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Kinda brings me back to reality


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Tonight I went to see Lonestar, the country band (more or less), and they were really good. But a couple of things jumped out at me.


One was the foursome ahead of us in the next row. Obviously, this would be a crowd that contained "cowboys." Well, these people were dressed western and they were obviously middle aged. I'd say about age 55. The ENTIRE show, all of them had their arms crossed. Wow, this was really weird. Not one bit of joy was shown. What's the deal with these people? Why did they come? Do they normally enjoy music?


Second, I'm out in the lobby buying a beer. I see a lady there who is obviously leaving with a young lady in tow (her granddaughter). I said "Hey, where are YOU going?" She replied "We're leaving. Too loud! I'm from the old school, ya know."


Well, I understand old school. I understand how volumes have definitely increased. But Lonestar was mild. It was great music. They missed a really good show.


Just reminds me that those of us who like (fairly loud) music are in the minority?




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I'll never understand it. If you're going to a show, especially a name band like Lonestar...you oughta be there to listen to the band. I think some of these people think they should be able to talk over the music. They oughta go to a piano bar for that.


I went to CSNY2K...Crosby and Nash were performing a beautiful rendition of "Guinnevere"...and dickweeds were talking behind us. Like...what the hell are you doing here if you want to f&^%ing yap?


Hope you enjoyed Lonestar...their loss is your gain...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ted, couple of weeks ago, I saw Lee Ann Womack in concert. Another fantastic show. But there was a group of people two rows behind us that were extremely loud. Obviously drinking. Raisin' hell. Thought they were comics. Constant talking and making stupid comments. I came within a whisker of making a really bad scene. Man, my blood was boiling.


The thing that really burns my ass up about scenes like this is that 95% of the crap they do, it's irritating as hell since we're there to enjoy Lee Ann Womack, not the comedians behind us... but inevitably, one of them will shout out something truly funny and many people just hoot and holler about how funny it is. Yeah, it's funny... not SHUT UP.




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Yeah, people like that you just wanna say "Hey, you all are good, there's an open mic night at the comedy club down the street and if you hurry right now you can catch it...go on, hurry!"
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

a crowd that contained "cowboys." Well, these people were dressed western and they were obviously middle aged. I'd say about age 55. The ENTIRE show, all of them had their arms crossed.


Some people in that age range have never been to a live rock show. Some country acts are being mixed at pretty high SPL's, where as traditionally your average Kunchree Fan probably doesn't "go out to big shows" much. What might seem tame volume wise for an arena rock show is probably shockingly loud for a certain demographic.


The first time I visited Nashville I was pleasantly surprised at how "mature" the volumes were in a lot of the "tourist" places. They have to cater to a wide age range; and the older crowd probably finds just about anything louder than the tele to be "really loud".


So - my guess is that those people were really pysched to see this band and it was perhaps the first time they'd been out to see a "big show" - and didn't know what to expect. Maybe they were standing point blank in front of a pair of Twins cranked up; that's probably pretty scary for some people (pretty scary for me if I can't get away from it...).


For people who aren't jaded by going to endless concerts with crappy sound their expectations are probably simply something like "it should sound *better* than the record". In which case the shock of the volume - combined with the disassociated sound of amps coming from the stage, maybe blurry sound being up front and hearing a highly reverberant mix from the room - maybe subs under the stage right in front of them, who knows - is disorienting, when combined with a typically mindlessly accepting arena crowd cheering like it's the greatest thing ever... A surreal experience, and one that is likely unpleasant for a lot of people.




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