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AC power conditioners

Mark Vail

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Do you use power conditioners in the studio and/or live? If so, what kind and how have they performed for you? I ask because whenever the air conditioner kicks in, the lights dim -- but I don't hear anything happening with my synths or computer audio.
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I use a Furman 16 amp power conditioner on jobs. I have no idea if it makes any difference or not. It has shut everything down when my QSC power amp's filter caps sucked up too much current when I first turned the it on. (I now always let it sit on standby first for a few minutes. The filter caps are ten years old and they should be replaced.)


At the very least, if my equipment is struck by lightening, the Furman will give its life to protect the rest of the stuff ... and me, I hope.


I use a APC 'power backup' for my computer. If the power goes out, even for a split second, the computer never 'sees' the event. (There's even software so the power backup shuts down programs that are opened, saves any open files, and turns the computer off after a few minutes.)


For jobs, I could see where the 'power backup' in combination with a power conditioner could be a real benefit. You'd have to have a power backup that would be able to handle the load of all your equipment.


On the other hand, I played B3 for years with no extra protection whatsoever.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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