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Lots of great artists you probably don't know about


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Do you think there are a lot of bands that have great music but who never get radio play? Have you discovered any? "Making it" on the radio waves seems to entail quite a bit of luck. Sometimes, I'll see a band that plays incredible cover songs but they don't have very good original material. But I'll bet there are countless ones who do have good original stuff.


(If you do know of any you like, how 'bout stating what type of music and possibly what other performers might fit in the same vein... so we can "identify" with the music... might want to buy it.)


And... I'll gripe one more time about radio not mentioning the name of the artist and song after they play. I hate that!

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I hate it when they don't mention the artist, at all. A lot are telling who they are going to play (3, 4, 5 or more at a time) and sometimes, they recite the list after they've played a number of songs. But, most of the time they don't tell me at all, even when I know who it is, I like to hear who it is. I hate it when people don't use their turn signals either.


There are a lot of bands or instrumentalists that are phenomenal and original around the country that are only known regionally or in certain sections of the country, or just their town. Some don't want to be famous, they want to stay home, but others don't get the breaks.


One band that lost it, recently broke up is the Ballistic Treaty Band. They didn't do what they needed to to be able to get the breaks. Their style was 70's rock meets southern rock, meets alternate, meets Zappa. Too bad!

Psalm 33:3

The best instrument you have, is your heart.

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Jeff, hey, great! I'll be very surprised I don't like it from your description. My preference is stuff beyond just three chords, although some of my all-time faves are pretty basic arrangements. (I love John Cougar Mellencamp type music!) Thanks!


Keep 'em comin' guys and gals!


P.S. When I was in college... I'm talkin' WAYYYYYyyyyy back when... the way we found out about great new acts was through a kind of underground pipeline. I don't know how it happened. Maybe it was just plain old word of mouth. But, on the otherhand, somebody must have been promoting it in some manner. Point being, I found out about James Taylor long before he was heard on the radio and look what he turned into. Same for EmmyLou Harris. Delbert McClinton. Dan Fogelberg. Jackson Browne.

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Originally posted by stanner:

lovemusic hateradio


As KHAN would say...


stanner, You 'da man!





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As Tina Turner's anthem to sex..."What's love got to do with it?"


Radio: What's music got to do with it?


Radio has nothing to do with music. When was the last time you heard anything halfassedly INTERESTING on the radio (outside public, cable, or internet radio)?


A good many interesting artists (and not all indies either) have yet to see any radio airplay.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ted, you're BACK. I thought you'd left. You can't do that. You're 1/3 of the entire forum. 1000/3000


I don't understand radio. Like, five companies own the whole world or radio? In my town, I think it's one, maybe two conglomerates that own all of them. Not a whole lotta true competition. In the past years, I have noticed:


1. They play a song that you haven't heard in ages. Then you notice you hear it every day or so for quite awhile. Why is that? Do they rent songs in blocks and play those for awhile and then get some more?


2. They got away from mentioning the artists. I guess it's because they use more programming instead of DJs.


3. They start playing an artist a lot and you can bet that artist is coming into town for a concert. I assume the conglomerates own the concert promotion companies. Money talks.


4. Seems that a lot of Top 40 plays a lot of mushy stuff. I figure it's because more women or less men are listening.


5. Not very much featured artist stuff any more except for country. Around here, they still do that.


I'll bet a radio person could answer these questions in a snap.

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