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Richard Thompson!!

Lee Flier

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Hey all! Just had to rant for a bit cause I saw such a great concert!


Saw Richard Thompson last night at the Variety Playhouse here in Atlanta - it had been awhile since I'd seen him. Sometimes he tours with a band and sometimes he goes solo - this show was of the solo acoustic variety.


Anyhow, I was totally blown away! The dude is definitely a major inspiration as he seems to just keep getting better as he gets older, and he's 52 now. He's always been one of my guitar heroes, and songwriting heroes as well, but GEEZ. Over the past 10 years he has become one of the most compelling live performers ever! He's singing better than ever, his voice and guitar just sound HUGE. Immediately his presence on the guitar just draws you in - NOBODY plays like he does. All those wonderful Celtic scales and DADGAD-tuned stuff mixed in with rock'n'roll licks and the occasional Middle Eastern flourish... not to mention some things that you don't know WHERE the hell they come from. I could listen to his guitar playing alone all night - never mind that it's wrapped around these gut-wrenching songs and sung in a now-wonderfully authorative voice.


His acoustic guitar was augmented with some effects - a tremolo here, a delay there - that were just the right touch to provide some cool tonal variety without ever seeming unnatural or overbearing. The perfect tone here, the perfect phrasing there, the inventive twists that he throws in at odd moments... just a delight to hear.


Another thing a lot of people don't expect, given the sometimes dour vibe of his songs, is that the guy is hilarious on stage. He's working on a children's record right now, and he did a song off that called "My Daddy's A Mummy", a tongue-in-cheek educational take on ancient Egypt. Afterward he said, "Now honestly, do you walk away from a U2 concert so enriched? Do they educate you like this? No? Didn't think so. And their tickets cost like $800, don't they?"


THEN he proceeded to tell another story that I didn't know about: Apparently, Kenny G has done a record where he overdubs himself on a Louis Armstrong record. I kid you not. So Thompson says: "So Pat Metheny went off on a rant about it on his web site. Pat Metheny, for those who don't know, is a VERY fine jazz guitarist." He then breaks into a dead-on perfect impersonation of Metheny's guitar playing, which elicits lots of applause. Thompson continues: "Yeah, he's great. Too many notes, though - he'll never have a hit record playing all those notes." [laughter] "Anyway... Metheny says he has never liked much to put down other musicians, especially somebody like Kenny G. I mean, he's so far down on the other end of the jazz scale that everyone has felt they could safely just ignore him. But NOW - having actually overdubbed himself on a SATCHMO record - Metheny says he's taking the gloves off and telling everybody what he REALLY thinks of Kenny!"


So Thompson wrote a song in response called "I Agree With Pat Metheny". ["I had to check with my publisher to see if the title was taken... after all the hassle I went through with 'Good Vibrations'...."] The whole thing was bagging on Kenny G! It was sooooo damn funny. He says Pat is gonna put a recording of it up on his web site, so I'm gonna have to look for that one!


Anyway, I can't say enough about how great this show was, or how great Richard Thompson is in general if you're unfamiliar with him. Nobody should miss his shows, just for his wonderful songs alone, but a guitar player would REALLY be remiss not to see him. If he comes through your town, check him out!



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Thanks for that! RT is one of my all-time favorites. He's as funny as Leo Kottke... I can't wait to hear the "I Agree With Pat Metheney" song (Kenny G is one of my all-time unfavorites).



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There was a copy of Pat's response to Kenny G's overdubbing himself with Satchmo that was passed around the Mars I worked at. I think someone got it off the net, so if you search, ye shall find...





(Oh, yeah. It's hilarious and serious.)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Wow, thanks for the concert review Lee! I completely dig Richard Thompson and that CD with 'Vincent Black Lightning' on it is one of my favs. Hey, that's another song with the CGDGBE tuning so you guys from the Fleetwood Mac 'Never Going Down Again' thread can play those two in a row without re-tuning.


Just wondering if he did 'God Loves a Drunk' or 'Psycho Street' unplugged and solo?

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Neil and all,


Here's a page with links to Metheny's original comments about Kenny G:




And here are the lyrics to Thompson's song:




Incidentally, the last link is part of a really nice RT website, might want to check out the rest of it while you're there!



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Yeah he's a monster. I used to do "Dimming of the Day" a few years ago, when I did some acoustic stuff, with all the harmonies and all. I first heard him on "thistle and the shamrock" on NPR. I was hooked...I can't believe he isn't bigger here.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Oh gosh, "Dimming of the Day" is just... well... godly. Glad to see somebody mention, because I think that "Pour Down Like Silver" album of Richard and Linda's is my favorite of anything he's ever done. Definitely a desert island record for me. Yet nobody ever seems to mention it. The perfect record for crying in your beer at 3 am if you're so inclined. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


DC: No he didn't do either of those songs this time. He did do "Vincent Black Lightning" though (and you're right, same tuning as the Fleetwood Mac tune!). That's the trouble, he's got too many great songs to be able to pick. People yell out zillions of requests at his shows and he can't get around to most of them. LOL... the other night he did do "The Great Valerio" and introduced it by saying "This is probably the oldest song you'll hear performed tonight, it's from 1971! Probably before most of you were born." Then he takes a look around the crowd and adds, "Or maybe not." http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif




This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 05-21-2001 at 09:48 AM

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

That's the trouble, he's got too many great songs to be able to pick. People yell out zillions of requests at his shows and he can't get around to most of them.


Did he do "I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight"?

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pop, nope he didn't do that either, but he did do "Withered and Died" off that album as well as "Valerio". I love that album - "When I Get To the Border" is one of my fave songs ever.


Glad to see so many RT fans crawling out of the woodwork!



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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Apparently, Kenny G has done a record where he overdubs himself on a Louis Armstrong record. I kid you not.


This is incredibly innane. I haven't heard about this, did he really do this? No doubt inspire by the Natalie Cole/Nat King Cole recording, which is weird but a bit of a different situation. What an arrogant mofo! What next, "Kenny Plays Whole Notes Sharp Over Giant Steps"? I'm telling everyone, you have to start calling this stuff out because it's just another indicator of the decline of civilization, blithely ignoring what amounts to a musically historic figure (and recording) has contributed to music.


I don't like the stereotypical french, but I don't blame them for their xenophobic stance: that needs to happen if humans are to not slide backwards culturally, apparently. Geez, if King George manages to kill the NEA off completely and get rid of music ed in schools, by 2050 music will be considered a fad, like the hulahoop - just something crazy people did "way back then". I'm not joking, that can happen - people don't take this cultural malaise stuff seriously enough, music *does not* have to be a permanent part of our society, and it can go away pretty fast if we let it. It's going away right now I think....



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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

This is incredibly innane. I haven't heard about this, did he really do this?


Yep. It was "What a Wonderful World" apparently. Read the links I posted above.


What an arrogant mofo!


Yep! That about sums it up.


I'm telling everyone, you have to start calling this stuff out...


Well, PM and RT are doing their best. You GOTTA check out the RT song lyrics I linked above... too good!



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Yeah definitely get "Mock Tudor" and "Rumour and Sigh". Definitely the best of his solo albums. Actually he's got a new compilation CD out called "Action Packed" which has, IMO, some really stellar selections from all his solo stuff.


But don't miss out on the records he did with ex-wife Linda in the 70's. Totally sublime stuff. "Pour Down Like Silver", "Sunnyvista", "I Want To See the Bright Lights Tonight", "Shoot Out the Lights"... I probably like 'em in roughly that order but you can't possibly go wrong with any of them.



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I have them all on CD. They were released on CD in like the early or mid 90's and I think they are all still in print.


Still have my vinyl copies too tho. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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I like his work with Fairport Convention as well, the late Sandy Denny still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I hear her voice.....anyone remember her on Zep's fourth album? It's also a fine example of a guitarist equally at home both acoustic and electric.....as Thompson is.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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hey two things "richard thompson" that i love havent been mentioned:that late 80s supergroup-'french frith kaiser thompson'.now this is a true supergroup imho, they do blues,korean folk stuff,hawaiian chants,surf,it really covers the gamut w/ two extraordinary guitar guys.

and 'beat the retreat' tribute record to richard...wow 'dimming of the day' w/'the five blind boys of alabama'-'when the spell is broken' w/bonnie raitt-'i misunderstood' w/ dinosaur jr....the list goes on.

i'm not one for tribute albums. the arrangements usually miss the boat, but i'm glad to own this beauty.

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Thanks for the links, Lee. My poor dial up http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif connection barely moves me in and out of this forum. I use up most of my surf time here! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I have to get some RT albums. What closet have I been hiding in? Or is it what closet has RT been hiding in? You tell me. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

I have to get some RT albums. What closet have I been hiding in? Or is it what closet has RT been hiding in? You tell me. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


LOL... a little of both probably! RT has always had a steady, and rabid, but small "cult" following in the U.S. I think this is because he's always known exactly what he was about and he just does it, rock star pretensions and commercial trends be damned. He doesn't go for the big marketing campaign because I think he's doing exactly what he wants to do. He's always got a record deal, has all the benefits of "stardom" but few of the drawbacks. He doesn't have to worry about whether he's in or out of fashion - he has never been either - or how old he is or whether he's great looking or what Billboard position he's at or whose ass he has to kiss. He just has incredible talent and authority at what he does, and refuses to compromise musically on anything, and that's enough. One thing you can be sure of is that 50 years from now people will still enjoy his records as much as they do today.


Now that's a good life! Something to aspire to.



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Kenny G. - What a dork! I listed him in the "songs that want to make you puke" thread.

I can proudly state that I once escorted him out of a restaurant that I was managing. We had a strict dress code and he and his wife were in shorts and t-shirts. I guess he assumed that he would get special treatment 'cuz he was "Kenny G.". Well, he didn't get it from me.........

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Originally posted by strat0124:

I like his work with Fairport Convention as well, the late Sandy Denny still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I hear her voice.....anyone remember her on Zep's fourth album? It's also a fine example of a guitarist equally at home both acoustic and electric.....as Thompson is.


Oh how true!!

I also loved his work with Fairport, and as for Sandy well I think just about everything stood up http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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I didn't realize RT was with Fairport Convention. Once when I was in England I taped this FC concert off of Channel 4 or something. Really good tunes definately in the British folk song (Steeleye Spanish) style and all.

There was one tune that just blew me away; Red and Gold are Royal Colours, peasent colours are green and brown, green is the corn in the brown earth when it's growing, red and gold when the harvest is cut down...


Anyone know what album that's on, or some RT albums with em?


Lee, thanks for the links. The Kenny lyrics had me LOL!

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Originally posted by DC:

I didn't realize RT was with Fairport Convention. Once when I was in England I taped this FC concert off of Channel 4 or something. Really good tunes definately in the British folk song (Steeleye Spanish) style and all.

There was one tune that just blew me away; Red and Gold are Royal Colours, peasent colours are green and brown, green is the corn in the brown earth when it's growing, red and gold when the harvest is cut down...


Anyone know what album that's on, or some RT albums with em?


Lee, thanks for the links. The Kenny lyrics had me LOL!


Hey DC

If you are an RT and Fairport fan you could go check out their website at: www.fairportconvention.co.uk, You should find the whole discography and history on their site.... Just a little off topic, but when I first met Dave Peg at his home in Oxfordshire I was gob smacked to learn that he also played for Jethro Tull..... Can ya believe that, talk about diverse talents...



...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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pop, glad you're digging Mock Tudor! Think I'll pull that one out myself. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


And yeah all, Fairport Convention were the shit. RT has done so much great stuff over his career it's hard to mention it all in one go. Loved Sandy Denny's singing, too, although I'm sure it had an altogether different effect on you guys. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


stanner, you are right on with your recommendations too. The tribute album is first rate (unlike most tribute albums). That is another cool thing about RT's songs - as unique and great as his own versions of them are, many of them are still very "coverable" and lend themselves well to different arrangements. You can easily cover him without sounding like you're trying to be him. I've covered several of his tunes over the years and people always freak out over them, even those who've never heard of RT.


art, glad you got to give Kenny G what he deserved. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif What a jerk!



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Just a quick tip - if you can't find any R & L Thompson CD's in US try amazon.co.uk. I recently got Bright Lights Tonight from there. Shipping is a bit more, but you get VAT (17.5%) off the published price if you ship to a US address and it certainly pays for several CD's at once.


Pentangle - reminds me of Bert Jansch and John Renbourn, two of my guitar idols in my yoof. I couldn't believe that some of their stuff wasn't double tracked!



"I thought that music mattered."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to weigh in on the issue, I was astounded when I heard Kenny G. noodle along with "What a Wonderful World", but I figured Louie's estate had blessed the project, so I was OK w/that even though Kenny G. sucks.


Time will sort all of this out, and future compilation disks won't feature the overdubbed Kenny G. w/Louis Armstrong in favor of the original verson, IMHO.


And for those people who have trashed Pat Methany in this thread, please consider that he was an early friend and musical collaborater of one the the greatest jazz geniuses who ever self-destructed: Jaco Pastorious.



Jaco is probably the only person who has ever lived, with the possible exception of Pat Methany, who could overdub an instrumental solo onto "Wonderful World" and have it sound right.


Pat Methany has credibility to me, and his opinions deserve serious consideration, IMHO.

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