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Dancin'shoes and r/b


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All right.The true confessions are runnin' rampant here lately,so I'll have a go. I can't dance !!! BOOO HOOO Hooo..... There I said it! My wife,(thats spousage to you Simon) hates it cause I don't dance. I never learned how! I was always playin/singing. I'm I alone in this gregarious shortcoming? Or is this the plague of all who play?


Somehow, I suspect that Tedster learned a polka or two during his stint in the M.C. But, I mean Rock and Roll Rug cuttin'!


Danceless in dungarees.....

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KHAN'S ridiculous view on dancing:


Slow dancing = good http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/biggrinangelA.gif

Any other dancing = stupid http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/confused/fie.gif

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Yo Rick


No chance to dance me old china!! No way, I have to be absolutely under the table ( drunk ) to even think about it http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Cor blimey!! I'm with Khan to the extent that a smooch and a fumble is cool but as for that chucking your hands in the air stuff is concerned not a hope in hell!! I have always felt that the better plot is to stand on a stage and wow the chicks ( hip sixties surfing phrase meanin GIRLS ) with a bit of the old soulfull guitar.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Phew!! way cooler IMHO.



Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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(Knowing glance to pub mates)...


(Barry White voice):


Let Tedsta the Looove Doctor hip you up...


Okay, fast dancing may be lame and stupid. But WOMEN LOVE IT. No matter what other reason you have for not doing it...WOMEN LOVE IT. That's the ONLY reason I need. I dance like Frankenstein with bunions...women don't care. And while slow dancing is cool to get close etc...ain't nothing like watchin' a woman shake the ol' T&A up close and personal...and when she's dancing across from you, lookin' at you, and wiggling her buns, that's like the guy named Thomas Wood, who joined the Army and became a Major (what would you address such a person as?).


My wife and I have a lotta "couple friends" where the guy won't dance with her. She wants to dance. He's afraid that everyone will be watching him and thinking "what a dork". Nope. The guys aren't watching him and thinking "what a dork"...they're watching the women on the dance floor. And the wives get reeeeeaaally p.o.ed that the husbands won't dance...so they'll go out there with their girlfriends and dance...and then what? The other guys in the bar are watching these women shake their T&A.


Now, my wife will come up to the stage and dance with me once in awhile if I'm up there playing. Playing is a bummer, 'cause you've inevitably got some drunk trying to dance with your wife or girl while you're up there playing superhero. But, you've gotta take an off night...go hear another band, and dance with your woman. Trust the Tedsta on this one. You don't need dance classes. Get your feet wet by going out in the middle of a crowded dance floor where you're camouflaged by 50 other couples and boogie. You can do it, guys, the women WANT you to do it.


BTW...I can't polka.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Heehee, I feel for you. Dancing might be one of those things that if you finally take it up far into adulthood, it's much harder. But I'll bet if you took some dance lessons, you would even wow yourself. I've never taken any but I'd like to.


I can dance pretty good, according to the ladies... the standard rocknroll improv, slow dance that's way more than your average guy just rockin' back and forth on his two feet, 2-step, 3-step, jitterbug, waltz, etc. I've learned it just by observing and having a dance partner point out the basic step. (Of course, there ain't no step to rocknroll improv... you just do whatever and hopefully, you don't look like an idiot.)


I jokingly told you guys when I got on this forum that one reason I wanted to build my solo-party-dude-act was because the musicians always get the girl. Well, the other side of that is that the guy who is a good dancer always gets the girl. It is THE SURE WAY to meeting women. Those good lookers are far more open if you can dance. Plus, you really don't even have to do anything other than just hang out and they'll find you. Women are about ten times better dancers than men. Why, I don't know. But your average girl is light years more coordinated than the average guy.


If I were advising a son on what to do to have an active social life, it would be to learn how to play the piano and guitar and learn how to dance.



> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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Ted Said:

>>> I dance like Frankenstein with bunions...


hehehehehe http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/blackeye/Eyecrazy.gif


This message has been edited by KHAN on 04-23-2001 at 09:29 AM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Tedster, you be da wise man fo sho, but, I gotsta go with Simon and the mighty Khan and say I think I'm built a little more like the Lion, just sitting there watching his pride move gracefully through the long grass... Than the sage grouse doing his wang flappin' thang. Mr. Wood is my friend... but so far he can't make me dance!


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Originally posted by KHAN:

KHAN'S ridiculous view on dancing:


Slow dancing = good

Any other dancing = stupid


I have to agree with Khan. I think I may be the only woman out there who would rather watch the band play.... or better yet, be playing in the band.

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There really oughta be more women like you out there.


Ah well, you can't have musicians without someone to be in the audience, though, so it's good that everyone's not a player.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Showed mammason Khan and Simon's reply,she quoted Ted all night long. I did dance the slow ones... and with all the girls on my Softball Team screaming Go Coach Go! Mammason has seen me dance fast (back in the days of JD Black Label and Glenlivet..... She decided not to puch it.


So... Slow Dance= GOOD

Fast Dance= STUPID!!!

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Wow - I'm guessing you guys are rock dudes in your 30s or later from the "rock dancing" context.

This anti-dancing bias is not really there with kids today. People have always social-danced, this bias I think came about in the rock scene since the music is so non-conducive to dancing generally (ie: not funky).

And that modern "rock" dancing is pretty much a joke, some drunk chicks in a bar forcing some rhythm over the musical plod, and their embarassed boyfriends shuffling along 'til they can get 'em to sit down and drink some more.

'60s rock works ok for dancing if played with enough energy 'cuz you've got the hard upbeats and a lil' swing going.

Contemporary hard rock though, nah.


It's a pretty much a cultural thing. Black and latino kids have always danced, this white rocker dude "I don't dance" thing is the exception.

That's pretty much gone away though nowdays. Now dancing is like a recreatioanl sport to lots of kids. You go to a serious dance club in NYC, and you'll see kids down on the floor doing hamstring stretches before they get started. They're in really good shape and a lot of them are breakdancing too. The steps they do get more & more complex & difficult, it's like a status thing.

Even in high school though, it's expected that you'll be able to dance.

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I made an attempt to dance at my wedding. I figure, "I'm a musician, I must have some rythm." Turns out that I dance like I have one wooden leg and one club-foot. I guess it was to be expected,though... as I've said before, I'm the whitest man in America, and I have no soul.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

I figure, "I'm a musician, I must have some rythm."


D'oh! Apparently I can't spell "rhythm" any better than I can dance! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Originally posted by gratte:

Wow - I'm guessing you guys are rock dudes in your 30s or later from the "rock dancing" context.

This anti-dancing bias is not really there with kids today. People have always social-danced, this bias I think came about in the rock scene since the music is so non-conducive to dancing generally (ie: not funky).

And that modern "rock" dancing is pretty much a joke, some drunk chicks in a bar forcing some rhythm over the musical plod, and their embarassed boyfriends shuffling along 'til they can get 'em to sit down and drink some more.

'60s rock works ok for dancing if played with enough energy 'cuz you've got the hard upbeats and a lil' swing going.

Contemporary hard rock though, nah.


It's a pretty much a cultural thing. Black and latino kids have always danced, this white rocker dude "I don't dance" thing is the exception.

That's pretty much gone away though nowdays. Now dancing is like a recreatioanl sport to lots of kids. You go to a serious dance club in NYC, and you'll see kids down on the floor doing hamstring stretches before they get started. They're in really good shape and a lot of them are breakdancing too. The steps they do get more & more complex & difficult, it's like a status thing.

Even in high school though, it's expected that you'll be able to dance.




There's nowt wrong with us oldies ya know... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif We can, if pushed still do the odd turn on the floor armed with our zimmer frames of course!! It is possible it's just that I for one don't feel comfortable with it. I've been performing as a player since I was 7 years old and I kinda got used to performing rather than dancing. The stage is a comfort zone to me whereas I feel kinda stooopid on the dance floor.


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Simon says:

>>> We can, if pushed still do the odd turn on the floor armed with our zimmer frames of course!!



You are on your own with that one my friend... http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/anym/hanged.gif

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Yup, I'm with Simon... Before I had the gutz to try dancing, I was getting acclamated to the stage. Once there I learned to make it a preferred place of contact. I am not a control freak, at all, but I learned early on that you could shape the masses mood really easily.

Nrg said stooopid, I feel the same except for the unquenchable desire to wrap my loins in fig leaves....

Oh, and as far as the white guy over 30 thang goes, maybe my true aversion to dancing was or is related to having seen most of my peers shake their groove thangs to disco.... For more info on that, see the post re/ songs that make you wanna puke....

Simon,Khan, you da man,man! Tedster gets the bullies vote.....


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