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Spoke to a forum member on the phone today...


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Received a nice call from our good friend, Neil Bergman (Fantasticsound) this morning. He was thinking he was going to be in the Kansas City area, but they ended up taking the northern route through Minnesota.


He said their tour bus had provided them with a few horror stories (the connection was bad, they were driving through a cell-phone challenged area...). Other than that, their tour is going well, and I think he said he was going to be able to be back home (at least for a short stop) soon.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ahhhh... the pleasures of the unreliable (and always smelly) bus.


Glad things are going well... hope they're having a great time. Can't wait to hear some horror-stories from the road.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Thanks for updating the troops a bit, Ted! This is the last post I'm making tonight. (this morning? Yeow!)


The best/worst horror story:


We discovered, on our first leg to the run, that our driver could not enter Canada at immigration! Fortunately, our bass player is the alternate driver. (This run was straight from Nashville to a festival 6 hours beyond the US/Canadian border! We later found out he had lost his license due to legal problems. That made him useless in EITHER country!)


The artist would've been sued for all past/present/future earnings had we been involved in an accident. Insurance wouldn't have covered the unlicensed driver, leaving the artist to sue the bus company. Net result: rich lawyers on all sides. Thank goodness they dodged THAT bullet.


We picked up a new driver in KC on the 5th of July. Nice guy, but he might as well be driving a cattle semi. Ouch! (The alternate is smooth as silk. He's slept in the bunks enough to know the difference!)


We thought we had a line on another bus for 8/1, but it fell through. No joke, if ANYONE knows of a bus available for the month of August, please email or call me at home. With any luck the A/C, generator, and satellite will all work before we ride home from Colorado this Saturday night. I know most of you are recording or local players, but if you could turn me on to an available bus... well I can't promise anything and I'm independently poor, but I'd figure SOME way to make it up to you. This is serious business.


The number is 615-868-2655





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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