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Andromeda for a beginner?


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Sonic Jeebus:

Most virtual instruments can be had in demo or ripped form for free.

Ripped form sucks. :mad:


I think using cracked software is stealing, period. I believe that you shouldn't steal other people's work unless you're okay with other people stealing yours.


Honestly, soft synths cost so little (relative to hardware). If you can't afford to buy one, consider getting another hobby.



Hey, the free demo is a GREAT idea. You can get started with ZERO cash. Buy only what you really like and can see yourself using for the long hall.


But cracks, no, no, no! That's fucked up, my friends. If you use cracks, you've essentially told the people who worked for months to create that program - not to mention YEARS developing the skills necessary to do so - that you love their work, and as a result you're going to fuck them up the ass and leave them to starve. If that's you philosophy, you're a fucking degenerate like those two good ol' boys from Deliverance.


End of fucking rant.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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You left out the part where the product, as part of R and D was given to the world as a completed project. There also seems to be an assumption that everyone working with soft synths knows all there is about computer theory. Not to be hard hearted, but there are alot of people running around actually thinking they can get through the problems that are often inherent in using these products. It doesn`t justify using the program illegally because of the knowledge to obtain the stuff you`ree looking to get your hands on requires enough know how to use it in the intended terms. If you`ve seen some of the statements and ads related to the use of computer products the score seems more or less settled except for those left twisting in the wind so to speak. Perhaps you see my point. The thoughtless nature of wasting peoples time by a process that causes self-doubt and stress. I`m way out of my league, having little knowledge of either practice (synth or computer).
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Originally posted by mooghead:

Thanks for all the comments...I think I'm going to "settle" for my present set (which is more than enough for an amateur) or try again both the NL3 and the ION.

It seems the Andy may be over my comprehension and rest un-used to its full potential in my hands :(



I know folks who thoroughly enjoy their Porsches yet never take them onto the race track :-)
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Originally posted by Sonic Jeebus:

In fact, you don't need to spend any money to learn to program this way. Most virtual instruments can be had in demo or ripped form for free.

What's the next step? Rob an old lady? Get money for free? Rob a keyboardplayer from his synth! Get yourself an Andromeda for free!


I am not an expert in English but the word "ripped" says it all.


Jeebus, I am having serious problems with your attitude. You simply don't encourage people to steal.

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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If you use cracks, you've essentially told the people who worked for months to create that program - not to mention YEARS developing the skills necessary to do so - that you love their work, and as a result you're going to fuck them up the ass and leave them to starve.
Eloquently stated. :eek::rolleyes:
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Hey Dan, you have some pretty thoughtful opinions about cracked software. I am curious, what do you do when you come across someone, or a studio that you know uses cracked or pirated software? Do you blow your stack, and then call the cops, or do you do something else? This business is very much a social enterprise and I am curious because the protocol of dealing with this is not usually discussed.


Sorry for being offtopic,



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The pseudo-idea that somehow because a computer program is more difficult to use and manage than a portable CD player thus stealing the software is justified, is like saying my pants got a rip in them after five years, so I should just go into The Gap to take a new pair.


When you think this way, you are, simply, a parasite. No more. You deserve the treatment a parasite gets when it is discovered.



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Originally posted by Dan South:

If you want to learn to program, AND if you have a computer, I would suggest a virtual instrument.

I used NATIVE INSTRUMENTS free soft-sinth from the Keyboard Homepage for a while...

I know that I don't like programming, but I want good "analogue" sounds...you say "I want much but I don't want to spend time gaining THE sound...", that's why I like so much piano and hammond... :)

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Everyone has a problem when someone uses cracked software. However, no one seems to have a problem with plunking down cash for software, only to realize that it wasn't what you wanted/expected/needed or that it isn't compatible/working properly/functioning, but yet you can't return it due to the store's no-refunds-on-software policy. Retailers (at least those I frequent) don't treat software the same way as hardware, nor is it supported in the same way.


For the record, I've purchased legitimate copies of Cubase SX and Reason 2.5, as well as other softsynts. I don't know about you, but if I'm going to spend upwards of $300 on a product, I make damn sure I know what I'm getting myself into.

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Another alternative is freeware softsynths. One of the music magazines had a free downloadable softsynth that they used for a series of articles on analog synthesis. Anyone remember which magazine this was, or where to download the synth?


Or do you have any other good freeware synths to suggest that would be a good learning tool for a beginner?

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As is so often the case, this thread has moved off topic to a rant about cracked software and who's getting fucked up the ass worse - the programmer or the consumer. I'd like to pull it back on topic for just a moment. I've paid my MusiciansFriend card back down to a reason level and am seriously thinking about buying the ION.


Alesis seems to have addressed the main objection in the Keyboard magazine review by throwing in a Ineko Stereo Effects Processor. Is there anyone who owns or has played an ION and can comment whether it's worth the $800 I'm ready to drop?

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Originally posted by JimmieWannaB:

As is so often the case, this thread has moved off topic to a rant about cracked software and who's getting fucked up the ass worse - the programmer or the consumer. I'd like to pull it back on topic for just a moment. I've paid my MusiciansFriend card back down to a reason level and am seriously thinking about buying the ION.


Alesis seems to have addressed the main objection in the Keyboard magazine review by throwing in a Ineko Stereo Effects Processor. Is there anyone who owns or has played an ION and can comment whether it's worth the $800 I'm ready to drop?

By my accounts, if they aliasing problem is indeed fixed, the Ion is WELL worth the $800.
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By my accounts, if they aliasing problem is indeed fixed, the Ion is WELL worth the $800.
I'm familiar with aliasing in video and graphics but with synths. I assume it has to do with poor digital transitions from one level to the next. Can someone clarify the term as it pertains to the ION's flaw for me?


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If the sampling rate is not high enough to handle the frequency being sampled, a low frequency distortion is heard. On a VA it sounds like a weird FM effect. Subtle, but there. Not like my old Mirage, whoo boy if you want to hear what aliasing sounds like get one of those babies.


Alesis will fix the problem, but SJ can't let a post about Ion go by without mentioning the aliasing problem. See, a few months back an Ion aliased in the street behind his house and killed his kitten. :( The poor thing's head popped like a grape when the aliasing started, there was nothing anyone could do. So now it's his personal crusade to make sure that no other kittens are smitten by a rouge oscillator. Keep up the good fight, you lone voice in the wilderness. When will they learn? When will they learn.

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Indeed... ;)


Buy an Ion. It sounds fabulous, even with some aliasing in the upper squealy ranges, and with the update, you even get a few more filter types. This is an amazing capability, one of those synths that may never be obsolete as long as Alesis devotes some time to adding things to it. But even if they stop, when did the Minimoog ever become obsolete? A VA with several very accurate vintage filters and a fairly configurable voice? When would it stop being useful?


Oh, make that, buy an Ion, unless you decide to get that Andromeda.

This keyboard solo has obviously been tampered with!
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Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm probably going to place the order this evening.

Oh, make that, buy an Ion, unless you decide to get that Andromeda.
In my dreams. I only have a little over a grand available on the card so $3k for an Andromeda is out. Plus I don't play professionally. I just surround myself with toys and dream. So far the toys include an Alesis QS6.1, a B3 & Leslie 122 and way too many soft synths. I've been controlling NI's FM7 with a PCR50 and I'm anxious to get my hands on a real synth.
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