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Poor man's IEM


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Hi All,


I'm the keyboardist for a 15 member group and we don't even have a dedicated sound guy. Our venues are usually pretty small, which gives me problems when I use a keyboard amp. Because there are so many musicians I can never get a good monitor mix, so I tried using a smaller amp like a monitor - but even then I can't adjust the levels without getting up or messing up the main mix.


I can't rely on anyone at the console to give me an in ear mix, (since there isn't anyone), so I thought I might create a crude one myself. What I'm looking for is a way to combine my signal straight from my keyboard(s) with the monitor signal coming from the main board (which for our purposes is pretty much what the house hears) convert them to a headphone signal and be able to control the volume of each. That way I can get a better quality monitor sound, but I also have the option of cutting my headphone signal out completely and listening to the main mix to make sure I'm not too loud for the audience (which is what the FOH guy would be doing if we had one). Whatever this device is would have to accept headphones/line level signals as well as the powered signal running the monitors.


I think that ART and Rolls make devices that may accomplish this, but I'd rather talk to someone who has actually used them or something similar.


Any suggestions?





"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

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All you really need is the smallest mixer you can find (several companies make small mixers of this type). I'm thinking about doing exactly this same thing, so I can just turn up my keys when necessary.

Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater) does exactly the same thing, he has a small rotary pot on top of his synth, where he can increase/decrease the volume of his keys just within his IEMs to the house mix.


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thanks Botch!!


what kind of mixer will allow me to combine headphone signals and powered signals? I don't wanna blow anything up here... maybe this should be obvious to me, as I have recently been made aware of my music technology shortcomings.




"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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ART makes the Headtap, that allows intervention into a speaker line and will feed a headphone. You could use one of these, but you will then need a headphone-level signal (8-100ohm) from all of your keyboards, and then one of the multiple source headphone mixers that Rolls and ART make.
Hammond T-582A, Casio WK6600, Behringer D
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Yeah, I'd actually considered that solution, but I was hoping to get there with just one box. ART's MyMonitor and Rolls' Personal Monitor do exactly what I'm looking for but they're setup for mic's or "instrument" level signals (which I'm assuming is an electric guitar signal). The HeadTap and headphone mixer may be the route I have to go, but I'll wait a bit longer and see if anyone else knows of something. Thanks Hammodel.



"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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Why not take a line level monitor or aux out from your FOH mixer to a tiny local mixer(one box solution) at your keyboards. mix your boards with that and use the headphone out to monitor your personal mix.


Why the complication of a speaker to line convertion box?


Kevin T



Originally posted by loxley11:

Yeah, I'd actually considered that solution, but I was hoping to get there with just one box. ART's MyMonitor and Rolls' Personal Monitor do exactly what I'm looking for but they're setup for mic's or "instrument" level signals (which I'm assuming is an electric guitar signal). The HeadTap and headphone mixer may be the route I have to go, but I'll wait a bit longer and see if anyone else knows of something. Thanks Hammodel.



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Thanks, Kevin. I'll ask, but I don't think there's any more space on the snake. I was trying to avoid running another line back from the FOH.

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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You may also want to consider adding a boundary mic to your setup so you can mix in some of the stage and audience sound along with your keys and the monitor signal.


I use a pzm mic that I bought from radio shack 10 years ago for this purpose...if I had to replace it I'd probably get a crown, but the darn radio shack refuses to die!


Check out:



Hope this helps,



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