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Must be the weekend.


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And just for larfs, I'll relay a good story of how I'm spending my weekend.


About a week or so ago, a band in our neck of the woods (typical young folks band...play the stuff that kids play, NIN...whatever...) told me that their guitarist's mother had hired them to play a, get this, 30 year high school reunion. Well, as if anyone approaching 50 who grew up in a small town is going to be able to relate to that type of music, but, oh well.


So, it was inevitable that the phone should ring. It was the drummer...


"Ted, we're supposed to play this gig next week and we don't know any of those old songs...can you help us out?"


What the hell else am I doing on a Friday night when the rest of my band is doing other things. So, what the hey. I rehearse with 'em, trying to go over a bunch of easy oldies. Well, er, it had a few shining moments. But, it really would have been better if we'd had a bit more time to prepare. And then, I find out that the gig (after I had committed) was at a place I've been trying to get MY band to play...well, I really didn't want to go there and suck donkey nuts...but, I've committed...


So...I went and did the gig. Probably a mistake. It wasn't really horrible, just not as good as it would have been with more time to practice, or doing the gig with my own band. The worst part is that I don't think any of the oldsters realized that I'd saved 'em from a night of Pearl Jam and Creed.


Know any good plastic surgeons?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Yup Tedster,

I know what you mean. I do know a good plastic surgeon, but I don't know how much help she'll be with the donkey nuts thing...

Hehehehe... How's the rest of life treating you anyway? I've not been around much as of late. Rick

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Originally posted by rosespappy:

Yup Tedster,

I know what you mean. I do know a good plastic surgeon, but I don't know how much help she'll be with the donkey nuts thing...

Hehehehe... How's the rest of life treating you anyway? I've not been around much as of late. Rick


Hey I resemble that remark http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

How ya both doing, what ya been upto? Ive been slaving my guts out just haven't had a minute.....


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Well, howdy Simon and Rick...


Just got back from a weekend of roast pig, beer, and music down at the Lake of the Ozarks here in Missouri. It was fun. More fun than the other gig. Then my wife and I are off to N'Awlins next week for some fun and frolic...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Simon and Ted!


It's been nuts around here too. Blowing up H/D's and running a new gig....

It's odd. I could never have imagined a few years ago, that I'd be having conversations with as many smart, interesting and funny people, that I'd never met before. The web's an awesome thing. I managed for years without the benefit of these things, but now, a few days go by and it's like I gotta call and check in, or something sinister will happen for sure....


Wow! Talk about Jack Handy!!! Good to hear from you guys. Rick

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Rick... 2 Jack Handy references in the same night?! I think there's a law against that! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


I've noticed that you, Ted, and I are usually on here around 1 AM. You guys as bored as I am?


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Well, in my case, I'm "at work"...er, yeah, at work...on the late shift...and when things get slow, to keep myself awake, I post... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


"I think, therefore I post"...


(although that first part is debatable)...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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It is boredom in part. But I think the real draw is, finding people with a sense of humor to communicate with. As of late, it seems as tho most folks I run into during the day are in a state of surrender. Apathy, despair, discontent. Yet most of them are unwilling to risk change. I like stopping in to hear from people who have yet to conform to a lack of creativity. Creative people still have dreams... Yunno?



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Ah ha... see, I just never sleep! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif My wife heads for bed around 10:30 or 11, then it's just me and my dog. The dog will usually carry on a good conversation until around midnight, but then she gives up on me too. Thank god I found this forum, or I'd be talking back to the TV all night!


Hey Ted, have a good time in N'Orleans. Watch out, though... I have a lot of family in that area... can't trust ANYONE from MY bloodline! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Yup Scott,

I think your headed for a latest poster award! Do you get up early too? Or are you one of those people who don't require sleep? Speakin' of sleep, call the dog bro, I'm afraid I'm outta here.



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Yeah, I only sleep about 2 or 3 hours per day. Usually, I finally fall asleep around 4AM. Today, however, it is 5:30AM and I haven't made it to bed yet. I'll probably crash in a little while, sleep for a few hours, then start all over again.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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What is sleep??? I kinda remember this quaint custom where when you're absolutely knackered you go to this thing.... I think its called bed? and you shut your eyes and forget everything 'til tomorrow......hmmmmmnnnn NO CHANCE!!! Gawd help me what I wouldn't give for a few hours uninterupted sleep.... Sheesh that would be so cool.... I'm working away from home at the moment that 20 hours a day thing to get a project finished in a hurry. Its no good, the kids are on holiday and I haven't seen them for more than about a day in the last six weeks they'll begin to wander who I am, whilst we're on the subject who am I? I think I'm having a Chip crisis...... nay nay and thrice nay!!! anyone feel like giving this old timer a break?


may your gods go with you.... hell its matchstick time again folks!!


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif ( i think )

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Simon.... Scott.... I hate to sound like Gramma, but, When whoever said "I'll sleep when I'm dead", said it.... I wonder if they meant to accelerate the process!!??!! Sheesh! A leetle shuteye can freshen up the grey matter from time to time, and actually speed up the project.(sometimes!)

Yunno, Doggy downers deliver dancing dreamland destructively?


Huh? hehehehe... I'm goin' to crawl into a rack full of brown hide-ed spousage. NiteAll...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ



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Rick... Unlike Simon (poor guy), I'm not losing sleep becasue I'm too busy, or don't want to sleep... I just CAN'T sleep! It's very rare for me to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. I've been like this for many years.


Doctors have put me on medications in the past, but they don't work well. Some of them didn't help me sleep at all, but made me ill! Anyway, the docs decided that, since it's my bodies natural schedule, it's really not doing me any harm.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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