenever I play down there (or anywhere outside here in MO in the summer)...my hands stick to my guitar neck. BAD. It's really hard to play.

Anyone have any pointers? Would "Finger Grease" help? "


Hey Tedster, Hope you don't mind but I re-posted this here hoping to get more resonses from some guit players.


The only advice I would give is to try a product called "Finger ease" it's a string lubricant that keeps the strings nice and slick. I swear by it, plus it has the added benefit of prolonging string life and tone, unless you're a heavy handed picker like I am and break the strings before that get too old anyways http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

That and constantly wiping down the neck and strings, especially at those really hot and sweaty gigs is about all I can come up with. Oh, and have a REALLY big fan blowing on you http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif That never hurts.


Anyone else got some ideas??

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A guy I know fills a piece of cheesecloth with uncooked rice and talcum

powder. Tie it up in a ball.


When you need it, just toss it up and catch it a few times.

Although I've never tried this, he swears by it.



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It's always good to bring along a stash of Wash N Dries or Wet Ones, as well as a roll of paper towels to dry your hands and guitar. Cleaning off the guitar neck with regular guitar polish can help too. I find that clean hands and a clean guitar often help to make for a happier and more enjoyable playing experience!
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Thanks for posting this here, Stratman, I had considered it, but forgot. You're on the ball!


Hey, Rick, I'm doing fine. Speaking of cheese...sheesh...been to Pinconning lately?


At any rate...I am a compulsive hand washer and neck wiper...but...here in Misery..er, Missouri.. with dewpoints yesterday at 80, no amount of hand washing or string/neck wiping will give you a dry neck with 80 degree dewpoints!


Just for those who aren't in the know...dewpoints in the 40s and 50s are usually pretty dry with summer ambient temperatures in the 90s...60s are relatively normal to moderately humid...70s are humid to the point of uncomfy, so when you hit the upper 70s to 80 you're soaking in your sweat. Your guitar neck is wet...damp...but your hands won't slide on it. I had thought "finger grease" (I've never used it) would be bad in such circumstances, but, as it's a lubricant, it's probably the only thing that will work. Maybe make my neck feel reeeeaaally gross, but if I can play, I don't care.


Maybe I'll try the cheesecloth and rice without the talcum...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey Ted,


The Finger-Ease is probably your best bet. I don't know how much it changes the tone of wound strings, but your fingers WILL glide over those strings in the dampest of conditions. The best part is, you apply it to the strings, not your fingers. Everything else isn't greasy to the touch.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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keeping your guit's neck clean and applying hand lotion to your hands will help as well. On older instruments whose finish is cracked and dull, humidity and temperature will wreak havoc on them, and I'm not sure there is a cure for those. I'd be more inclined to play a club special at an outdoor gig.....unless it were special.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by Trash Monkey:

Hey Ted,

P.S. Hows the recording going?


Great so far...but, a bit slower than I'd like. Getting everyone together is a pain (true, we don't all have to be there all the time) but schedules are a painintheass to work with..



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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