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Billboard Music Awards tonight - Who's watching it?

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[quote]Originally posted by TheDude: [b]Yeah, well.. that's just like, your opinion man.[/b][/quote]Let me tell YOU something pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash your piece out on the lanes, I will take it away from you, shove it up your ass and pull the trigger till it goes...'click'.
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Regardless, I still like her album. It's got some catchy tunes and I think it is recorded very well, for the times anyway (over compression/limiting). It's the most recent CD I've bought, but I admit it was on sale for $12 in a K-mart that was going out of business. Would've paid $15 for it, though. :)

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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[quote]Originally posted by The Jeebus: [b]Let me tell YOU something pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash your piece out on the lanes, I will take it away from you, shove it up your ass and pull the trigger till it goes...'click'.[/b][/quote]Jesus..
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[quote]Originally posted by Chestnuts riffing on an open fire: [b]Regardless, I still like her album. It's got some catchy tunes and I think it is recorded very well, for the times anyway (over compression/limiting). It's the most recent CD I've bought, but I admit it was on sale for $12 in a K-mart that was going out of business. Would've paid $15 for it, though. :) [/b][/quote]You don't think it sounds overproduced and insincere, like some calculating shmooks got together with some young girl to write some 'hip' songs, recorded some crappy band and then hired some Alsihad 'magicians' to make everything sound 'good'? That's what I got from it anyway. Useful to see what the current 'state of the art' is but nothing I'd listen to for enjoyment. And the sound of AutoTune really does annoy the hell out of me. Guess that's my problem, since even many musicians/engineers don't seem to care/notice.
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Sal, Overproduced? Definitely following the current trend of overcompressing and limiting so, yes. Insincere? No. How sincere can pop be? I just don't expect much sincerity in a pop song. For the other stuff, I don't know how she got her deal and I don't really care that much. Maybe I'm too naive but if she is credited with songwriting then I believe it. The Milli Vanilli songs are still catchy, dance tunes even if those two guys didn't really sing it. I focus in on melodies on songs and that's what connects with me first and foremost. I think some of her songs have good, catchy melodies. Just wondering ... do you like Pearl Jam?

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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I don't know anything about her personal situation (and don't care) BTW, I'm just speaking as someone who listened to the CD. Just in case you think I'm coming in with some kind of bias; I don't even think I've seen what she looks like (also don't care). No, I don't particularly care much for Pearl Jam, why do you ask? I do prefer it to Lavigne though.
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The autotune debate continues........ I hate autotune, but what I hate more are awards shows,(there is like a gazillion of them). They give the average Joe the impression that these people have some how achieved something by either winning , or performing on them. The fact is, every moment of every awards show is bought and payed for. Labels pay big money to get thier artists on them, and perpetuate the illusion of success, or talent. In my humble opinion, that is much more manipulative and dishonest than pich-correction, or any digital trick. Thats why I usually don't watch them.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Some of my friends don't like Pearl Jam b/c they feel they were "manufactured" by the labels - the label grabbed the artists they liked from different Seattle bands to form Pearl Jam - so I'm told. At least you're consistent. :) Again, I like Pearl Jam b/c of their music and I don't care if they were put together by a label. Anyway I thought you knew how Avril got her deal and didn't like her b/c of that, which you're still entitled to feel that way. So, you were just getting a vibe thing. I don't get those kind of vibes. For me, I kinda just like it or don't like it - not too much analysis goes into it.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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I love The "Big Lowbowski" ,my fav film. It is the citizen cain of bowling flicks. Kingpin is good too. I also like the citizen cain of clown flicks...... "shakes the clown" You go Jesus! best, theom PS: I hate averil, but I find autotune useful sometimes, more with bass than vox though.
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What's up with you and Avril, Rif? The girl sucks donkey balls off a Rhino :D . Just f@#$%ing with you, Rif. You know I'm one of those live and listen ;) kind of folk . I did see her perform live once and boy she sounded terrible. I think that was the day the auto-tunamijammie was broken. I'm right with Sal Ami on this one. Sounds super fake to me. Can't feel it for anything, but heh, that's just me. You know of what fucked up artists I'm into, so who really cares. Plus, I hear a lot of folks say it's catchy, to me it's corny. Corny as HELL. After hearing those two released tunes, I came to a revelation. There is a fine line between catchy and corny. Maybe the album is better, but unfortunately I have developed such a huge bias because of my bitter disdain for those released ones that I wouldn't give it a chance. Anyway, different strokes for different folks. Back to topic, yeah I'll probably check out the awards show. Thanks for reminding me. Me and the wife love bitching about the state of music watching those things. It's fun. Now, I'm excited to see Avril's performance, because if she sucks I can start a thread about it just to f&^K with you :D . All in fun and jest. Talk to you soon bro, Lincoln Ross Dead Black Jedis

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


The Buddha's Last Words


R.I.P. RobT

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No prob, Jedi, I know where you live! ;) Actually, I missed the show you were talking about so tonight was the first time seeing her live. Very disheartening, I must say. She couldn't sing in tune well. I know they used AutoTune on her album but somebody had posted they saw her live and she doesn't need AT. Ummm, from what I heard tonight, she needs it. :p Ah well. White Russians all around! Who wants one?

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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1 hour in, and this seems like the superficial freak show that I had expected. Timberlake just got off the stage....and not a moment too soon, either. OY! MTV awards have more class and substance. OOOOOOOOOOOOPS...did I say that?? LOL

Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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Fahgeddaboudit. You should have watched Travis Tritt and Ray Charles last night. There's yer music for ya, and oddly enough I don't go out of my way to listen to either of them. Keep your ears and minds open.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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I don't know much about the awards show or autotune or Avril Lavigne but I want to jump in here and say absolutely yes to The Big Lebowski. That movie actually changed my life. Tell you about it some time... Okay, I'm kind of hijacking this thread a little, but what's your favorite scene/dialog? I super-dig the part where the Dude is in the Police Chief's office and pisses him off so hard that he throws a coffee mug and clocks him with it. "Ow! You Fucking Fascist!" I think I'll rent that movie tonight (3rd or 4th time) and fuhgettabout the awards show. Yeah.
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No probs here. Besides, I'm switching between Billboard and MNF. How come no one got my "White Russians" reference? :( My bass player absolutely loves that movie (he's Polish) and I watched it with him and a bunch of other folks. I confess I didn't love it as much as he does. As far as fav scenes, I would have to say the ones with Tara Reid in them. :drool: :D

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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[quote]Originally posted by timrocker: [b]I don't know much about the awards show or autotune or Avril Lavigne but I want to jump in here and say absolutely yes to The Big Lebowski. That movie actually changed my life. Tell you about it some time... Okay, I'm kind of hijacking this thread a little, but what's your favorite scene/dialog? I super-dig the part where the Dude is in the Police Chief's office and pisses him off so hard that he throws a coffee mug and clocks him with it. "Ow! You Fucking Fascist!" I think I'll rent that movie tonight (3rd or 4th time) and fuhgettabout the awards show. Yeah.[/b][/quote]They're going to cut off my johnson!
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I am hoping this rap shit goes back into the cracks real soon and let the brothers make REAL music...funk/jass/MO-town...and beyond. This shit is a travesty. This awards show is a fucking joke, one sided rap-fest. :mad: ....oh....now NELLY......ARTISTE' of the year.....yeah right.....in terms of making money on the dumbed down public.

Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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