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And a welcome to you, too, Mr. Frehley, or Frehley-fan. A buddy of mine in Michigan played the "Ace" part in a Kiss tribute band, speaking of which.


Funny, this seems to be heading down a "Kiss" path. A buddy of mine is a Trekkie, quite a Trekkie (as I'm sure Mr. Khan is, judging by his handle)...but doesn't it seem like there's a certain similarity between the "Kiss" fans and the "Trek" fans? I mean, dressing up as your favorite character, what not, conventions and all. We're all searching for a fantasy outlet, as it were.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hi Tedster,

thanks for the welcome.


The truth is I got tagged with the nickname Ace years ago even before Kiss's Ace Frehley made the name famous.

I do have some things in common with Ace Frehley, I'm a guitarist who plays lead guitar, hard rock and metal.


I have been playing guitar since the early 60's. My favorite guitarist,

who's playing style inspired me the most is Jimmy Page. I'm a very big Led Zeppelin fan.

I do like Ace Frehley's guitar playing, also I am a big fan of Star Trek.

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Ted Said:

>>>doesn't it seem like there's a certain similarity between the "Kiss" fans and the "Trek" fans? I mean, dressing up as your favorite character, what not, conventions and all.




Kiss was the reason I started on guitar in the first place.(So you can blame them). I am also a big Trek fan. I never have understood the "dress up" thing, but to each his own.


Khan Noonian Singh

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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