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staying in shape.......


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Actually what I'm referring to is having a short layoff from playing....the interim time between gigs. I play in a working band, but the month of June is a semi short work sched for us. My only saving grace is my part time committment to another group who has two gigs for me that month. But I find that if I don't touch the guitar for a week, it takes two weeks to get back to form. So I try to play everyday to alleviate that as much as possible. But in my case, there's the kids needs, the wife's needs, the home maintenance and repair, car maintenance, dogs and cats needs, school and church activities, and the every present phone ring for one of my teenagers. Probably the reason I built my little studio, to escape!!!!!!! Granted my week is jam packed, rehearsals, PR stuff we do, and staying up with the biz alone is a full time job. Hey I do alot of music biz at my day job, in fact writing here now at WORK!!!!! So in a nutshell, all this activity leaves precious little time to stay in shape, both physically and mentally. Try to find the groove when your teen is bitching at your other teen......it's damn near impossible. Or right when you're punching in to fix a track, wife walks in......silent of course, but you know that ruins concentration. I'm exaggerating to an extent, but some of you may know exactly what I mean. I see alot of 40 something's in the music scene who have no family......I can see why. I guess I'm one of the "lucky" ones. : )
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Yep, having a family...wouldn't trade it for anything! But, you're right, a guy does need a place to "get away", whether it's the garage restoring a classic car, the woodshop making furniture, or, as in our cases...the jam room.


I've got a double whammy in that I work rotating shifts...so I'm tired just about all the time. I do spend a lot of time with my guitar, when I can, I don't know how much of that is actual practicing and how much is just noodling around. But, it's fun nonetheless...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You could be like McCartney and keep an acoustic in the 'john.' http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Actually, I know what you mean. I play nearly everyday but last weekend was the first 'gig' for awhile. Playing for four hours is quite different from overdubbing that lead break several times till it's right.


I've got blisters on me fingers!

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FOUR HOURS!!!!!!!!! Whew....man we only do two......and some change. It's the norm here. I used to do that in the old days....I hear ya!
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Last time I went up to my old Michigan stomping grounds, I got conned into going over to a buddy's house and he wanted me to add a solo to a song he was working on. The chord changes weren't exactly intuitive, so I had to come up with something a bit "unique"...(I know...poor, poor, pitiful me). Well, I frappled and fritzed and flailed and flubbed...and finally something started happening. Everything was a take (he had one of those 888 virtual track thingamahoozits or whatever). Well, I kept getting close and it was like "One more time...almost there"...


By the time I got a keeper, it was like my fingers had been peeled.


I'll stick to me own projects from here out... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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