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Newbie wanker Cubase question . . .


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Man, maybe I should just stick to the acoustic piano and get out of the recording field forever.


I mean, I'm a computer nerd by profession, but I still can't get adept at using Cubase.


Simple question - I'm using a midi note for my "click" metronome (through my Alesis), which is set to tap out a cowbell, during recording. Why does the track record the metronome click?


Also, do I have to have my Alesis set in Mix mode for GM midi to hear the click? I hate the piano sound in that bank, and I would prefer to use on of my user banks. But in the user bank it won't play the click.


ALSO - I can't seem to control the volume of the Audio Click. It's loud as hell!!!!!




Heh, I can't even get past the 'setting up my metronome' stage. Dar :rolleyes:

Amateur Hack
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Sounds like your Alesis has thru set from its midi in to its midi out.


If I were you, I'd go to the midi metronome menu in cubase and set it to use the PC/Mac (you don't say which, but it doesn't matter) sound card output instead. Then, you can easily control its volume, and it will not cause any grief with your Alesis midi recordings. Alternately, you could spend hours fiddling around trying to make the Alesis *not* repeat the metronome midi input on its output...


Don't give up though. Keep trying stuff until it works for you. Cubase, and many of the other recording programs out there are sometimes very frustrating. I think all of us have had problems with their recording s/w at some time or other.


Persevere and you will be rewarded.




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