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MOTU PCI-324 - want one?

Dave Bryce

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My recent upgrade from a G4 to a G5 has left my MOTU PCI-324 card without a home, as I had to get a new PCI-424 card.


It's just sitting here, doing nothing, so I'll be glad to give it to someone who can give it a good home.


Please be advised that it's not real useful all by itself - you're gonna need a hardware interface box of some kind, and some software...


If you're interested, send me a PM detailing why (in 25 words or less) I should give it to you. The best response gets the card. Dan South used this method to give away some gear a while back, and I liked the idea...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Rabid:

How do you like your 2408 Dave, if that is what you are using?

It is, in fact, what I'm using, and I like it just fine.


There may be "better" ones available, but I find that the 2408 fits my needs very well.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Why Dave should give me his PCI -324 card to me.


I am a collector of fine PCI cards and have been for many years. I am very hungry with out much to eat. I very much would like to some day open up a PCI card museum. Then I charge people much money to visit my museum. Except you Dave Bryce. For you...always free. You are welcome to my PCI museum any time. You are my best friend. :love: In fact I would like to name a wing in my museum after you.

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Originally posted by Soundscape Studios.:

Dave, you are a piece of shit.


Scumbag, loser, pompous bitch.


That is why the PCI card should be sent to me.

...and this from a Rabbi? ;)


You must be reform... :D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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...and this from a Rabbi?


You must be reform...

FIX....FIX....This Contest is fixed. Count me out. I'm changing my PCI museum into a non-prophet for profit ADAM Monitor theme park for the financially disabled. Donations welcome.
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Soundscape Studios.:

Dave, you are a piece of shit.


Scumbag, loser, pompous bitch.


That is why the PCI card should be sent to me.

...and this from a Rabbi? ;)


You must be reform... :D



Actually, I thought it would be funny seeing how when something is up for grabs, everyone's your friend - So I decided to go the oppisite route.


But yeah, I guess I was out of line - I actually cringed while typing it! Anything for a laugh!

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Originally posted by Soundscape Studios.:

But yeah, I guess I was out of line - I actually cringed while typing it! Anything for a laugh!

I didn't think it was out of line. Frankly, I admire the chutzpah... ;)


The card is yours. :thu:


I have your address from the Vol. 6 CD. I'll send it out tomorrow.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Soundscape Studios.:

Dave, you are a piece of shit.


Scumbag, loser, pompous bitch.


That is why the PCI card should be sent to me.

...and this from a Rabbi? ;)


You must be reform... :D



It says he's from Passaic, not that he's Hassidic.
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If you plan to upgrade to a G5 but keep your MOTU interface, there is no other choice. I think it was a reasonable compormise, but it would never have happened if people didn't freak out on Unicornation. They told us in no uncertain terms that the 424 would never be sold separately under any circumstances.


They must've meant under any circumstances except when the new interfaces don't sell as expected.


I don't mean to excessively rip on them...I just did the upgrade myself...but they really need to get a grip on customer service. They are in the middle of a major PR problem, and whoever is running marketing (is it still Jim Cooper?) needs a wakeup call.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Thanks guys. I could have given a much better reason than the one I gave actually ---


The reason why I need the PCI card is because I'm ABSOLUTELY broke!! This is because I closed on my house last night and spent $500,000 (which I don't quite have at present, but the mortgage guys are living it up now! :cry: )


Dan thanks for the kind offer. I'll paypal the shipping or send a check if that's cool.



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Originally posted by Dan South:

Or I could just drive it over to you. You're less than an hour away (except in a snowstorm).

I'd be laughing at you here from sunny Cali, except I need to be in Philly from 12/13-12/20. :eek:


Hey, I wonder if my ol' buddy Curve might like to get together for a drink... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dan South:

Or I could just drive it over to you. You're less than an hour away (except in a snowstorm).

Oh, what a timely message - I just got back (Sat. night) after driving through unbelivably crazy roads. We got hit hard here in N.Jersey. A 25 min. drive took 1.5 hrs. Whew!


Anyway, I would never make you come to me - who's doing who the favor? :P Unless you are on your way to NYC, it's right there. In any case, PM me if you want me to paypal shipping or something - whichever is easiest.


Dave - the Ascension St. addresss is still cool till about March, when I will move into the new house in Monsey, NY (my original hometown) which is about 30 min from the GWB, 5 min. N of the Jersey border.


Anyway, just for the record guys, I am ordained as a Rabbi; I am not a practicing one. Basically, I have the knowledge, but I am not a practicing Rabbi.


If you are curious why I am ordained as one, but not practicing, the answer is that in Judaism, learning is a very important part of the religion.


Once an adequate amount has ben learned, a person can technically be considered a Rabbi (after passing the appropriate tests). This has nothing to do with officiating at ceremonies, and whatnot. Once a Rabbi, you can either be a pulpit clergy figure, or you can just keep the knowledge and just be like everybody else.


So for now, I'm still at work in the studio creating music and producing spots for radio!

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