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no ricknbokker, i wont go away. i posted here because i thought this was a forum for "guitar" music, and i was expecting some feedback, positive or negative, not some bullshit mumbo jumbo from some geek like you.


if you're not interested, why even post?


do you have something you'd like to throw into the hat?


anything worthy of a discussion?


or are you just one of these worthless dolts that have nothing better to do than surf sites to add worthless commentary, because you truely have nothing better to do with your life?


are you a musician, or just someone who wishes he/she were a musician, a common music critic, perhaps?


maybe you write for a living, or dig ditches, or just sit on your ass and collect unemployment...........


possibly, it is you that should go away, until you can come back with something worthy to say, and stop sucking all the bandwidth!



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But seriously, folks...let's talk about promotion for a second.


One thing that strikes me is the futility of "promotion for promotion's sake" on a music forum...why? Because we *all* have something to sell! Kinda like trying to sell used cars at a used car salesman's convention.


Looking at it that way, to me, anyway, when someone makes a post that seems to fall into the "spam or self-promotion" category, then perhaps it should be thought of more as an invitation to constructively critique.


What we all need to do (myself included) is to figure ways to promote our stuff to the non-musicians out there.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You know, I have no problem with people linking their music on here and asking for comments, but there's a right and wrong way to do it. The right way (which we have all done at some time) is to say "Hey, check out my music and let me know what you think. Thanks." Then there's the wrong way... Trying to come across as some ultra-cool bad-ass (and then getting pissed-off when someone calls you on your egocentricity) just makes me not want to bother giving your stuff an objective listen.


By the way... telling Steve to "stop sucking all the bandwidth" after you posted a needless GIF probably wasn't the best thought-out retort either.


Now... if you can check your ego at the door, we will all be more receptive to giving you our unvarnished comments and suggestions. Also, if you want more input, there is a running thread on Craig's forum for just this sort of thing.


This message has been edited by Scott from MA on 06-03-2001 at 03:33 PM


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

You know, I have no problem with people linking their music on here and asking for comments, but there's a right and wrong way to do it. The right way (which we have all done at some time) is to say "Hey, check out my music and let me know what you think. Thanks." Then there's the wrong way... Trying to come across as some ultra-cool bad-ass (and then getting pissed-off when someone calls you on your egocentricity) just makes me not want to bother giving your stuff an objective listen.


By the way... telling Steve to "stop sucking all the bandwidth" after you posted a needless GIF probably wasn't the best thought-out retort either.


Now... if you can check your ego at the door, we will all be more receptive to giving you our unvarnished comments and suggestions. Also, if you want more input, there is a running thread on Craig's forum for just this sort of thing.


This message has been edited by Scott from MA on 06-03-2001 at 03:33 PM


Well said Scott and Tedster

This is a guitar forum for discussing guitar related issues. We may digress from time to time http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif but spam is truly not appreciated much by anyone. As Scott says there is a right and wrong way to do this.... Check out the protocol and then see where you are.....

I don't mean this to be rude but hey gonzo-x, the guys round here are pretty cool and posting short remarks just aint that cool... Chil out we may be loony but I'm sure you'll find it is a real cool place to hang out.






...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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sorry for all the 'cool's' in my last post its been a long long day.


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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okay, okay, i'll give over! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


i posted the gif, and the link, simply because i've posted some links the simple way, in a few other forums and threads, and had gotten very little feedback. i'm new to this board, so i thought maybe some eye candy would at least get my foot in the door with a few people. i understand about "sucking" bandwidth, so i'll refrain from anymore pics and etc.......


meanwhile, i'll apologize to steve for reacting as strongly as i did to what i perceived to be a "blanket" disregard.......


the whole idea i had, was simply to share what i've done, and see if it peaked anyone's interest. There seems to be so many posts here, that i felt like i had to have some bells and whistles to get any notice......


my apologies to all.

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OK, gonzo... so I figured I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and check out your site. Here's my thoughts:


"Bat's Brew" - I can't stand this type of music (just not my style), so I'll refrain from any comments on composition, and just give you my take on the recording. Your bass tone is excellent... round and tight. The guitar sounds too processed. Did you record it direct? Actually, it's probably the right sound for this type of music. You sure have mastered that pointy-headstock-guitar tone that I hate so much. Let me guess, an Ibanez? Sorry, I like the guitar to sound like it has some substance... like it's actually made of wood, and is moving some air. Drums sound kinda weak and muffled, maybe try some more EQ-ing and move them in the mix. Don't force them to share the same frequency space as the bass. Your vocal sounds really strained, and at times like you are eating a peanutbutter sandwich. Guess there's not too much you can do about that... your voice is your voice. Don't feel bad, my voice sucks! I've given up on doing my own vocals, and started bringing in ringers.


"Trouble" - Nice fat acoustic sound! Good slide work, although I wouldn't have chosen that tone for a slide part. The excessive reverb fills it up nicely though. Nice doubling on the vocs. The delay on the vocals causes an odd warbling, almost a slight phasing... maybe try to seperate the dry signal from the regen a little. Overall a good recording.


Michael's House" - Canned this one about 10 seconds in. Yikes vocals! See the comments for Bat's Brew.


Allan's Resolve" - On this one your guitars sound a little better, but you lost that good bass sound. One of your backing guitar parts has a great tone, but it's shrouded by the shrill lead part. Every now and then I can hear it ring through. Overall, this would be a great song if you'ld lose that Satch-tone and let the guitar be more natural.


I started listening to some others, but it's mostly the same-old-same-old on each song. Diversify a bit!


Well... you're obviously an accomplished player, but I'm not into the hair-gel glam stuff. Your music drips with ego, and that's an instant turn-off. Sounds like you could do some great stuff if you'ld ease up on the "look what I can do" guitar lines, deflate your head a bit, and worry more about the substance of the song.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Well, Gonz...


The bells and whistles are the right approach...you just used 'em on the wrong audience http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif. Like my used car analogy...it'd be like going to a used car convention with a big plaid suit, cowboy hat, and saying to everyone "FUH-RREIND...HAVE AH GOT A SO-WEEEEEET DEEEEYUL FER YEW! WHAH DON'TCHA COM'ON DOWN!" etc etc...


That approach works on the masses (who, as we all know, are asses, so you have to hit 'em over the head).


Sometimes on our music threads ("Here's my tunage, check it out") it takes people a little while to respond. We're all musicians here. Some of the people on this board put out awesome stuff, and if you'll read around, you'll see stuff like people who are, or have, worked with really big names. I just got done working with a big name...Stanislawskovich Juan de la Garcia Antonio Jiminez Rivera Clanydwydnagghllewellyn. That's a BIG ASS name. But seriously...their comments are worth waiting for.


Think of it this way...I wouldn't walk in to a new town where a bunch of the local musicians were hanging around and try and sell 'em my CD. I'd get to know 'em a bit first. Hang around a bit...then play it for 'em. You've got some good stuff that's worth hearing. It'll all come...


Meanwhile...we need a "Marketing ideas for your stuff" thread. I think I'll put this one on Craig's forum...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by gonzo-x:

i've posted some links the simple way, in a few other forums and threads, and had gotten very little feedback.


Yeah... it can be tough to get responses. This happens for two reasons:


1) Musicians are too lazy to be bothered. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

2) Nobody wants to be the first to say something negative. (I don't have that problem... I have no tact.)


Seriously, though, people will be more likely to give you feedback once they know you a little better... after they feel you out a little and are a more comfortable with you. Also, you'll find that once one or two people have commented, others won't be so shy about their opinions.


As I said before... you can get some good feedback from a thread on Craig's forum. (I think it's called "Is your music any good? Find out here.") But again, if people don't like what they hear, they may be hesitant to say so... it's that whole thing about not wanting to be insulting.



This message has been edited by Scott from MA on 06-03-2001 at 07:59 PM


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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scott from ma......


thanks for taking the time to listen.


you wrote:

"Bat's Brew"

"Your bass tone is excellent... round and tight. "

-this is my no-name precision bass straight into a tube mp, then into a dbx compressor, then into a roland vs880ex with a little fender twin amp sim on it....

"The guitar sounds too processed. Did you record it direct? "

-this is my strat style guitar straight into a mesa boogie, into a single 12 with a celestion, into a sm57..... the only effects added were some slight delay.

"Let me guess, an Ibanez? "

-no, this is a custom built guitar, with a strat body, but a glued in neck like a les paul. the headstock is acutally modeled after a gibson explorer.

"Drums sound kinda weak and muffled, maybe try some more EQ-ing and move them in the mix"

-agree with you completely. having to deal with a drum machine is a constant struggle.... i've since bought a new one with more sounds, and trying to decide on a kit i like.....

"Your vocal sounds really strained, and at times like you are eating a peanutbutter sandwich"

-but i like peanut butter! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



"The delay on the vocals causes an odd warbling, almost a slight phasing... maybe try to seperate the dry signal from the regen a little."

-an excellent idea.


"Michael's House"

"Canned this one about 10 seconds in. Yikes vocals! See the comments for Bat's Brew."

-well, this was a fun song to record, with a main rhythm part left and right, and seperate ghost rhythm parts left and right that mutate into feedback and effect-driven noise..... mixed to the background, for an experiment in sounds that aren't necessarily up front, and how it affects the mix. the vocals were mixed through a distortion patch, again an experiment to try something i had never done before....


"Allan's Resolve"

"but you lost that good bass sound"

-yes, it's weird, but on the cd that i burned and then made the mp3 off of, the bass is loud and distinct, and on the mp3 it just disappears a bit..... i use musicmatch to create the mp3's......

"if you'ld lose that Satch-tone and let the guitar be more natural. "

-this ones a tough one to respond to, because to my ears, i'm as far away from a satch tone as i could possibly be. Especially on this one. The amp tones are all dialed down treble, and boosted mids and lows..... the mic placement was all about being off center and off cone, to mild down the tones even more, and that's straight guitar-into-amp-into-mic stuff, so i don't know how much more natural it could get. all these parts were played at concert volume, with almost no processing, except added delay on the mix down.....

"Diversify a bit! "

-yes, i hear you....... i'm not trying to write hit songs or radio friendly stuff here, i'm writing for myself...... i hope someone will like it, but it is a specific style, so i don't want to diversify to the point where my style becomes unrecognizable from everyone else.....i do not here the same things here that you have heard, but thats ok. that's expected.....


"into the hair-gel glam stuff. "

well, i'm 41, i've been around a long time, i saw those hair thingys come and go, and my stuff has absolutely nothing to do with that style of music. i don't understand......


"Your music drips with ego, and that's an instant turn-off"

-the stuff i write, and record, has never been about ego.. it is as pure as my heart and soul can put out. music has never been anything to me other than a true expression of feelings through note, and nuance, and going for pure-gut feelings, trying to capture the most emotion out of a performance, and get it on tape. some people get it....... some don't. That's ok, if i tried to please everyone, i'd be a lunatic.


again, sincerely, thanks for listening, and i'll consider all of your suggestions on my future projects.

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Originally posted by gonzo-x:

so i'll refrain from anymore pics and etc.......



Uhm, about said pic....


"Bat's Brew"......?


Have you seen This is Spinal Tap?



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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scott from ma-


by the way, please post your latest link to your current music.


i've checked some of your older posts, and some of the older links seem to not be working.......


it only seems fair that i should have a benchmark for understanding some your comments.........


a lot of times, to hear where a critics' review is coming from really shines light on things. Thanks!

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Gonz....I only have had two people on this board look at a link to my stuff.....and it was from the two folks I like personally the most. I wouldn't take it personally. Having said that, there are some styles of music I don't care for or follow, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna trash them unless provoked. And to be brutally honest....does it really mean anything if anyone here critiques your stuff???? My jollies come from playing live and/or the little airplay we get (stressing little). I welcome it, but I ain't gonna lose sleep over someone elses personal production techniques.....highly subjective. I like organic stuff, someone else might like midi stuff, etc. Offer up with your hat in your hand and I guarantee the reception committee will be there.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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thanks for the reply strat....


and trust me, i ain't loosin' sleep http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


i'm just trying to get a feel for the folks here.........


different sites have different dynamics.....


what's the dynamic here?

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>>>what's the dynamic here?

- - - - -


We like to sing.


Everybody, 1...2...3...4


TROLL TROLL TROLL YOUR BOAT... http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/cwm/eek4.gif

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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hey sylver-

good luck posting over at that thread....

that was where i posted my 2nd or 3rd ever post here, a basic "check this out" kind of thing....

posted over 11 days ago, and never got a single response, thread, email or otherwise...


that's why i came over to "guitar forum"--- with that name, i guessed my stuff would find some response here, since it's mostly guitar stuff.....


but i stepped in it deep over here!

i'm sorry for offending so many with so little so fast! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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Originally posted by popmusic:

There *is* a thread for posting personal music here:




You're likely to get a friendlier response if you post links to your music there rather than start a new topic dedicated to your music.


We're a nice bunch of folks overall... There's more useful info and more knowledgable people at these forums than at any other audio forum I've seen, and I think the folks who have been here for a while rightly want to keep it that way.


If everbody posted their music on a new thread (and crossposted to multiple forums), we'd have to wade through too much junk to get to the valuable nuggets of information we're really looking for.


There was some talk of possibly setting up a forum dedicated to nothing but links and critiques of users' music, but as of right now they're sticking with the thread above.


I really don't know what to put here.
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Yo, Gonz...y'got to just kick back a spell. I posted on that thread earlier, got no response...or maybe one brief one...and I just forgot about it. Then, about a month later, on another thread altogether, someone came back with a review of what I'd posted. So, patience is everything. It'll work out.


Like I said about trying to sell a used car at a used car salesman's convention.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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