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Logic - I'm pretty darn impressed...

Dave Bryce

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Why do you have to switch necessarily? Why not just add a Mac to your studio?

Especially now with Panther, networking between computers, even Mac and PC, is incredibly easy. So you could easily move audio files between your PC setup and your Mac, taking advantage of the best of both.


Having multiple computers nowadays, is like having multiple keyboards 10 years ago. It's just a tool, not a religion.


No one used to think twice about adding a $3000 to $6000 keyboard or sampler to their rig. Adding a computer and what you get as a result is a bargain by comparison.


Don't switch...add.

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Well, let's see...


Prophet-5 - $4600

Prophet 10 - $9000

OBXa - $6000

OB8 - $5800

K2500XS - $5400

Jupiter 8 - $4000+

Emu E4 - $4000+

Andromeda $3500

Moog Voyager $2000+


That's about what most of those keyboards were, new.


Not to mention PPG, Fairlight, Synclavier, etc.


And what about things like the Lexicon 480?


For the pro today, a computer is a tool for the job like any other piece of gear. Restricting yourself to having just one is an old way of thinking.

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Well, let's see...


Prophet-5 - $4600

Prophet 10 - $9000

OBXa - $6000

OB8 - $5800

K2500XS - $5400

Jupiter 8 - $4000+

Emu E4 - $4000+

Andromeda $3500

Moog Voyager $2000+


That's about what most of those keyboards were, new.


Not to mention PPG, Fairlight, Synclavier, etc.


And what about things like the Lexicon 480?


For the pro today, a computer is a tool for the job like any other piece of gear. Restricting yourself to having just one is an old way of thinking.

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My "really?" was questioning the "wouldnt think twice" part. More like..."after much research and deliberation...and pleading with our spouse".


I'm sure the same will hold true for a new mac and Logic. People (well at least myself) are not going to run right out and spend 3000+ on a G5 and Logic stuff without thinking twice about it. When version 6, 7,or 8 becomes too compelling to do with out, us abandoned PC users may reluctantly make the switch and dish out the 3k to continue on with what I believe to be the best audio/midi program out there for my needs. Unless the competition catches up. ;)

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My point is, that when Gigasampler came out, Mac users saw how cool it was and went out and got it. It was the tool they needed. They didn't say "well it's for PC, so forget it."

They went out and bought Giga, and a PC to run it on, and used it simply as a sampler in their Mac based setup.


Getting a G5 and Logic doesn't mean necessarily giving up your PC, it means you've got a phenomenally powerful addition to your studio for less than the price of a Prophet-5 back in the day. And it's safe to say that G5 and Logic will add just a bit more to your studio's potential than the Prophet 5 did. (for the record, I owned a Prophet-10 for years and think it's a fantastic instrument)

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Prophet-5 - $4600

Yeah, in 1980 dollars. That's about $12,000 in 2003 money.


The amount of gear that you can buy today for that price is staggering.


Logic is the ultimate setup for me and what I do. I'm not a power editor, but I'm a power user in the following categories:


Composition and arranging

MIDI (specifically MIDI editing)

Notation editing and printing

Soft synths and plugins

All of the above on a laptop just about anywhere (airport, commuter train, etc.)


For some people DP or ProTools or SONAR is the right tool. Great, but I can't imagine making music without Logic. It's an integral part of my creative process.


P.S. I'm a former Vision user, and I cringe over ever dollar I wasted on Opcode. I wish that I had moved to Logic years earlier. It's da bomb!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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ya, am a former studiovision user. Still ticked off. That's why i probably won't switch to logic for a while since i already switched to DP and now just bought a 002R and ProTools. takes way too much time to learn a new program and new way of working.
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Are you aware that Logic in OSX is no longer VST-native?

I had no idea. I am an OS X virgin :P


I guess I'd just like a change having used DP for over 4 years now. So in considering upgrading to OSX, I'm also considering a different set up. I think OS X may prove to be more of a challenge than learning logic though. Thanks for all the info. everybody!



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Originally posted by astor*:

I think OS X may prove to be more of a challenge than learning logic though.

I thought so, too...so far, working with OSX has been much easier than I thought. It's actually pretty darn cool... :cool:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by steadyb:



Why do you have to switch necessarily? Why not just add a Mac to your studio?




Having multiple computers nowadays, is like having multiple keyboards 10 years ago. It's just a tool, not a religion.




Don't switch...add.

I see your point. I have no problem with multiple computers in the studio... I already run one for Pro Tools and one for Giga, a seperate office machine, a seperate internet machine, etc... adding a third audio / MIDI computer wouldn't be much of an issue for me. But to be honest, I find myself doing less and less in MIDI these days. Even Giga is more of a glorified sound module for realtime (as opposed to MIDI sequencing) use.


But I will say this: Logic is definitely my favorite MIDI sequencer of all time - bar none (okay, Notator also rocked - especially back in the day and when compared to what else was available then).


But I'm sorry, I still really feel bad after so many years (since 1988) of using their products to get dumped like that. I'm not trying to be mean spirited or nasty here, I just feel like when Apple dumped the PC stuff (even though I can see some "logic" - pardon the pun - in consolodating), it was with the hope that many of us PC users (35% of the user base) WOULD go out and buy a Mac. And we were given no incentives to do that - no discounts on new Mac hardware, no plug in or software bundles available to help us get past the crossgrade hurdles for all of our other software and plug ins - really not much beyond just the Logic software crossgrade offer - which, I believe, is no longer being offered. Meaning I'd have to buy Logic Platinum all over again. Which just wouldn't be worth it for me for the limited amount I need a MIDI sequencer these days.


Again, it's a great program, and there's many times I still miss it (I've pulled it off my primary computer, but the dongle is still hanging off the back). I just don't think the amount of use I'd put it to would justify that $2,000 or so it would cost me (mac + software).


But thanks for the suggestion. It's a good one, and I wouldn't hesitate to suggest a Mac owner consider Logic. :wave:

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Dave, if you haven't already, you might want to check out a few cool freeware AU plug-ins for Logic.


Ambience (much better than the built-in reverbs)



Frohmage (nice lowpass filter)



Not Bomb Factory good, but very good. Especially for the money (actually, Ambience is donation shareware)

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Originally posted by synthetic:

Dave, if you haven't already, you might want to check out a few cool freeware AU plug-ins for Logic.


Ambience (much better than the built-in reverbs)



Frohmage (nice lowpass filter)



Not Bomb Factory good, but very good. Especially for the money (actually, Ambience is donation shareware)

And this one http://www.greenoak.com/crystal/
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Originally posted by synthetic:

Originally posted by synthetic:

Well, Dave, I hope you didn't buy the same 1.8GHz G5 I did. Because Apple just doubled the processor one month after I bought it. :mad::cry:

Apple totally hooked me up. :D:love:
That's very impressive!!!


Was your original purchase straight from Apple of from an third party vendor?

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Wow! :eek:


Well, that may be one reason to pick up a G5 from the Apple Store. I always thought I'd probably avoid it, since they don't seem to be price competitive in any way with the mail order guys.


Thanks for the post, as that's a big point in favor of Apple for customer service! :thu:




"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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