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Poly Evolver...unreal...

Dave Bryce

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Re: the Evolver editor. I have and use the PC version. It is a litte bit buggy for me. Osc tuning settings change without reason sometimes; delay feedback 2 (the aforementioned delay feedback that is route through the filter) is very buggy in the editor, so much that I'll only add it from the Evo interface.


But the biggest problem is that you can't save individual programs to disk even though the interface has the commands to do so. You can only save banks. That's bad, and why is the option on the menu if it's not implemented?


Other than that, I use it and find it really helps me program Evolver. I wish I could give it an unqualified endorsement, though. Well, it is pretty cheap.

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Here are some examples for the tuned delay and feedback lines:





These are only part of the endless possibilities and of the harsher kind (please take care of your speakers/ears, heavy volume differences !) and less reasonable in musical aspects, but I they give an impression.


Btw, I use the PC editor and rarely have problems with it. The only issue is that the "Save all" function saves only the banks to disk but not the combos, which have to be saved seperately via the appropriate menue item. I didn't notice any more bugs yet and hardly can imagine how to program the Poly Evolver without this useful software.




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Originally posted by Bluescreen:

Here are some examples for the tuned delay and feedback lines:




Perfect - exactly what I was looking for.


Thanks, Stefan!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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As an illustration of the difference good software can make, there are few examples I know of that are more dramatic than the contrast between the old Korg Wavestation SR and the new Korg Legacy Wavestation. The old Wavestation SR offered a remarkably powerful sonic playground, but it was very a frustrating process to attempt to gain access to the power under the hood from the Spartan front panel of that one space rack unit. In contrast, the ease in unlocking the power of the new Legacy Wavestation is reported to be almost child's play.


While I'm unsure how much the new Poly Evolver is like the old Wavestation SR in this regard, I'm glad nonetheless that Dave Smith included (and seems interested in improving) its software interface. Great sonic products like the Wavestation and the Poly Evolver deserve nothing but the best access! :thu:





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Geoff - Again, hardware vs. software control is certainly personal preference to a large degree. However, if you like using hardware, the Evolver makes a wonderful programmer for a Poly Evolver. And to be clear, there is no "power that can't be easily unlocked" with that combination.


The only thing the Evolver can't program on the Poly is the Combo mode stuff, and the actual NAMES of the Programs & Combos.


- Combo mode parameters are pretty lightweight stuff, "programming wise" (yes, it's huge "sound wise"), and are easily and quickly tweaked on the Poly itself. You're just talking about selecting up to four Programs in the Combo, specifying key and/or velocity zones if desired, etc.


- Naming the Programs and Combos isn't too bad on the Poly front panel either, unless you have a boatload of them to do at once. In that case, the software editor would be preferable (even for someone who prefers hardware), because it would allow you to quickly type the names with your computer keyboard.

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I have to second Skies post. It's not a problem at all to programm sounds with the Evolvers UI.


Maybe my former posting was somewhat onesided. When I wrote that I coudn't think of programming without software I was relating mainly to the library functions of the editor. I often have to sort soundbanks, exchange sounds beween banks and so on. Before the editor existed I had to do this using several sheets of paper, write the soundnames, line exchanged sounds out etc. Very intricate :rolleyes:

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Ski and Bluescreen, it's both reassuring and not surprising to read how well Evolver functions as a control device for Poly Evolver. :thu:


At the same time, considering that there are only so many items that one can fit in the "sweet spot," I'm personally hoping to keep the quantity of controllers I have in the next incarnation of my studio under "control." ;) To better illustrate, here are my planned controllers thus far:




The thing that interests me about the Evolution UC-33e pictured above is that it should be useful for controlling a wide variety of software synths and samplers. I wonder how well it would work with Poly Evolver. While I haven't yet purchased either unit, they seem at first glance like they would make a good combo. Any thoughts?





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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