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" Ashley Judd " Is that really her ?

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[quote]Originally posted by Salma Hayek: [b]You want a dogma shot? I kind of like this one... [/b][/quote]I think you dogma just ran over my karma :eek: :freak: :eek: :love: :love: :love:
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN Diddy: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Salma Hayek: [b]You want a dogma shot? I kind of like this one... [/b][/quote]I think you dogma just ran over my karma :eek: :freak: :eek: :love: :love: :love: [/b][/quote]I love that line.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN Diddy: [b]Wewus is a dork. :freak: [/b][/quote]i just have to reply to this again because - [b]I AM NOT A DORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] I'm really not. I've known some dorks here and there and I used to think............ we should be kind to these people because they're not quite there, but, fact is-------No One pays attention to these people BECAUSE they're, [b]FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]
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So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Enter in light of day, Ask me again, i'm ok. Spank me please once or twice, Kinda sounds like a bunch of mice. Sorry, had to let that out. I need to start writing these little rhymes down, maybe I can become the next [b]P. Daddy[/b] or [i]Emandem[/i] or whatever. Cause those lyrics SUCKED. Anywho, I just want to say that I am the only one that Ashley and Salma are allowed to spank, alright. But everyone can have that next thing (see Quest for the Holy Grail for more info), as long as you're of the [b]3-F[/b] (famous, fine, and female) variety. Go ahead, take your best shot.
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[quote]Originally posted by Ashley Judd: [b] Skip: Filming movies is not a 9 to 5 job, there is plenty of off time during which I explore my musical interests and post on the forum. Ashley[/b][/quote]whoa...Ashley typed back to me-too cool er...um ms.JuddIjustwanttosayIthinkyouarereallybeautifulandtalentedandIhopeyoucanstayaroundherealongtime... great.Now I sound like a total zoid. Maybe I`ll just read about it.
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If Fake Ashley and Fake Salma are women, then I suppose they can carry on the farce and no one will mind. From the things they say, though, I'm pretty sure they're not female. :rolleyes: Which begs the question, who's more whack? Guys who masquerade as actresses or the guys who interact with them as though they were? Granted, I'd enjoy chatting with more chicks on these boards, but I ain't about ta flirt with a guy because he has a famous chick's image in his avatar. That's odd. This place is starting to remind me of the Guitar forum in some strange way. ;)

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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