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Peter Maunu Revisited


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After having heard Peter Maunu's 1990 album (his only solo one??) "Warm Sound in a Gray Field" many years ago, I have always been on the lookout for a copy in new and used CD stores. Couldn't find it anywhere so I finally went directly to Narada and ordered it there. Wow, what a great album! The music is just as fresh as I remembered hearing it years ago. Song 5 (the Dervish) contains some of the most haunting synth pads I have ever heard (plus the beautiful O'Hearn fretless bass).

It just made me think about why such great musicians/composers such as Maunu, Pat O'Hearn, Eddie Jobson and Kit Watkins who make/made music of such substance haven't gained more widespread recognition (or at least more commercial success). Mark Isham, whose early albums I consider to be phenomenal, has gone on to tremendous success as a Hollywood film composer. Unfortunately I can nowadays hardly distinguish an Isham score from any other current film composer's work. I don't know if that has to do with the director/studio wanting a certain "standard" movie soundtrack sound or what. Maybe money and success does corrupt.

It's a pity that Maunu hasn't gone on to output any other solo albums. I feel there is just way too few good "synth"/instrumental albums being recorded today. This is just my personal opinion: I've listened to artists like Chicane and two albums of BT (a friend recommended it) and I feel their stuff is no where near the quality of the afore mentioned artists. I espcially have trouble with the BT stuff. Maybe I'm just out of touch...

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