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Another Ridiculous Question here...


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About live keyboard rig with only one sound source.But 2 keyboards. Here are two scenarios.


First scenario:

One keyboard like the Rol-XV88 or Yam-S90 for the piano parts and other related sounds(EP,layers,etc.), and another light weighted controller like a fatar or midiman to play the organ and synth sounds.Easy so far, but, what if I wanna use the controllers on the bigger keyboard (They have things like four pedal inputs,breath controller on the S-90 etc.)to manipulate the sounds played by the little one?Is that possible?


Second scenario:

One light weighted action keyboard being the sound source and the organ and synth sounds player(The synth names above were only examples).And my fatar SL990 to play the piano related sounds.My fatar only has a sustain pedal input so I would need to use the synth's controllers to make changes like, fading in and out a string layer,raising the volume for solos, making the sound brighter.


I think the first scenario is possible because most of those little midi controllers have at least two pedals, although none has breath controller inputs.(never used a breath cont. but I'd love to try)


The second would be tough. But would save me money because I already have an 88,and no matter what people say about Fatars, I love mine.


Thank you.

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I think the second setup is much more practical and easy to setup. It would save you money too, since you already have the Fatar controller.


Since piano seems to be your most important sound, I'd suggest a Motif or Triton with the Steinway Grand board installed.

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The first setup is almost certainly possible with the S90, I do it all the time with my S80 for just the reasons you described. I can have the mod wheel on the S80 control leslie speed on an organ patch being played from the synth controller or route any other controller to a patch that is being played from the secondary keyboard. So it's definitely possible.



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The S80 or Motif (And ROland XV88) make excellent controllers. You can set up 4 zones and apply any number of controllers to any or all of them, and send program and bank changes. I owned a Roland A80 and A90 for years, and while the XV88 is nowhere as clear or ez to program (or as extensive), the Motif is a breeze. It's relatively clear and easy to understand, and is logically laid out (once you learn it, just like the A80 was).
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Thanks for the replies, guys.


So the first setup is possible, according to cg1155. I thought it would be.


But the second would save me money, and some times you don't need to carry a weighted action keyboard with you (rehearsal,etc.).So it's all about the controllers on the 61key synth.I'm doing some research, and it seems most workstations would allow me to do that(keyboard off but controllers on for the piano sound), But I'm looking for a more performance oriented board.(no built-in sequencer,more sounds)

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