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Bin Laden's letter to America

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I understand what you're saying Ron, but I think it is important to reach out to racist, and hateful people who seek to devide us. If we don't then I feel like we'll be nothing more than a part of their problem, an accomplice. like alphajerk said over at the profiling thread, the world is very bad off. Look at all the racism and disrespect on this forum disguised as something jovial. I think our society took a decided step down when we decided that right and wrong, good and evil, and racism and non-racism more commonly known as hate and love were just aspects of being politicaly correct or incorrect. How sick is that. Its very sad when people equate patriotism to humanism, in todays technologicley advanced societey that is the most dangerous and extreme kind of pride. I don't feel like americans are better than anyone else in any other country and should be held to the same standard as the rest of the world, because of this I'm suppose to hate americans? In los Angeles where I'm from about a month or two ago, three people were arrested, 2 male and 1 female. they were arrested for having bombs and bomb material and planning to blow up the largest black methodist church in los angeles, with several thousand members. they belonged to two organizations one for men and one for women, both groups white supremist, and I'm suppose to look at that situation like those people are just people with "bad thoughts", I don't think so. they are no better or worse than ben laden to me and they want the same thing he does. Maybe Alan doesn't think them to be to important because he is white, and their bombs are not meant for him, but I am not white and their bombs will do the same to me that ben ladens will. or what about Louis "the devil" farakhan, wasn't he going to start some race war or other kind of destruction by the year 2000 if his demands were'nt meant? thank god he is a liar and a coward or who knows what he and those who are fueld by his and their own hatred would do. but i'm suppose to take the hatred that he seems to have dedicated his whole life to as something not to be taken seriously. even though thousands of people hang on his every word. again i don't think so. So I hope in the end when all things are said and done that I have'nt actualy wasted any time. It is a dailey struggle though. peace
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I`m sure I`ll get some backlash for this but Israel is an arrogant country and people. They try to set themselves apart with this holier than thou attitude. This arrogance is ignorant and the US supports them simply because they are the most powerful country in the Mid East and we have alot at stake there aka oil. These chosen people will continue their arrogance and America will continue to support it because we too have taken this attitude. The men that run this country are concenred with one thing... their finances. All of these troubles come from greed and ignorance. Arrognace feeds the hate. I don`t claim to have any anwers but just from my observations of a people and a nation (US and Israel), these are my opinions and nothing else. Ernest
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Some people(both sides) weigh in on this please. I just heard that the reason the Afgans(sp) were so good at fighting the Russians in the 1980's was because our CIA back them with Saudi moneys. This would explain alot as far as our "forgiving" attitude toward the Saudi's lately. I dont think Saudi A. will come out before we KICK SADDAMS ASS all over the place, because we left them high and dry in 1992 when we pulled out and left his Hitler like ass in charge. They were his next door neighbor and he was pissed. But, then again 15 of the 19 highjackers were from S.A.. So what gives, any takers.
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Nedal nib Amaso can write? Dooooood.... Anywho, I think war is wrong. It's stupid, and no one should (have to) die over this child's play. I wouldn't fight someone over petty reasoning like we are...we have no clue as to what, if any at all, weapons Hussein has. He might not have any at all, and probably doesn't. As for Osama, what he and his people did was wrong. He may think it's right, but the killing of innocent people is wrong. Now, whether you like this idea or not, some of these people that follow him are innocent. Just by following this guy, they haven't necessarily killed/maimed/otherwise hurt anyone. But since they are followers, let's just nuke them, right? I think this whole thing is completely absurd. Let's just kiss and make up, guys...come on. For once in our 200 something year history, let's focus on domestic issues, get our own country in order, and when all my kids are gone, and their kids are gone, and all the people I've ever known are gone, along with their kids and their kids' kids, then we can start a war. Hell, I don't care of the outcome, I just don't want to be around to see the destruction of mankind. Call me selfish, call me what you want, but in this day and age, you gotta watch out for yourself too.
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[quote] Anywho, I think war is wrong. It's stupid, and no one should (have to) die over this child's play. I wouldn't fight someone over petty reasoning like we are...we have no clue as to what, if any at all, weapons Hussein has. He might not have any at all, and probably doesn't [/quote]I think you have no concept of what is going on right now. No disrespect, but your post is some where between utopia and lala land.
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[quote]Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret: [b] I think I do know what's going on, the only channel my sister watches is CNN.[/b][/quote]You should get you news from more than just CNN. Listen to or watch Fox News, the BBC, NPR, and read some newspapers. You'll not agree with the way things are presented on some of these, but you'll get the picture better if you draw upon multiple sources. Forming opinions from just one source will open your mind and opinion to manipulation.
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CNN- like any network has their own political agendas. I don`t care how much they talk about "responsible and credible sources". There are many sides to every story and the US news takes the US view about 90% of the time so if you want to get a better understanding of a subject you better read some other material besides American papers or TV. For example, America wanted to get involved with WWII way before Pearl Harbor. A neighbor of mine was stationed there when this occurred. Even though US men were killed, the entire base was encouraged to leave the base and stay away for several days. The US knew about the attack and did nothing about it because they need the American people to get angry enough to go to war. I`m not saying we should not have gone, I`m glad we did but you never read this or hear about this in your history books. How many of you knew America used Smallpox on the American Indians? Ernest
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[quote] ernest-somethinerother-@aol.com wrote: [b]How many of you knew America used Smallpox on the American Indians?[/b] [/quote]True nuff. And I never said that the only source I have is CNN, that's my sister. I'll occasionally glance at the headlines on Yahoo!, so I do get my information from more than one source. Anywho, you're missing my point. War is wrong. Thats my point.
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